Browse TRAIL Inventories

Analytical investigation of the effect of water injection on supersonic turbojet-engine - inlet matching and thrust augmentation

Analytical study of the comparative pitch-up behavior of several airplanes and correlation with pilot opinion

Calculated and measured stresses in simple panels subject to intense random acoustic loading including the near noise field of a turbojet engine

Cascade investigation of cooling characteristics of a cast-finned air-cooled turbine blade for use in a turboprop engine

A comparison of carrier approach speeds as determined from flight tests and from pilot-operated simulator studies

Comparison of calculated and experimental load distributions on thin wings at high subsonic and sonic speeds

Comparison of effect of a turbojet engine and three cold-flow configurations on the stability of a full-scale supersonicle inlet

Combustor performance of a 16-inch ram jet using gaseous hydrogen as fuel at Mach number 3.0

An analytical investigation of the gust-alleviating properties of a simple pitch damper

Analysis of operational airline data to show the effects of airborne weather radar on the gust loads and operating practices of twin-engine short-haul transport airplanes

Flight tests of a model of a high-wing transport vertical-take-off airplane with tilting wing and propellers and with jet controls at the rear of the fuselage for pitch and yaw control

Comparison of NACA 65-series compressor-blade pressure distributions and performance in a rotor and in cascade

Analysis of experimental low-speed loss and stall characteristics of two-dimensional compressor blade cascades

Analysis of fluorine addition to the vanguard first stage

Analysis of horizontal-tail loads in pitching maneuvers on a flexible swept-wing jet bomber

Characteristics of a 40 degree cone for measuring Mach number, total pressure, and flow angles at supersonic speeds

The combinations of thermal and load stresses for the onset of permanent buckling in plates

Comparison of experimental with theoretical total-pressure loss in parallel-walled turbojet combustors

Component performance investigation of J71 experimental turbine VII: effect of first-stator adjustment; over-all performance of J71 turbine with 87-percent-design stator area

Compressible laminar boundary layer over a yawed infinite cylinder with heat transfer and arbitrary Prandtl number

Bonded lead monoxide films as solid lubricants for temperatures up to 1250 F

Boundary-layer transition at Mach 3.12 as affected by cooling and nose blunting

Effect of overheating on creep-rupture properties of S-816 alloy at 1,500 F

Expected numbers of maxima and minima of a stationary random process with non-Gaussian frequency distribution

Experimental and calculated histories of vaporizing fuel drops

Wind-tunnel technique for simultaneous simulation of external flow field about nacelle inlet and exit airstreams at supersonic speeds

Design and experimental evaluation of a light-weight turbine-wheel assembly

Effects of leading-edge blunting on the local heat transfer and pressure distributions over flat plates in supersonic flow

The effect of forward-flight speed on the propulsive characteristics of a pulse-jet engine mounted on a helicopter rotor

Effect of frequency and temperature on fatigue of metals

Effect of propeller location and flap deflection on the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing-propeller combination for angles of attack from 0 degrees to 80 degrees

Effects of thermal relaxation and specific-heat changes on measurements with a pneumatic-probe pyrometer

Experimental investigation of several afterburner configurations on a J79 turbojet engine

The use of pure twist for drag reduction on arrow wings with subsonic leading edges

Estimation of compressible boundary-layer growth over insulated surfaces with pressure gradient

Estimation of incremental pitching moments due to trailing-edge flaps on swept and triangular wings

Experimental determination at subsonic speeds of the oscillatory and static lateral stability derivatives of a series of delta wings with leading-edge sweep from 30 to 86.5 degrees

Experimental investigation of flow fields at zero sideslip near swept- and unswept-wing-fuselage combinations at low speed

An experimental and theoretical study of the effect of fuel on pitching-translation flutter

Experimental and theoretical aerodynamic characteristics of two low-aspect-ratio delta wings at angles of attack to 50 degrees at a Mach number of 4.07

Experimental investigation of lift, drag, and pitching moment of five annular airfoils

Experimental investigation of cermet turbine blades in an axial-flow turbojet engine

Experimental investigation of deposition by boron-containing fuels in turbojet combustor

Experimental investigation of ejector-nozzle metal temperatures

The aerodynamic characteristics of a body in the two-dimensional flow field of a circular-arc wing at a Mach number of 2.01

Flight measurements of boundary-layer temperature profiles on a body of revolution (NACA RM-10) at Mach numbers from 1.2 to 3.5

Some experimental studies of panel flutter at Mach number 1.3

Supplementary investigation in the Langley 20-foot free-spinning tunnel of a 1/20-scale model of the Douglas F4D-1 airplane with external wing fuel tanks : TED No. NACA AD 3116

Supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of a low-drag aircraft configuration having an arrow wing of aspect ratio 1.86 and a body of fineness ratio 20

Results of an investigation at high subsonic speeds to determine lateral-control and hinge-moment characteristics of a spoiler-slot-deflector configuration on a 35 degree sweptback wing

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