Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effects of Free-Stream Reynolds Number, Engine Installation, and Model Scale on Stability Characteristics of a Translating-Spike Inlet at Mach 2.0

Heat-Exchanger-Core Weights for Use With Hydrogen-Expansion Turbine

Hydrogen for Turbojet and Ramjet Powered Flight

Experimental Evaluation of Swirl Can Elements for Hydrogen Fuel Combustor

Performance and Operational Characteristics of Pentaborane Fuel in 48-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Engine

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Wing-Root Inlet Configuration With Various Modifications at Mach Numbers of 1.41, 1.81, and 2.01

Origin and Prevention of Crash Fires in Turbojet Aircraft

Performance Evaluation of Reduced-Chord Rotor Blading as Applied to J73 Two-Stage Turbine

Steady Nuclear Combustion in Rockets

Experimental Static Aerodynamic Forces and Moments at High Subsonic Speeds on a Missile Model During Simulated Launching From the Midsemispan Location of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage-Pylon Combination

The Principles of Turbulent Heat Transfer

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Republic F-105 Inlet with Various Modifications at Mach Numbers 1.41, 1.81, and 2.01

On the Use of the Harmonic Linearization Method in the Automatic Control Theory

Effect of Ground Proximity on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Horizontal-Attitude Jet Vertical-Take-Off-and-Landing Airplane Models

Effect of Ground Proximity on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Four-Engine Vertical-Take-Off-and-Landing Transport-Airplane Model With Tilting Wing and Propellers

Effect of Initial Mixture-Temperature on Burning Velocity of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures With Preheating and Simulated Preburning

Pressure Drag of Axisymmetric Cowls Having Large Initial Lip Angles at Mach Numbers From 1.90 to 3.88

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Random Gust Loads Part 2: Theoretical Formulation of Atmospheric Gust Response Problem

Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Random Gust Loads Part 1: Aerodynamic Transfer Function of a Simple Wing Configuration in Incompressible Flow

Rough-Water Impact-Load Investigation of a Chine-Immersed V-Bottom Model Having a Dead-Rise Angle of 10 Degrees

A Power-Series Solution for the Unsteady Laminar Boundary-Layer Flow in an Expansion Wave of Finite Width Moving Through a Gas Initially at Rest

Stability Limits and Burning Velocities for Some Laminar and Turbulent Propane and Hydrogen Flames at Reduced Pressure

Some Considerations of Hysteresis Effects on Tire Motion and Wheel Shimmy

Stability of Laminar Boundary Layer Near a Stagnation Point Over an Impermeable Wall and a Wall Cooled by Normal Fluid Injection

Physical and Chemical Properties of HEF-2 (NACA Fuel 56Z4)

A Thermocouple Subcarrier Oscillator for Telemetering Temperatures From Pilotless Aircraft

Approximate Calculation of the Compressible Turbulent Boundary Layer With Heat Transfer and Arbitrary Pressure Gradient

A Thermal System for Continuous Monitoring of Laminar and Turbulent Boundary-Layer Flows During Routine Flight

A Study of The "Toss Factor" in the Impact Testing of Cermets by the Izod Pendulum Test

A Study of the Impact Behavior of High-Temperature Materials

A Discussion of Cone and Flat-Plate Reynolds Numbers for Equal Ratios of the Laminar Shear to the Shear Caused by Small Velocity Fluctuations in a Laminar Boundary Layer

An Investigation of the Control Effectiveness of Tip Ailerons and Spoilers on a Low-Aspect-Ratio Trapezoidal-Wing Airplane Model at Mach Numbers From 1.55 to 2.35

Free-Flight Investigation of the Drag of a Model of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing Bomber With Strut-Mounted Siamese Nacelles and Indented Fuselage at Mach Numbers From 0.80 to 1.35

Spontaneous Flammability of Pentaborane and Pentaborane-3-Methylpentane Blends

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 4: Failure of Plates and Composite Elements

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 1: Buckling of Flat Plates

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 5: Compressive Strength of Flat Stiffened Panels

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 2: Buckling of Composite Elements

Reduction of Oxidized Nichrome V Powders and Sintering of Nichrome V Bodies

Handbook of Structural Stability Part 3: Buckling of Curved Plates and Shells

Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of the Use of Low Auxiliary Tail Surfaces Having Dihedral to Improve the Longitudinal and Directional Stability of a T-Tail Model at High Lift

Laminar Boundary Layer With Heat Transfer on a Cone at Angle of Attack in a Supersonic Stream

Thermal Decomposition of Some Group I, II, and III Metal Alkyls

On Subsonic Flow Past a Paraboloid of Revolution

Thermal Stability of a Commercial Propyl Pentaborane (HEF-2) in the Range 147 to 190 Degrees C

Experimental Investigation of Transpiration Cooling for a Turbulent Boundary Layer in Subsonic Flow Using Air as a Coolant

The Sine-Cosine Method for Reducing the Interference Pressure Drag of Sweptback Wings

Full-Scale Investigation of Several Jet-Engine Noise-Reduction Nozzles

Summary of 65-Series Compressor-Blade Low-Speed Cascade Data by Use of the Carpet-Plotting Technique

The Mechanism of Thermal-Gradient Mass Transfer in the Sodium Hydroxide-Nickel System

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