Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Effects of Inlet-Lip Sweep on the Internal-Flow Characteristics of a Semielliptical Air Inlet With an Inlet-Lip Stagger of 30 Degrees

Investigation of a 0.6 Hub-Tip Radius-Ratio Transonic Turbine Designed for Secondary-Flow Study 1: Design and Experimental Performance of Standard Turbine

Investigation of a High-Performance Axial-Flow Compressor Transonic Inlet Rotor Designed for 37.5 Pounds Per Second Per Square Foot of Frontal Area: Detailed Blade-Element Performance

Calculated Effect of Some Airplane Handling Techniques on the Ground-Run Distance in Landing on Slippery Runways

A Low-Speed Investigation of the Magnus Effects on a Sting-Mounted Model of a Typical Mortar Shell

Annual Report of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (42nd). Administrative Report Including Technical Report Nos. 1254 to 1295

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Circular Cylinder at Mach Number 6.86 and Angles of Attack Up to 90 Degrees

Abnormal grain growth in nickel-base heat-resistant alloys

Abnormal grain growth in M-252 and S-816 alloys

Aerodynamic interference of slender wing-tail combinations

Comparison of Combustion Reactivity of Ethyldecaborane Fuels With Typical Hydrocarbon Fuels on Basis of Spray Flammability Limits of Fuel-Rich Mists and Calculated Lean-Limit Flame Temperatures for Fuel Vapor-Air Systems

A Second-Order Shock-Expansion Method Applicable to Bodies of Revolution Near Zero Lift

Notes on a Large-Scale Statistical Program for the Establishment of Maneuver-Loads Design Criteria for Military Airplanes

A Note on the Ability to Predict Transonic Drag-Rise Changes Due to Model Modifications

Observation of Laminar Flow on an Air-Launched 15 Degree Cone-Cylinder at Local Reynolds Numbers to 50 X 10(Exp 6) at Peak Mach Number of 6.75

Origin and Development of Leading-Edge Cracks in Turbojet Engine Buckets

Performance of Twin-Duct Variable-Geometry Side Inlets at Mach Numbers of 1.5 to 2.0

Preliminary Data at a Mach Number of 2.40 of the Characteristics of Flap-Type Controls Equipped With Plain Overhang Balances

A Preliminary Analysis of the Magnitude of Shock Losses in Transonic Compressors

Experimental Static Aerodynamic Forces and Moments at High Subsonic Speeds on a Missile Model During Simulated Launching From Unswept-, Sweptback-, and Modified-Delta-Wing-Fuselage Combinations at Zero Sideslip

Exploratory Investigation of the Effect of Wing Slots and Leading-Edge Slats on the Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Configuration

Experimental Investigation of the Oscillating Forces and Moments on a Two-Dimensional Wing Equipped With an Oscillating Circular-Arc Spoiler

A Flight and Analog Study of the Effect of Elevating the Radar-Boresight Axis Upon Stability and Tracking Performance of an Automatically Controlled Interceptor

Flight Investigation at Low Angles of Attack to Determine the Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Cruciform Canard Missile Configuration With a Low-Aspect-Ratio Wing and Blunt Nose at Mach Numbers From 1.2 to 2.1

Exploratory Tests of the Behavior of Several Materials in a Supersonic Air Jet at 4,000 Degrees Fahrenheit

Exploratory Investigation of Transpiration Cooling of a 40 Degree Double Wedge Using Nitrogen and Helium as Coolants at Stagnation Temperatures of 1,295 to 2,910 Degrees F

Flight Investigation and Theoretical Calculations of the Fuselage Deformations of a Swept-Wing Bomber During Push-Pull Maneuvers

Experimental Study of Heat Transfer to Small Cylinders in a Subsonic, High-Temperature Gas Stream

Experimental Investigation of Diffuser Pressure-Ratio Control With Shock-Positioning Limit on 28-Inch Ram-Jet Engine

Experimental Investigation of Wing-Aileron Flutter Characteristics of a 1/4-Scale Dynamic Model of the X-1E Airplane

Some Effects of Heat Transfer at Mach Number 2.0 at Stagnation Temperatures Between 2,310 and 3,500 Degrees R on a Magnesium Fin With Several Leading-Edge Modifications

Some Effects of Wing Height on the Vertical-Tail Pressure Distributions of a Complete Model in Sideslip at High Subsonic Speeds

Some Examples of the Applications of the Transonic and Supersonic Area Rules to the Prediction of Wave Drag

Review and Investigation of Unsatisfactory Control Characteristics Involving Instability of Pilot-Airplane Combination and Methods for Predicting These Difficulties From Ground Tests

Similitude Relations for Free-Model Wind-Tunnel Studies of Store-Dropping Problems

Preliminary Investigation of the Combustion of Pentaborane and Diborane in a Turbojet Combustor at Simulated Altitude Conditions

Preliminary Measurements of Atmospheric Turbulence at High Altitude as Determined From Acceleration Measurements on Lockheed U-2 Airplane

Synthesis and Hydrolysis-Rate Studies of Decaborane Derivatives

Pentaborane Combustion Performance in 9.75-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Engine in Connected-Pipe Altitude Facility

Experimental Investigation of Creep Bending and Buckling of Thin Circular Cylindrical Shells

Strength and Ductility of Bainitic Steels

Time-History Data of Maneuvers Performed by a Republic F-84F Airplane During Squadron Operational Training

Tolerable Limits of Oscillatory Accelerations Due to Rolling Motions Experienced by One Pilot During Automatic-Interceptor Flight Tests

Transonic and Supersonic Characteristics of a Horn-Balanced Control With Unbalancing Tab on a 55 Degree Sweptback Wing

Transonic Flight Evaluation of the Effects of Fuselage Extension and Indentation on the Drag of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing Interceptor Airplane

Transonic Flutter Investigation of a Cantilevered, Aspect-Ratio-4, 45 Degree Sweptback, Untapered Wing With Three Different Pylon-Mounted External Store Configurations

Transonic Flutter Investigation of an All-Moveable Horizontal Tail for a Fighter Airplane

Transonic Flutter Investigation of a 64 Degree Delta Wing Constructed With Spars Along Constant-Percent Chord Lines and Streamwise Ribs

Transonic Flutter Investigation of Two 64 Degree Delta Wings With Simulated Streamwise Rib and Orthogonal Spar Construction

Transonic Flutter Investigation of Arrowhead Wing With Tip Ailerons and Trailing-Edge Flaps

Published Year



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