Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Permeability variation of a taper-rolled wire cloth
Fatigue-crack propagation and residual static strength of built-up structures
Charts for the analysis of flow in a whirling duct
Experimental investigation of the simulation of atmospheric entry of ballistic missiles
Effects of airplane flexibility on wing bending strains in rough air
The effects of boundary-layer separation over bodies of revolution with conical tail flares
Exploratory study of ground proximity effects on thrust of annular and circular nozzles
Heat transfer and boundary-layer transition on two blunt bodies at Mach numbers 3.12
Heat-exchanger-core weights for use with hydrogen expansion turbine
The heat of combustion of tetraethyldiborane
Investigation of a nonlinear control system
Investigation of a nonlinear control system
Recent research on the creep of airframe components
Effect of fiber orientation on ball failures under rolling-contact conditions
Effect of crystal orientation on fatigue-crack initiation in polycrystalline aluminum alloys
Arrangements of jet engine and airframe for increased range
Effect of fuel properties on liner temperatures in a single tubular turbojet combustor
Creep behavior of structural joints of aircraft materials under constant loads and temperatures
Creep deformation patterns of joints under bearing and tensile loads
Drop burning rates of hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon fuels
Effect of lubricant viscosity on rolling-contact fatigue life
Effect of overheating on creep-rupture properties of HS-31 alloy at 1,500 F