Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of the effects of propeller diameter on the ability of a flapped wing, with and without boundary-layer control, to deflect a propeller slipstream downward for vertical take-off

High altitude performance investigation of J65-B-3 turbojet engine with both JP-4 and gaseous hydrogen fuels

Interference effects of fuselage-stored missiles on inlet duct model of an interceptor-type aircraft at Mach numbers 1.5 to 1.9

Experimental investigation of effects of simulated nacelles and wing-root freedoms on supersonic flutter characteristics of a cambered, modified, swept, tapered wing

Design and performance of flight-type liquid-hydrogen heat exchanger

Experimental Investigation of Effects of Combustion-chamber Length and Inlet Total Temperature, Total Pressure, and Velocity on Afterburner Performance

Altitude free-jet investigation of dynamics of a 28-inch-diameter ram-jet engine

Altitude chamber evaluation of an aircraft liquid hydrogen fuel system used with a turbojet engine

Reaction of fluorine with carbon as a means of fluorine disposal

Investigation of Heat Transfer from a Stationary and Rotating Conical Forebody

Experimental Droplet Impingement on Four Bodies of Revolution

Free-Flight Skin Temperature and Pressure Measurements on a Slightly Blunted 25 Deg Cone-Cylinder-Flare Configuration to a Mach Number of 9.89

Statistical Study of Aircraft Icing Probabilities at the 700- and 500- Millibar Levels over Ocean Areas in the Northern Hemisphere

Effects of Some Configuration Changes on Afterburner Combustion Performance

Boundary-Layer-Transition and Heat-Transfer Measurements from Flight Tests of Blunt and Sharp 50 Degree Cones at Mach Numbers from 1.7 to 4.7

An Investigation at Low Speed of the Spin Instability of Mortar-Shell Tails

A Study of Injection Processes for 15-percent Fluorine-85- Percent Oxygen and Heptane in a 200-pound-thrust Rocket Engine

Experimental investigation of effects of moderate sideslip on the flow fields near a 45 degree swept-wing-fuselage combination at low speed

Summary of scale-model thrust-reverser investigation

Relation of Turbojet and Ramjet Combustion Efficiency to Second-Order Reaction Kinetics and Fundamental Flame Speed

Heat of Combustion of the Product Formed by the Reaction of Acetylene and Diborane (LFPL-CZ-3)

Comparison of the Combustion Performance of Shell UMF, Grade C, MIL-F-5624C, Grade JP-5, Fuels in a Heavy-Duty XRJ47-W-9 Ram-Jet Engine

Endurance Evaluation of Sintered, Porous, Strut-Supported Turbine Blades made by Federal-Mogul-Bower-Bearings, Incorporated, under Bureau of Aeronautics Contract NOas 55-124-C

Two-dimensional airfoil characteristics of four NACA 6A-series airfoils at transonic Mach numbers up to 1.25

Minimum wave drag for arbitrary arrangements of wings and bodies

Seat Design for Crash Worthiness

An analysis of the effects of aeroelasticity on static longitudinal stability and control of a swept-wing airplane

On flow of electrically conducting fluids over a flat plate in the presence of a transverse magnetic field

Some effects of bluntness on boundary-layer transition and heat transfer at supersonic speeds

Three-dimensional transonic flow theory applied to slender wings and bodies

Flight investigation of the effectiveness of an automatic aileron trim control device for personal airplanes

A variational theorem for creep with applications to plates and columns

On panel flutter and divergence of infinitely long unstiffened and ring-stiffened thin-walled circular cylinders

Extended operation of turbojet engine with pentaborane

Cloud-droplet ingestion in engine inlets with inlet velocity ratios of 1.0 and 0.7

Effect of fuel variables on carbon formation in turbojet-engine combustors

Investigation of two-stage air-cooled turbine suitable for flight at Mach number of 2.5 2: blade design

Internal Performance of Several Divergent-Shroud Ejector Nozzles with High Divergence Angles

Investigation of ejection release characteristics of bluff TX-28 and turnabout TX-28 stores from a 1/17-scale simulated bomb bay of the Republic F-105 airplane at Mach numbers of 1.39 and 1.98 : COORD. No. AF-222

Investigation of ejection releases of an MB-1 rocket from a 0.04956-scaled model of the Convair F-106A airplane at several Mach numbers and simulated attitudes : COORD. No. AF-AM-57

Investigation of ejection releases of an MB-1 rocket from a 0.04956-scaled model of the Convair F-106A airplane at Mach number 1.59 : COORD. No. AF-AM-57

Exploratory investigation of static- and base-pressure increases resulting from combustion of aluminum borohydride adjacent to body of revolution in supersonic wing tunnel

Flight-determined static lateral stability and control characteristics of a swept-wing fighter airplane to a Mach number of 1.39

Flight data pertinent to buffeting and maximum normal-force coefficient of the Douglas X-3 research airplane

Flight-determined induction-system and surge characteristics of the YF-102 airplane with a two-spool turbojet engine

Comparison of low-lift drag at Mach numbers from 0.74 to 1.37 of rocket-boosted models having externally braced wings and cantilever wings

Flight evaluation of the lateral stability and control characteristics of the Convair YF-102 airplane

A flight study of longitudinal-control-system dynamic characteristics by the use of a variable-control-system airplane

Flow-turning losses associated with zero-drag external-compression supersonic inlets

Free-jet tests of a 1.1-inch-diameter supersonic ram-jet engine

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