Browse TRAIL Inventories

A Semiempirical Procedure for Estimating Wing Buffet Loads in the Transonic Region

A Semigraphical Method for the Determination of the Rolling Characteristics of Rolleron-Equipped Missiles

Pressure Distributions on Four Canopy-Fuselage Configurations at Transonic Speeds

Some Effects of Sweep and Aspect Ratio on the Transonic Flutter Characteristics of a Series of Thin Cantilever Wings Having a Taper Ratio of 0.6

Some Effects of Sweep and Thickness on the Experimental Downwash Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a Series of Highly Tapered Wings With an Aspect Ratio of 3: Transonic Bump Method

Some Notes on the Violent Lateral-Longitudinal Coupling Motions of the Douglas X-3 Airplane in Aileron Rolls

The Static and Dynamic-Rotary Stability Derivatives at Subsonic Speeds of an Airplane Model With an Unswept Wing and a High Horizontal Tail

A Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Store and Horizontal-Tail Loads and Some Effects of Fuselage-Afterbody Modifications on a Swept-Wing Fighter Airplane

Use of Shadowgraph Technique in the Analysis of the Performance of Two Supersonic Axial-Flow Compressor Rotors Operating Over a Mean Radius Relative Inlet Mach Number Range of 0.85 to 1.7

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Ram-Jet Model Having a Wing and Canard Surfaces of Delta Plan Form With 70 Degrees Swept Leading Edges: Force and Moment Characteristics at Combined Angles of Pitch and Sideslip for Mach Number 2.01

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High Subsonic Speeds of Some Effects of Fuselage Cross-Section Shape and Wing Height on the Static Longitudinal and Lateral Stability Characteristics of a Model Having a 45 Degree Swept Wing

The Variation With Wing Aspect Ratio of Flap Effectiveness on Thin Rectangular Wings at Transonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of Effects of Sideslip on Static Longitudinal Trim and Static Lateral Stability Characteristics of Three Fighter-Type Airplane Models

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Mach Numbers From 0.8 to 1.4 of Static Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Characteristics of an Unswept-Wing Airplane Model

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Transonic Speeds of a Jet Control on a 35 Degree Swept Wing: Transonic-Bump Method

A Transonic Investigation of Changing Indentation Design Mach Number on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback-Wing-Body Combination Designed for High Performance

Transonic Investigation of the Effectiveness and Loading Characteristics of a Flap-Type Aileron With and Without Paddle Balances of an Unswept-Wing-Fuselage Model

Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Static Longitudinal Force and Moment Characteristics of Two Wing-Body Combinations With Clipped-Tip and Full Delta Wings of Aspect Ratio 1.73

A Transonic Investigation of the Static Longitudinal-Stability Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Fuselage Combination With and Without Horizontal Tail

Transonic Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of a Heated Propulsive Jet on the Pressure Distribution Along a Fuselage Overhang

Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Interference Effects on the Damping in Roll of the Bell X-1A Research Airplane at Supersonic Speeds (Including Canopy Shape Effects)

A Method of Reducing Heat Transfer to Blunt Bodies by Air Injection

Wing-Body Combinations With Wings of Very Low Aspect Ratio at Supersonic Speeds

The Effects of Compressibility on the Upwash at the Propeller Planes of a Four-Engine Tractor Airplane Configuration Having a Wing With 40 Degrees of Sweepback and an Aspect Ratio of 10

Zero-Lift Drag of a Series of Bomb Shapes at Mach Numbers From 0.60 to 1.10

The Origin and Distribution of Supersonic Store Interference From Measurement of Individual Forces on Several Wing-Fuselage-Store Configurations 5: Swept-Wing Heavy-Bomber Configuration With Large Store (Nacelle). Mach Number 2.01

Acoustics of a Nonhomogeneous Moving Medium

Investigation of Lateral Control Near the Stall: Analysis for Required Longitudinal Trim Characteristics and Discussion of Design Variables

Performance of Pentaborane, Pentaborane - JP-4 Fuel Mixtures, and Trimethylborate Azeotrope Fuel in a Full-Scale Turbojet Engine

Wind-Tunnel Measurements of Wing Buffeting on 1/16-Scale Model of Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane

A Brief Investigation of the Effect of Waves on the Take-Off Resistance of a Seaplane

Conversion of Inviscid Normal-Force Coefficients in Helium to Equivalent Coefficients in Air for Simple Shapes at Hypersonic Speeds

Crash Injury

Effect of Pressure on the Spontaneous Ignition Temperature of Liquid Fuels

Effect of Blade-Section Camber on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Full-Scale Supersonic-Type Propellers at Mach Numbers to 1.04

Elevated-Temperature Fatigue Properties of Two Titanium Alloys

Effects of a Straightening Operation on Performance of Inconel 550 Buckets

Effects of Rocket-Armament Exhaust Gas on the Performance of a Supersonic-Inlet J34-Turbojet-Engine Installation at Mach 2.0

Effect of Inlet-Guide-Vane Angle on Blade Vibration and Rotating Stall of 13-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor in Turbojet Engine

Effect of Inlet-Guide-Vane Angle on Performance Characteristics of a 13-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor in a Turbojet Engine

The Effect of Trailing-Edge Bluntness on the Performance of a Small-Scale Supersonic Propeller at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.92

Experimental Evaluation of Gaseous Hydrocarbon Fuel in a 16-Inch-Diameter Ram-Jet Engine

The Effect of External Stiffening Ribs on the Rolling Power of Ailerons on a Swept Wing

Determination of the Structural Damping Coefficients of Six Full-Scale Helicopter Rotor Blades of Different Materials and Methods of Construction

Dynamic Model Investigation of Two Tail-Sitter Vertically Rising Airplanes to Determine the Altitude Required to Approach Normal Flight Conditions Under Power Failure in Hovering Flight

Analysis of a Form of Peak Holding Control

Combined Effects of Wing Taper and Low Horizontal-Tail Position on Longitudinal Stability of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing-Body Combination at Transonic Speeds

Comparison With Theory of Landing Impacts of a Model of a Seaplane Incorporating a Hydro-Ski With and Without a Shock Absorber

The Design of Brittle-Material Blade Roots Based on Theory and Rupture Tests of Plastic Models

Boundaries of Supersonic Axisymmetric Free Jets

Published Year



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