Browse TRAIL Inventories

Theoretical Analysis of Oscillations in Hovering of Helicopter Blades With Inclined and Offset Flapping and Lagging Hinge Axes

Pressure Distribution and Damping in Steady Roll at Supersonic Mach Numbers of Flat Swept-Back Wing with Subsonic Edges

Effects of an Aging Treatment on Life of Small Cast Vitallium Gas-Turbine Blades

Preliminary Analysis of Problem of Determining Experimental Performance of Air-Cooled Turbine 3: Methods for Determining Power and Efficiency

Preliminary Analysis of Problem of Determining Experimental Performance of Air-Cooled Turbine 1: Methods for Determining Heat-Transfer Characteristics

Preliminary Analysis of Problem of Determining Experimental Performance of Air-Cooled Turbine 2: Methods for Determining Cooling-Air-Flow Characteristics

Downwash in Vortex Region Behind Rectangular Half-Wing at Mach Number 1.91

Static Directional Stability of a Tandem-Helicopter Fuselage

Performance of 4600-Pound-Thrust Centrifugal-Flow-Type Turbojet Engine With Water-Alcohol Injection at Inlet

Dynamic Investigation of Turbine-Propeller Engine Under Altitude Conditions

Chordwise and Spanwise Loadings Measured at a Large Triangular Wing Having an Aspect Ratio of 2 and a Thin, Subsonic-Type Airfoil Section

Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of Methods of Alleviating the Adverse Interference at the Root of a Swept-Back Wing

Analysis of Multiengine Transport Airplane Fire Records

Penetration of Liquid Jets into a High-Velocity Air Stream

Effects of the Lateral Oscillation of Fixing the Rudder and Reflexing the Flaps on the Bell X-1 Airplane

Exploratory Investigation of the Effect of Skewed Plain Nose Flaps on the Low-Speed Characteristics of a Large-Scale Triangular-Wing-Fuselage Model

Low-Speed Static Stability Characteristics of a Canard Model with a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing and a 60 Degree Triangular Horizontal Control Surface

Effect of an End Plate on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 20.55 Degree Sweptback Wing with an Aspect Ratio of 2.67 and a Taper Ratio of 0.5.: Transonic-Bump Method

Determination of Minimum Moments of Inertia of Arbitrarily Shaped Areas, Such as Hollow Turbine Blades

Lateral-Control Investigation at a Reynolds Number of 5,300,000 of a Wing of Aspect Ratio 5.8 Sweptforward 32 Degrees at the Leading Edge

High-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Lateral-Control Model 2: Modified NACA 0012-64 Section with a 26.6-Percent-Chord, Plain, Trailing-Edge Aileron; Wing Unswept and Swept Back 45 Degrees

Calculated Performance of Nuclear Turbojet Powered Airplane at Flight Mach Number of 0.9

A Design Study of Leading-Edge Inlets for Unswept Wings

Pressure Coefficients at Mach Numbers from 0.60 to 0.85 for a Semispan Wing with NACA 0012-64 Section, 20-Percent-Chord Plain Aileron, and 0 Degree and 45 Degree Sweepback

Effect of Retractable Ignition Plug on Plug Fouling by Carbon Deposits

Investigation at a Mach Number of 1.93 to Determine Lift, Drag, Pitching-Moment, and Average Downwash Characteristics for Several Missile Configurations Having Rectangular Wings and Tails of Various Spans

Further Investigation of a Gas Turbine with National Bureau of Standards Body 4811C Ceramic Rotor Blades

Altitude-Chamber Performance of British Roll-Royce Nene II Engine 4: Effect of Operational Variables on Temperature Distribution at Combustion-Chamber Outlets

A Lift-Cancellation Technique in Linearized Supersonic-Wing Theory

On the Theory of the Propagation of Detonation in Gaseous Systems

On the Particular Integrals of the Prandtl-Busemann Iteration Equations for the Flow of a Compressible Fluid

Laws of Flow in Rough Pipes

Investigation of the NACA 3-(3)(05)-05 Eight-Blade Dual-Rotating Propeller at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.925

Investigation of the NACA 4-(4)(06)-057-45a and NACA 4-(4)(06)-57-45b Two-Blade Swept Propellers at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.925

Flight Measurements of Base Pressure on Bodies of Revolution With and Without Simulated Rocket Chambers

Evaluation of Several Adhesives and Processes for Bonding Sandwich Constructions of Aluminum Facings on Paper Honeycomb Core

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Damping Screens

Aerodynamic characteristics at Reynolds numbers of 3.0 x 10(exp 6) and 6.0 x 10(exp 6) of three airfoil sections formed by cutting off various amounts from the rear portion of the NACA 0012 airfoil section

Aerodynamic coefficients for an oscillating airfoil with hinged flap, with tables for a Mach number of 0.7

The aerodynamic forces and moments on a 1/10-scale model of a fighter airplane in spinning attitudes as measured on a rotary balance in the Langley 20-foot free-spinning tunnel

An analysis of base pressure at supersonic velocities and comparison with experiment

Analysis of an induction blowdown supersonic tunnel

Analysis for Control Application of Dynamic Characteristics of Turbojet Engine With Tail-Pipe Burning

Investigation of Boundary-layer Control to Improve the Lift and Drag Characteristics of the NACA 65₂-415 Airfoil Section with Double Slotted and Plain Flaps

Temperature distribution in internally heated walls of heat exchangers composed of noncircular flow passages

Positioning Investigation of Single Slotted Flaps on a 47.7 Degrees Sweptback Wing at Reynolds Numbers of 4.0 X 10(Exp 6) and 6.0 X 10(Exp 6)

Preliminary Empirical Design Requirements for the Prevention of Tumbling of Airplanes Having No Horizontal Tails

Generalization of Boundary-Layer Momentum-Integral Equations to Three-Dimensional Flows Including Those of Rotating System

Damping in Roll of Rectangular Wings of Several Aspect Ratios and Naca 65a-Series Airfoil Sections of Several Thickness Ratios at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds as Determined With Rocket-Powered Models

Hydrodynamic Properties of Planing Surfaces and Flying Boats

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