Browse TRAIL Inventories

An Experimental Study at High Subsonic Speeds of Several Tail Configurations on a Model Having a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of the Effects of Various Horizontal Fuselage Forebody Fins on the Directional and Longitudinal Stability of a Complete Model Having a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

The Similarity Rules for Second-Order Subsonic and Supersonic Flow

Sidewash in the Vicinity of Lifting Swept Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Internal Performance of Two-Dimensional Wedge Exhaust Nozzles

On Stokes' Stream Function in Compressible Small-Disturbance Theory

Flight Investigation of the Low-Speed Characteristics of a 35 Degree Swept-Wing Airplane Equipped with an Area-Suction Ejector Flap and Various Wing Leading-Edge Devices

Compressive Stress-Strain Properties of 17-7 PH and AM 350 Stainless-Steel Sheet at Elevated Temperatures

Elliptic Cones Alone and with Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Effects of Horizontal-Tail Position and a Wing Leading-Edge Modification Consisting of a Full-Span Flap and a Partial-Span Chord-Extension on the Aerodynamic Characteristics in Pitch at High Subsonic Speeds of a Model With a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

Investigation of Some Mechanical Properties of Thermenol Compressor Blades

Experimental Investigation of Temperature Feedback Control Systems Applicable to Turbojet-Engine Control

Experimental Comparison of Speed: Fuel-Flow and Speed-Area Controls on a Turbojet Engine for Small Step Disturbances

Flight Investigation of the Transonic Longitudinal and Lateral Handling Qualities of the Douglas X-3 Research Airplane

Investigation at Mach Numbers to 1.04 of Blade-Loading Characteristics of Two Full-Scale Three-Blade Supersonic Propellers Differing in Blade-Section Camber

Tables of Characteristic Functions for Solving Boundary-Value Problems of the Wave Equation with Application to Supersonic Interference

Effects of Some Configuration Changes on Afterburner Combustion Performance

A Semiempirical Correlation of Afterburner Combustion Efficiency and Lean-Blowout Fuel-Air-Ratio Data with Several Afterburner-Inlet Variables and Afterburner Lengths

Flight-Test Investigation on the Langley Control-Line Facility of a Model of a Propeller-Driven Tail-Sitter-Type Vertical-Take-Off Airplane with Delta Wing During Rapid Transitions

Effect of Transient Heating on Vibration Frequencies of Some Simple Wing Structures

Effects of Jet Exhausts on Flight-Determined Longitudinal and Lateral Dynamic Stability Characteristics of the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane

Dynamic Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a Swept-Wing Fighter-Type Airplane at Mach Numbers Between 0.36 and 1.45

Experimental Investigation of a 0.4 Hub-Tip Diameter Ratio Axial-Flow Compressor Inlet Stage at Transonic Inlet Relative Mach Numbers 4: Performance of Tapered-Tip Rotor Configuration with Reset Blade Angles

Instrument Flight Trials with Helicopter Stabilized in Attitude About Each Axis Individually

Three-Degree-of Freedom Evaluation of the Longitudinal Transfer Functions of a Supersonic Canard Missile Configuration Including Changes in Forward Speed

Analysis of Limitations Imposed on One-Spool Ducted-Fan-Engine Designs by Compressors and Turbines at Flight Mach Numbers of 0, 0.6, and 0.8

Experimental Investigation of a Five-Stage Axial-Flow Research Compressor with Transonic Rotors in All Stages 4: Blade-Element Performance

High-Altitude Performance of J71-A-11 Turbojet Engine and Its Components Using JP-4 and Gaseous-Hydrogen Fuels

Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Surface Treatment on the Strength of a Titanium Carbide - 30 Percent Nickel Base Cermet

Some Aspects of Fail-Safe Design of Pressurized Fuselages

Bursting Strength of Unstiffened Pressure Cylinders with Slits

Hinge-Moment and Effectiveness Characteristics of an Aspect-Ratio-8.2 Flap-Type Control on a 60 Degree Delta Wing at Mach Numbers from 0.72 to 1.96

Experimental Investigation of Modified Cast-Cored Blades Having Hollow Tip Sections

Effect of Fluid-System Parameters on Starting Flow

Measurements of Runway Roughness of Four Commercial Airports

Analysis of Static Aeroelastic Behavior of Low-Aspect-Ratio Rectangular Wings

Attenuation in a Shock Tube Due to Unsteady-Boundary-Layer Action

The Mechanism of Thermal-Gradient Mass Transfer in the Sodium Hydroxide-Nickel System

Far Noise Field of Air Jets and Jet Engines

Full-Scale Investigation of Several Jet-Engine Noise-Reduction Nozzles

Elliptic Cones Alone and with Wings at Supersonic Speed

Growth of Disturbances in a Flame-Generated Shear Region

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Subsonic-Flow Fields Beneath Swept and Unswept Wings with Tables or Vortex-Induced Velocities

Effect of Fatigue Crack on Static Strength: 2014-T6, 2024-T4, 6061-T6, 7075-T6 Open-Hole Monobloc Specimens

Some Observations on Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Single Crystals of AZ61X Magnesium Alloy

Some Factors Affecting the Static Longitudinal and Directional Stability Characteristics of Supersonic Aircraft Configurations

Identification of Foreign Objects Damaging Compressor Blades in Turbojet Engines

Propagation of Sound Into a Wind-Created Shadow Zone

Further Experiments on the Stability of Laminar and Turbulent Hydrogen-Air Flames at Reduced Pressures

Wind-Tunnel Flutter Tests at Mach Numbers Up to 3.0 of Boeing Wing Models for Weapons System 110A: Coord. No. AF-AM-108

Published Year



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