Browse TRAIL Inventories

Supersonic Flow Around Circular Cones at Angles of Attack

A General Integral Form of the Boundary-Layer Equation for Incompressible Flow With an Application to the Calculation of the Separation Point of Turbulent Boundary Layers

Further Experimental Studies of Area Suction for the Control of the Laminar Boundary Layer on a Porous Bronze NACA 64A010 Airfoil

Statistical Explanation of Spontaneous Freezing of Water Droplets

Tabulated Pressure Coefficients and Aerodynamic Characteristics Measured in Flight on the Wing of the Douglas D-558-I Airplane for a 1 g Stall, a Speed Run to a Mach Number of 0.90, and a Wind-Up Turn at a Mach Number of 0.86

Investigations of Slot Configurations for Film-Cooled Turbine Blades by Flow Visualization Methods

The Effect of Ice Formations on Propeller Performance

Turning-Angle Design Rules for Constant-Thickness Circular-Arc Inlet Guide Vanes in Axial Annular Flow

Theoretical Lift and Damping in Roll of Thin Sweptback Tapered Wings With Raked-in and Cross-Stream Wing Tips at Supersonic Speeds: Subsonic Leading Edges

A Transformation Theory of the Partial Differential Equations of Gas Dynamics

Results of Shear Fatigue Tests of Joints With 3/16-Inch-Diameter 24S-T31 Rivets in 0.064-Inch-Thick Alclad Sheet

A Balsa-Dust Technique for Air-Flow Visualization and Its Application to Flow Through Model Helicopter Rotors in Static Thrust

Comparison of the Experimental Pressure Distribution on an NACA 0012 Profile at High Speeds With That Calculated by the Relaxation Method

The Spanwise Distribution of Lift for Minimum Induced Drag of Wings Having a Given Lift and a Given Bending Moment

Performance and Load-Range Characteristics of Turbojet Engine in Transonic Speed Range

Application of the Laplace Transformation to the Solution of the Lateral and Longitudinal Stability Equations

Linearized Supersonic Axially Symmetric Flow About Open-Nosed Bodies Obtained by Use of Stream Function

Multiple-Film Back-Reflection Camera for Atomic Strain Studies

Design and Applications of Hot-Wire Anemometers for Steady-State Measurements at Transonic and Supersonic Airspeeds

A General Integral Form of the Boundary-Layer Equation for Incompressible Flow With an Application to the Calculation of the Separation Point of Turbulent Boundary Layers

Formulas and Tables of Coefficients for Numerical Differentiation With Function Values Given at Unequally Spaced Points and Application to Solution of Partial Differential Equations

Formulas and Charts for the Supersonic Lift and Drag of Flat Swept-Back Wings With Interacting Leading and Trailing Edges

Theoretical Calculations of the Lateral Force and Yawing Moment Due to Rolling at Supersonic Speeds for Sweptback Tapered Wings With Streamwise Tips: Subsonic Leading Edges

Some Conical and Quasi-Conical Flows in Linearized Supersonic-Wind Theory

The Stability of the Compression Cover of Box Beams Stiffened by Posts

Some Effects of Nonlinear Variation in the Directional-Stability and Damping-in-Yawing Derivatives on the Lateral Stability of an Airplane

Rise of Air Bubbles in Aircraft Lubricating Oils

Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Adiabatic Turbulent Flow in Smooth Tubes

Charts for Estimating Downwash Behind Rectangular, Trapezoidal, and Triangular Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Aluminum-Alloy 75S-T6 Sheet

Charts of Airplane Acceleration Ratio for Gusts of Arbitrary Shape

Calculation of Transonic Flows Past Thin Airfoils by Integral Method

On the Continuation of a Potential Gas Flow Across the Sonic Line

Review of Literature Pertinent to Fire-Extinguishing Agents and to Basic Mechanisms Involved in Their Action

A Theoretical Analysis of Elastic Vibrations of Fixed-Ended and Hinged Helicopter Blades in Hovering and Vertical Flight

Velocity Distribution on Wing Sections of Arbitrary Shape in Compressible Potential Flow 3: Circulatory Flows Obeying the Simplified Density-Speed Relation

Variation With Temperature of Surface Tension of Lubricating Oils

A Study of Water Pressure Distribution During Landings with Special Reference to a Prismatic Model Having a Heavy Beam Loading and a 30 Degree Angle of Dead Rise

Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Alclad Aluminum-Alloy 24S-T86 Sheet

The Effect of End Plates on Swept Wings at Low Speed

A Comparison of the Lateral Controllability with Flap and Plug Ailerons on a Sweptback-Wing Model

Development and Preliminary Investigation of a Method of Obtaining Hypersonic Aerodynamic Data by Firing Models Through Highly Cooled Gases

Free-Flight-Tunnel Investigation of Dynamic Longitudinal Stability as Influenced by the Static Stability Measured in Wind-Tunnel Force Tests Under Conditions of Constant Thrust and Constant Power

Sonic-Flow-Orifice Temperature Probe for High-Gas-Temperature Measurements

Calculated Engine Performance and Airplane Range for Variety of Turbine-Propeller Engines

Measurements of Section Characteristics of a 45 Degree Swept Wing Spanning a Rectangular Low-Speed Wind Tunnel as Affected by the Tunnel Walls

Compressibility Correction for Turning Angles of Axial-Flow Inlet Guide Vanes

Pressure Distribution and Damping in Steady Pitch at Supersonic Mach Numbers of Flat Swept-Back Wings Having All Edges Subsonic

Effect of Heat-Capacity Lag on a Variety of Turbine-Nozzle Flow Processes

Foaming of Mixtures of Pure Hydrocarbons

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