Browse TRAIL Inventories

Two Factors Influencing Temperature Distributions and Thermal Stresses in Structures

Reductions in Temperature-Recovery Factor Associated With Pulsating Flows Generated by Spike-Nosed Cylinders at a Mach Number of 3.50

Recent Data on Tire Friction During Landing

Structural Design and Engine Evaluation of an Air-Cooled Turbine Blade Composed of Corrugation and a Semistrut for Operation at a Tip Speed of 1200 Feet Per Second

A Study of the Motion and Aerodynamic Heating of Missiles Entering the Earth's Atmosphere at High Supersonic Speeds

Supersonic Free-Flight Measurement of Heat Transfer and Transition on a 10 Degree Cone Having a Low Temperature Ratio

Rocket Thrust Variation With Foamed Liquid Propellants

Rocket-Model Investigation of Hinge-Moments on a Trailing-Edge Control on a 52.5 Degree Swept Wing Between Mach Numbers of 0.70 and 1.80

Pressure Distribution Over a Series of Related Afterbody Shapes as Affected by a Propulsive Jet at Transonic Speeds

Pressure Measurements at Transonic and Low Supersonic Speeds on a Thin Conical Cambered Low-Aspect-Ratio Delta Wing in Combination With Basic and Indented Bodies

Some Ground Measurements of the Forces Applied by Pilots to a Side-Located Aircraft Controller

Some Properties of Wing and Half-Body Arrangements at Supersonic Speeds

Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Static-Pressure Fluctuations in Duct of a Scale Inlet Model of a Supersonic Fighter-Bomber Airplane

Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Static Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics and Drag of a 0.05-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XF8U-3 Airplane : TED No. NACA AD 3133

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Arbitrary Aspect Ratio, Supercavitating Hydrofoils Operating Near the Free Water Surface

Theoretical Determination of Low-Drag Supercavitating Hydrofoils and Their Two-Dimensional Characteristics at Zero Cavitation Number

Theoretical Investigation of the Attack Phase of an Automatic Interceptor System at Supersonic Speeds With Particular Attention to Aerodynamic and Dynamic Representation of the Interceptor

The Use of Cones as Stabilizing and Control Surfaces at Hypersonic Speeds

The Use of Wind Tunnels to Predict Flight Buffet Loads

The Useful Heat Capacity of Several Materials for Ballistic Nose-Cone Construction

Wind-tunnel investigation of a wing-root inlet configuration with various modifications at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.81, and 2.01

A Wide-Frequency-Range Air-Jet Shaker

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Spin on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 60-Millimeter T-24 Mortar Shell With Several Tail-Fin Configurations

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Low-Amplitude Damping in Yaw and Directional Stability of a Fuselage-Tail Configuration at Mach Numbers Up to 1.10

Transonic Investigation of Internal-Flow Characteristics of a Square-Shaped Scoop Inlet Mounted at Three Chordwise Positions Above a High 45 Degree Sweptback Wing and Body Combination

A Transonic Investigation of the Mass-Flow and Pressure Recovery Characteristics of Several Types of Auxiliary Air Inlets

Transonic Investigation of an Axial-Flow Compressor Rotor With a Hub-Tip Ratio of 0.75 and Blades Having NACA A(Sub 2)I(Sub 8b) Mean Lines

Transonic Investigation of Effects of Spanwise and Chordwise External Store Location and Body Contouring on Aerodynamic Characteristics of 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Body Configuration

Transonic Loads Characteristics of a 3-Percent-Thick 60 Degree Delta-Wing-Body Combination

Flight Measurements and Calculations of Wing Loads and Load Distributions at Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds

Status of Spin Research for Recent Airplane Designs

An Investigation of Screens for Removing Distortions in Ducted Flows at High Subsonic Speeds

Application of a Windshield-Display System to the Low-Altitude Bombing Problem

Zero-Lift Drag of a Large Fuselage Cavity and a Partially Submerged Store on a 52.5 Degree Sweptback-Wing-Body Configuration as Determined From Free-Flight Tests at Mach Numbers of 0.7 to 1.53

Effects of Internal-Area Distribution, Spike Translation, and Throat Boundary-Layer Control on Performance of a Double-Cone Axisymmetric Inlet at Mach Numbers From 3.0 to 2.0

Performance Evaluation of Reduced-Chord Rotor Blading as Applied to J73 Two-Stage Turbine 6: Stage Performance With Standard Rotor Blading at Inlet Conditions of 35 Inches of Mercury Absolute and 700 Degrees R

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Static Lateral and Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a 1/62-Scale Model of the X-1E Airplane at Combined Angles of Attack and Sideslip at Supersonic Speeds

Tests of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2: Three Aluminum-Alloy Models and One Steel Model of 20-Inch Chord and Span With Various Internal Structures and Skin Thicknesses

Tests of Aerodynamically Heated Multiweb Wing Structures in a Free Jet at Mach Number 2: Two Aluminum-Alloy Models of 20-Inch Chord With 0.064-Inch-Thick Skin at Angles of Attack of 0 Degree and Plus or Minus 2 Degrees

Tables for the Numerical Determination of the Fourier Transform of a Function of Time and the Inverse Fourier Transform of a Function of Frequency, With Some Applications to Operational Calculus Methods

A Brief Analog Investigation of Inertia Coupling in Rolling Maneuvers of an Airplane Configuration Using a Variable-Incidence Wing as the Longitudinal Control

A Correlation of Results of a Flight Investigation With Results of an Analytical Study of Effects of Wing Flexibility on Wing Strains Due to Gusts

Effect of Boundary Solidity of Planing Lift Obtained in a High-Speed Water Jet With a Single Longitudinal Slot in Each Rigid Boundary

Equations, Tables, and Figures for Use in the Analysis of Helium Flow at Supersonic and Hypersonic Speeds

Evaluation of Several Ram-Jet Combustor Configurations Using Pentaborane Fuel

The Effects at Subsonic Speeds of Wing Fences and a Tail on the Longitudinal Characteristics of a 63 Degree Swept-Wing Fuselage Combination

Effects of Control Profile on the Oscillating Hinge-Moment and Flutter Characteristics of a Flap-Type Control at Transonic Speeds

Effect of Frequency of Sideslipping Motion on the Lateral Stability Derivatives of a Typical Delta-Wing Airplane

Effect of Full-Span Trailing-Edge Elevons on the Transonic Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing-Body Combination Having a 3-Percent-Thick Triangular Wing With 60 Degree Leading-Edge Sweep

Drag of Conical and Circular-Arc Boattail Afterbodies at Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 1.3

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