Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Supersonic Flow Around Circular Cones at Angles of Attack
Statistical Explanation of Spontaneous Freezing of Water Droplets
Investigations of Slot Configurations for Film-Cooled Turbine Blades by Flow Visualization Methods
The Effect of Ice Formations on Propeller Performance
A Transformation Theory of the Partial Differential Equations of Gas Dynamics
Performance and Load-Range Characteristics of Turbojet Engine in Transonic Speed Range
Multiple-Film Back-Reflection Camera for Atomic Strain Studies
Some Conical and Quasi-Conical Flows in Linearized Supersonic-Wind Theory
The Stability of the Compression Cover of Box Beams Stiffened by Posts
Rise of Air Bubbles in Aircraft Lubricating Oils
Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Adiabatic Turbulent Flow in Smooth Tubes
Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Aluminum-Alloy 75S-T6 Sheet
Charts of Airplane Acceleration Ratio for Gusts of Arbitrary Shape
Calculation of Transonic Flows Past Thin Airfoils by Integral Method
On the Continuation of a Potential Gas Flow Across the Sonic Line
Variation With Temperature of Surface Tension of Lubricating Oils
Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Alclad Aluminum-Alloy 24S-T86 Sheet
The Effect of End Plates on Swept Wings at Low Speed
A Comparison of the Lateral Controllability with Flap and Plug Ailerons on a Sweptback-Wing Model
Sonic-Flow-Orifice Temperature Probe for High-Gas-Temperature Measurements
Calculated Engine Performance and Airplane Range for Variety of Turbine-Propeller Engines
Compressibility Correction for Turning Angles of Axial-Flow Inlet Guide Vanes
Effect of Heat-Capacity Lag on a Variety of Turbine-Nozzle Flow Processes