Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Perforated Sheets as a Porous Material for Distributed Suction and Injection
Some Linear Dynamics of Two-Spool Turbojet Engines
Stall Propagation in Axial-Flow Compressors
Space Heating Rates for Some Premixed Turbulent Propane-Air Flames
Generalized Tables of Corrections to Thermodynamic Properties for Nonpolar Gases
Attenuation in a Shock Tube Due to Unsteady-Boundary-Layer Action
A Theory for the Elastic Deflections of Plates Integrally Stiffened on One Side
Influence of Large Amplitudes on Flexural Motions of Elastic Plates
Thermodynamic Properties of Gaseous Nitrogen
Time Correlator for Problems in Aerodynamics
Effect of Carriage Mass Upon the Loads and Motions of a Prismatic Body During Hydrodynamic Impact
Mechanism of Generation of Pressure Waves at Flame Fronts
Investigation of Far Noise Field of Jets 1: Effect of Nozzle Shape
Vapor-Phase Oxidation and Spontaneous Ignition-Correlation and Effect of Variables
Correlation, Evaluation, and Extension of Linearized Theories for Tire Motion and Wheel Shimmy
Charts for Estimating Rotor-Blade Flapping Motion of High-Performance Helicopters
Measurement of Static Pressure on Aircraft
Remark on the Theory of Lifting Surfaces
On the Gas Dynamics of a Rotating Impeller
Method for Shortening Ram-Jet Engines by Burning Hydrogen Fuel in the Subsonic Diffuser
Large Deflection of Curved Plates
Free-Flight Aerodynamic-Heating Data to Mach Number 10.4 for a Modified Von Karman Nose Shape
Flight Test of a Solid-Fuel Ram Jet With the Internal Surface of the Combustor Air Cooled