Browse TRAIL Inventories

Supersonic Investigation of the Lift, Drag, Static Stability, and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Rocket-Powered Model of a Ballistic-Missile Configuration

Perforated Sheets as a Porous Material for Distributed Suction and Injection

The Subsonic Lateral and Longitudinal Static Stability Characteristics Up to Large Angles of Sideslip for a Triangular-Wing Airplane Model Having a Ventral Fin

Some Linear Dynamics of Two-Spool Turbojet Engines

Stall Propagation in Axial-Flow Compressors

Space Heating Rates for Some Premixed Turbulent Propane-Air Flames

Hydrodynamic Impact Loads in Smooth Water for a Prismatic Float Having an Angle of Dead Rise of 10 Degrees

Generalized Tables of Corrections to Thermodynamic Properties for Nonpolar Gases

Attenuation in a Shock Tube Due to Unsteady-Boundary-Layer Action

A Theory for the Elastic Deflections of Plates Integrally Stiffened on One Side

Tabulation of the F(Sub Lambda) Functions Which Occur in the Aerodynamic Theory of Oscillating Wings in Supersonic Flow

Influence of Temperature on Creep, Stress-Rupture and Static Properties of Melamine-Resin and Silicone-Resin Glass-Fabric Laminates

Influence of Large Amplitudes on Flexural Motions of Elastic Plates

Thermodynamic Properties of Gaseous Nitrogen

Time Correlator for Problems in Aerodynamics

Effect of Carriage Mass Upon the Loads and Motions of a Prismatic Body During Hydrodynamic Impact

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Number of Total-Pressure Tubes at High Angles of Attack: Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds

Mechanism of Generation of Pressure Waves at Flame Fronts

Investigation of Far Noise Field of Jets 1: Effect of Nozzle Shape

Vapor-Phase Oxidation and Spontaneous Ignition-Correlation and Effect of Variables

Correlation, Evaluation, and Extension of Linearized Theories for Tire Motion and Wheel Shimmy

Linearized Lifting-Surface and Lifting-Line Evaluations of Sidewash Behind Rolling Triangular Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Charts for Estimating Rotor-Blade Flapping Motion of High-Performance Helicopters

A Simplified Method for Approximating the Transient Motion in Angles of Attack and Sideslip During a Constant Rolling Maneuver

Measurement of Static Pressure on Aircraft

Remark on the Theory of Lifting Surfaces

On the Gas Dynamics of a Rotating Impeller

An analysis of buzzing in supersonic ram jets by a modified one-dimensional nonstationary wave theory

Analysis and comparison with theory of flow-field measurements near a lifting rotor in the Langley full-scale tunnel

Experimental investigation of air-cooled turbine rotor blade temperatures in a turbojet engine operating at turbine-inlet temperatures up to 2580 R and altitudes of 50,000 and 60,000 feet

Experimental investigation on the Langley helicopter test tower of compressibility effects on a rotor having NACA 63₂-015 airfoil sections

Method for Shortening Ram-Jet Engines by Burning Hydrogen Fuel in the Subsonic Diffuser

Flight Investigation of the Effect of a Propulsive Jet Positioned According to the Transonic Area Rule on the Drag Coefficients of a Single-Engine Delta-Wing Configuration at Mach Numbers From 0.83 to 1.36

A Flight Investigation of the Handling Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane Controlled Through a Rate Type of Automatic Control System

A Flight Investigation of the Handling Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane Controlled Through an Attitude Type of Automatic Pilot

Flight Investigation of Factors Affecting Pilots' Ability to Utilize a Radarscope Display of Steering Information

Heat Transfer on the Lifting Surfaces of a 60 Degree Delta Wing at Angle of Attack for Mach Number 1.98

Investigation of the Use of Area Suction to Increase the Effectiveness of Trailing-Edge Flaps of Various Spans on a Wing of 45 Degree Sweepback and Aspect Ratio 6

Investigation to Determine Effects of Center-of-Gravity Location on the Transonic Flutter Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

A Low-Speed Investigation of a High-Lift Lateral-Control Device Consisting of a Spoiler-Slot-Deflector and a Trailing-Edge Flap on a Tapered 45 Degree Sweptback Wing

Measurements of Aerodynamic Heat Transfer and Boundary-Layer Transition on a 10 Degree Cone in Free Flight at Supersonic Mach Numbers Up to 5.9

Investigation of the Ejection Release of Several Dynamically Scaled Bluff Internal Stores at Mach Numbers of 0.8, 1.39, and 1.98

Lateral Stability and Control Measurements of a Fighter-Type Airplane With a Low-Aspect-Ratio Unswept Wing and a Tee-Tail

Lateral Stability Characteristics Between Mach Numbers of 0.80 and 1.57 and Simulation of Coupled Motion at Mach Number of 1.30 of a Rocket-Propelled Model of an Airplane Configuration Having Thin Highly Tapered 45 Degree Sweptback Surfaces

Large Deflection of Curved Plates

Heat Transfer and Pressure Distribution at a Mach Number of 6.8 on Bodies With Conical Flares and Extensive Flow Separation

Free-Flight Flutter Tests in the Transonic and Low Supersonic Speed Range of Three Low-Aspect-Ratio Swept, Tapered Wings on Rocket-Propelled Vehicles

Free-Flight Aerodynamic-Heating Data to Mach Number 10.4 for a Modified Von Karman Nose Shape

Flight Measurements of Section Efficiency, Thrust, and Power of a Supersonic-Type Propeller at Mach Numbers to 0.9

Flight Test of a Solid-Fuel Ram Jet With the Internal Surface of the Combustor Air Cooled

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