Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flight Measurements of the Vibratory Bending and Torsion Stress of a Supersonic-Type Propeller for Flight Mach Numbers Up to 0.95

Force and Pressure-Distribution Measurements at a Mach Number of 3.12 of Slender Bodies Having Circular, Elliptical, and Triangular Cross Sections and the Same Longitudinal Distribution of Cross-Sectional Area

Flutter of Thin Propeller Blades, Including Effects of Mach Number, Structural Damping, and Vibratory-Stress Measurements Near the Flutter Boundaries

Investigation at Transonic Speeds of the Effects of Inlet Lip Stagger on the Internal-Flow Characteristics of an Unswept Semielliptical Air Inlet

Investigation of a 1/22-Scale Model of the Republic F-105 Airplane in the Langley 8-Foot Transonic Tunnel: Static Longitudinal Stability and Control and Performance Characteristics at Transonic Speeds

Investigation at Supersonic Speeds of the Variation With Reynolds Number and Mach Number of the Total, Base, and Skin-Friction Drag of Seven Boattail Bodies of Revolution Designed for Minimum Wave Drag

The results of wind-tunnel tests to a Mach number of 0.90 of a four-engine, propeller-driven airplane configuration having a wing with 40 degrees of sweepback and an aspect ratio of 10

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effect of Nose Ring Spoilers on a Low-Speed Slowly Spinning Fin-Stabilized Rocket

Flight Tests of Fifteen T-231 Gun-Launched Rocket Projectiles

The Accuracy of the Substitute-Stringer Approach for Determining the Bending Frequencies of Multistringer Box Beams

Analysis of a spin and recovery from time histories of attitudes and velocities as determined for a dynamic model of a contemporary fighter airplane in the free-spinning tunnel

Aerodynamic characteristics and flying qualities of a tailless triangular-wing airplane configuration as obtained from flights of rocket-propelled models at transonic and supersonic speeds

Aerodynamic investigation of a parabolic body of revolution at Mach number of 1.92 and some effects of an annular supersonic jet exhausting from the base

Aerodynamic mixing downstream from line source of heat in high-intensity sound field

An air-flow-direction pickup suitable for telemetering use on pilotless aircraft

An analysis of airspeed, altitude, and acceleration data obtained from a twin-engine transport airplane operated over a feeder-line route in the Rocky Mountains

Supersonic flow past nonlifting bumped and indented bodies of revolution

Static lateral stability and control characteristics of a model of a 45 degree swept-wing fighter airplane with various vertical tails at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.61, and 2.01

Aircraft configurations developing high lift-drag ratios at high supersonic speeds

Performance of Inconel 739 Buckets in J33-9 Turbojet Engine

Experimental Results From a Test in Rough Air at High Subsonic Speeds of a Tailless Rocket Model Having Cruciform Triangular Wings, and a Note on the Calculation of Mean Square Loads of Aircraft in Continuous Rough Air

Experimental Transonic Flutter Characteristics of an Untapered, 45 Degree Sweptback, Aspect Ratio 4 Wing

An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Several Diffusers and Diffuser-Entrance-Mixing-Section Combinations on the Power Requirements of a 4 1/2-Inch by 4 1/2-Inch Slotted Transonic Wind Tunnel

Exploratory Investigation of the Use of Area Suction to Eliminate Air-Flow Separation in Diffusers Having Large Expansion Angles

External-Store Drag Reduction at Transonic and Low Supersonic Mach Numbers by Application of Baldwin's Moment-of-Area Rule

Exploratory Materials and Missile-Nose-Shape Tests in a 4,000 Degrees F Supersonic Air Jet

Exploratory Investigation of a Helicopter Pressure-Jet System on the Langley Helicopter Test Tower

Experimental Measurements of Forces and Moments on a Two-Dimensional Oscillating Wing at Subsonic Speeds

Experimental Investigation of Turbine Stator-Blade-Outlet Boundary-Layer Characteristics and a Comparison With Theoretical Results

Experimental Steady-State Yawing Derivatives of a 60 Degree Delta-Wing Model as Affected by Changes in Vertical Position of the Wing and in Ratio of Fuselage Diameter to Wing Span

Fatigue-Crack Propagation in Aluminum Alloy Box Beams

Experimental Investigation of Marquardt Shock-Positioning Control Unit on a 28-Inch Ram-Jet Engine

Some Effects of Roll Rate on the Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a Cruciform Missile Configuration as Determined From Flight Test for a Mach Number Range of 1.1. To 1.8

Some Effects of Wing Fences on the Lateral Stability Derivatives of a 60 Degree Delta Wing Oscillating Continuously in Yaw

Some Measurements of Aerodynamic Forces and Moments at Subsonic Speeds on a Wing-Tank Configuration Oscillating in Pitch About the Wing Midchord

Some Wind-Tunnel Experiments on Single-Degree-of-Freedom Flutter of Ailerons in the High Subsonic Speed Range

Preliminary Report on Experimental Investigation of Engine Dynamics and Controls for a 48-Inch Ram-Jet Engine

Preliminary Measurements of the Aerodynamic Yawing Derivatives of a Triangular, a Swept, and an Unswept Wing Performing Pure Yawing Oscillations, With a Description of the Instrumentation Employed

Tabulation of Mass-Flow Parameters for Use in Design of Turbomachine Blade Rows for Ratios of Specific Heats of 1.3 and 1.4

Comparison of the Minimum Drag of Two Versions of a Modified Delta-Wing Fighter as Obtained From Flight Tests of Rocket-Boosted Models and Equivalent Bodies Between Mach Numbers of 0.80 and 1.64

Turbojet Performance and Operation at High Altitudes With Hydrogen and JP-4 Fuels

Turbulent and Laminar Heat-Transfer Measurements on a 1/6-Scale NACA RM-10 Missile in Free Fight to Mach Number of 4.2 and to a Wall Temperature of 1400 Degrees R

Transonic Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 1/15-Scale Model of the Convair B-58 Airplane

Turbulent-Heat-Transfer Measurements at a Mach Number of 3.90

The Use of Area Suction for Improving the Longitudinal Characteristics of a Thin Unswept Wing-Fuselage Model With Leading- and Trailing-Edge Flaps

Two Experiments on Applications of the Transonic Area Rule to Asymmetric Configurations

Results of Rocket Model Test of an Airplane Configuration Having an Arrow Wing and Slender Flat-Sided Fuselage: Lift, Drag, Longitudinal Stability, Lateral Force, and Jet Effects at Mach Numbers Between 1.0 and 2.3

Static Shear Strength of 2117-T4 (A17S-T4) Aluminum-Alloy Rivets at Elevated Temperatures

The Subsonic Lateral and Longitudinal Static Stability Characteristics Up to Large Angles of Sideslip for a Triangular-Wing Airplane Model Having a Ventral Fin

Supersonic Investigation of the Lift, Drag, Static Stability, and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Rocket-Powered Model of a Ballistic-Missile Configuration

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