Browse TRAIL Inventories

Statistical Approach to the Estimation of Loads and Pressures on Seaplane Hulls for Routine Operations

Study of Some Burner Cross-Section Changes That Increase Space-Heating Rates

Study of Pressure Distributions on Simple Sharp-Nosed Models at Mach Numbers From 16 to 18 in Helium Flow

Summary of NACA Research on Ignition Lag of Self-Igniting Fuel - Nitric Acid Propellants

Tables of Various Mach Number Functions for Specific-Heat Ratios From 1.28 to 1.38

Appraisal of the Hazards of Friction-Spark Ignition of Aircraft Crash Fires

Investigation of an Air-Cooled, Plug-Type, Variable-Area Exhaust Nozzle

Investigation of the NiAl Phase of Nickel-Aluminum Alloys

A Limited Correlation of Atmospheric Sounding Data and Turbulence Experienced by Rocket-Powered Models

Investigation of the Low-Speed Flight Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Convair XB-58 Airplane: Coord. No. AF-AM-15

Investigation of the Influence of the Boundaries of a High-Speed Free Water Jet on the Planing Lift of a Flat Plate

Experimental Investigation of Water Injection in Subsonic Diffuser of a Conical Inlet Operation at Free-Stream Mach Number of 2.5

Experimental Hinge Moments on Two Freely Oscillating Trailing-Edge Controls Hinged at 55 Percent Control Chord

Experimental Investigation of a Method of Wave-Drag Reduction for Combinations Employing Quasicylindrical Bodies and Swept Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Effect of an Interface on Transient Temperature Distribution in Composite Aircraft Joints

Impact-Loads Investigation of Chine-Immersed Model Having a Circular-Arc Transverse Shape

Hydrogen for Turbojet and Ramjet Powered Flight

Incompressible Flutter Characteristics of Representative Aircraft Wings

Supplementary Investigation in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Douglas F4D-1 Airplane With External Wing Fuel Tanks

Effects of Extreme Surface Cooling on Boundary-Layer Transition

Some Effects of Aileron Deflection on the Static Lateral and Directional Aerodynamic Characteristics of Four Contemporary Airplane Models

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 2: Buckling of Composite Elements

Relation of Currently Estimated ANP Performance to Required ANP Performance

A Thermal System for Continuous Monitoring of Laminar and Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows During Routine Flight

Experimental lift of low-aspect-ratio triangular wings at large angles of attack and supersonic speeds

A Method of Computing the Transient Temperature of Thick Walls From Arbitrary Variation of Adiabatic-Wall Temperature and Heat-Transfer Coefficient

A Method of Computing the Transient Temperature of Thick Walls From Arbitrary Variation of Adiabatic-Wall Temperature and Heat-Transfer Coefficient

A Flight Investigation to Determine the Effectiveness of Mach Number 1.0, 1.2, and 1.41 Fuselage Indentations for Reducing the Pressure Drag of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing Configuration at Transonic and Low Supersonic Speeds

Flight Investigation of Factors Affecting the Choice of Minimum Approach Speed for Carrier-Type Landings of a Swept-Wing Jet Fighter Airplane

Flight Investigation of a Supersonic Propeller on a Propeller Research Vehicle at Mach Numbers to 1.01

High-Pressure Blowing Over Flap and Wing Leading Edge of a Thin Large-Scale 49 Degree Swept Wing-Body-Tail Configuration in Combination With a Drooped Nose and a Nose With a Radius Increase

Low-Speed Cascade Investigation of Thin Low-Camber Naca 65-Series Blade Sections at High Inlet Angles

Measurement of Aerodynamic Heat Transfer to a Deflected Trailing-Edge Flap on a Delta Fin in Free Flight at Mach Numbers From 1.5 to 2.6

Lateral Stability Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 1.7 of Two Rocket-Boosted Models of an Airplane Configuration With a 45 Degree Swept Wing and a Low Horizontal Tail

Investigation of the Low-Speed Performance and Static Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing-Body-Tail Combination With Blowing Over Trailing-Edge Flaps

Investigation of the Low-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/7-Scale Model of the North American X-15 Airplane

Preliminary investigation of the altitude performance of pentaborane and a pentaborane : JP-4 blend in an experimental 9.5-inch-diameter tubular combustor

Ground Effects on the Longitudinal Characteristics of Two Models With Wings Having Low Aspect Ratio and Pointed Tips

Flutter Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing With and Without Inboard Modifications at the Leading and Trailing Edges

Flutter and Divergence of Rectangular Wings of Very Low Aspect Ratio

Free-Flight Aerodynamic-Heating Data to a Mach Number of 15.5 on a Blunted Conical Nose With a Total Angle of 29 Degrees

Heat Transfer Measured on a Flat-Face Cylinder in Free Flight at Mach Numbers Up to 13.9

Horizontal-Tail Parameters as Determined From Flight-Test Tail Loads on a Flexible Swept-Wing Jet Bomber

A General System for Calculating Burning Rates of Particles and Drops and Comparison of Calculated Rates for Carbon, Boron, Magnesium, and Isooctane

Heat Transfer and Boundary-Layer Transition on a Highly Polished Hemisphere-Cone in Free Flight at Mach Numbers Up to 3.14 and Reynolds Numbers Up to 24 X 10(Exp 6)

Heat-Transfer and Pressure Distribution on Six Blunt Noses at a Mach Number of 2

Heat-Transfer and Pressure Measurements From a Flight Test of a 1/18-Scale Model of the Titan Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Up to a Mach Number of 3.95 and Reynolds Number Per Foot of 23 X 10(Exp 6): Coord. No. AF-AM-70

Free-Flight Determination of Boundary-Layer Transition and Heat Transfer for a Hemisphere-Cylinder at Mach Numbers to 5.6

Flight Performance of a 2.8 KS 8100 Cajun Solid-Propellant Rocket Motor

Flutter Investigation on the High Subsonic and Transonic Speed Range on Cantilever Delta-Wing Plan Forms With Leading-Edge Sweepback of 60 Degrees, 53 Degrees 8', and 45 Degrees

Published Year



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