Browse TRAIL Inventories

Theoretical analysis of one-stage windmills for reducing flow distortion

Drop-size distribution for cross current breakup of liquid jets in airstreams

High-altitude performance investigation of J65-B-3 turbojet engine with both JP-4 and gaseous hydrogen fuels

An investigation of high-temperature vacuum and hydrogen furnace brazing

Interface thermal conductance of twenty-seven riveted aircraft joints

Experimentally determined natural vibration modes of some cantilever-wing flutter models by using an acceleration method

Experimental investigation of effects of simulated nacelles and wing-root freedoms on supersonic flutter characteristics of a cambered, modified, swept, tapered wing

Investigation of a full-scale, cascade-type thrust reverser

Investigation of a high-performance top inlet to Mach number of 2.0 and at angles of attack to 20 degrees

Investigation of a continuous normal-shock positioning control for a translating-spike supersonic inlet in combination with J34 turbojet engine

Investigation of a short-annular-diffuser configuration utilizing suction as a means of boundary-layer control

An integral solution to the flat-plate laminar boundary-layer flow existing inside and after expansion waves and after shock waves moving into quiescent fluid with particular application to the complete shock-tube flow

Influence of turbulence on transfer of heat from cylinders

Initial performance investigation of pentaborane fuel in free-flight ram-jet engine

Injection principles for liquid oxygen and heptane using nine-element injectors in an 1800-pound-thrust rocket engine

An investigation of flow in circular and annular 90 degrees bends with a transition in cross section

Investigation of translating-double-cone axisymmetric inlets with cowl projected areas 40 and 20 percent of maximum at Mach numbers from 3.0 to 2.0

An investigation of wing-body juncture interference effects at transonic speeds for several swept-wing and body combinations

Investigation of turbines suitable for use in a turbojet engine with high compressor pressure ratio and low compressor-tip speed VIII : internal flow conditions of a two-stage turbine with a downstream stator

Investigation of variation in base pressure over the Reynolds number range in which wake transition occurs for nonlifting bodies of revolution at Mach numbers from 1.62 to 2.62

Investigation of rotating stall in a single-stage axial compressor

Investigation of separated flows in supersonic and subsonic streams with emphasis on the effect of transition

Investigation of static longitudinal stability characteristics at transonic speeds of 30 degree sweptback wing in wing-body configuration with and without horizontal tail

Investigation of symmetric body indentations designed to reduce the transonic zero-lift wave drag of a 45 degree swept wing with an NACA 64A006 section and with a thickened leading-edge section

Measurements of lift fluctuations due to turbulence

A method for predicting lift increments due to flap deflection at low angles of attack in incompressible flow

Measurements of the nonlinear variation with temperature of heat-transfer rate from hot wires in transonic and supersonic flow

Survey of hydrogen combustion properties

Approximate solution for streamlines about a lifting rotor having uniform loading and operating in hovering or low-speed vertical-ascent flight conditions

Some operating experience and problems encountered during operation of a free-jet facility

Effectiveness at transonic speeds of flap-type ailerons for several spanwise locations on a 4-percent-thick sweptback-wing-fuselage model with and without tails

Evaluation of hydrogen fuel in a full-scale afterburner

Origin and prevention of crash fires in turbojet aircraft

Performance of an impulse-type supersonic-compressor rotor having a mean turning of 114 degrees

Performance of external-compression bump inlet at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0

Nonmetallic Material Compatibility with Liquid Fluorine

Nonuniformities in shock-tube flow due to unsteady-boundary-layer action

Noise survey of a full-scale supersonic turbine-driven propeller under static conditions

The use of a leading-edge area-suction flap and leading-edge modifications to improve the high-lift characteristics of an airplane model with a wing of 45 degree sweep and aspect ratio 2.8

Investigation of mass-flow and pressure recovery characteristics of several underslung scoop-type inlets at free-stream Mach numbers of 2.0, 1.8, 1.5, and 0.66

Preliminary evaluation of pentaborane in a 1/4-sector of an experimental annular combustor

Problem of slip flow in aerodynamics

Preliminary indications of the cooling achieved by ejecting water upstream from the stagnation point of hemispherical, 80 degree conical, and flat-faced nose shapes at a stagnation temperature of 4,000 F

Pressure distribution induced on a flat plate by a supersonic and sonic jet exhaust at a free-stream Mach number of 1.80

Relation of currently estimated ANP performance to required ANP performance

Lift and moment responses to penetration of sharp-edged traveling gusts, with application to penetration of weak blast waves

Lateral-directional aerodynamic characteristics of several coplanar triple-body missile configurations at Mach numbers from 0.6 to 1.4

Leading-edge contours for thin swept wings : an analysis of low-and high-speed data

Loads implications of gust-alleviation systems

Longitudinal and lateral stability and control characteristics of two canard airplane configurations at Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01

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