Browse TRAIL Inventories

Investigation of the Use of the Thermal Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide to Produce Hypersonic Flow of a Gas Closely Resembling Air

Tabulated Pressure Coefficient Data from a Tail Loads Investigation on a 1/15-Scale Model of the Goodyear XZP5K Airship

Preliminary Internal Performance Data for a Variable-Ejector Assembly on the XJ79-GE-1 Turbojet Engine 1: Nonafterburning Configurations

On Landing Gear Stresses

Static Longitudinal Stability Characteristics of a Series of 90-Millimeter Artillery Shells at Mach Numbers of 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, and 1.2

Wind-Tunnel and Flight Investigations of the Use of Leading-Edge Area Suction for the Purpose of Increasing the Maximum Lift Coefficient of a 35 Degree Swept-Wing Airplane

On the Calculation of Shallow Shells

On the Theory of Anisotropic Shallow Shells

On the Theory of Thin Shallow Shells

The Fatigue Strength of Riveted Joints and Lugs

Equations and Procedures for Numerically Calculating the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Lifting Rotors

Fatigue Tests on Notched and Unnotched Sheet Specimens of 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 Aluminum Alloys and of SAE 4130 Steel With Special Consideration of the Life Range From 2 to 10,000 Cycles

Stability Derivatives of Cones at Supersonic Speeds

Stability Limits and Burning Velocities of Laminar Hydrogen-Air Flames at Reduced Pressure

Stability of Systems Containing a Heat Source - The Rayleigh Criterion

A Review of Recent Information on Boundary-Layer Transition at Supersonic Speeds

On a Method for Optimization of Time-Varying Linear Systems With Nonstationary Inputs

Wing-Body Combinations With Certain Geometric Restraints Having Low Zero-Lift Wave Drag at Low Supersonic Mach Numbers

Factors That Affect Operational Reliability of Turbojet Engines

Free-Flight Investigation of Effects of Simulated Sonic Turbojet Exhaust on the Drag of Twin-Jet Boattail Bodies at Transonic Speeds

Temperature Drops Through Liquid-Cooled Turbine Blades With Various Cooling-Passage Geometries

Tensile Properties of HK31XA-H24 Magnesium-Alloy Sheet Under Rapid-Heating Conditions and Constant Elevated Temperatures

Tentative Method for Calculation of the Sound Field About a Source Over Ground Considering Diffraction and Scattering Into Shadow Zones

Experimental Investigation of the Strength of Multiweb Beams With Corrugated Webs

Influence of Copper Ions on Adherence of Vitreous Coatings to Stainless Steel

Experimental Study and Analysis of Loading and Pressure Distributions on Delta Wings Due to Thickness and to Angle of Attack at Supersonic Speeds

An Experimental Study at High Subsonic Speeds of Several Tail Configurations on a Model with an Unswept Wing

Influence of Hot-Working Conditions on High-Temperature Properties of a Heat-Resistant Alloy

Effect of Design Over-All Compressor Pressure Ratio Division on Acceleration Characteristics of Three Hypothetical Two-Spool Turbojet Engines

Mechanical Tests on Specimens From Large Aluminum-Alloy Forgings

Evaluation of Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gases as Turbojet Fuels

Low-Speed Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing With Double Slotted Flaps

An Investigation of Ejection Releases of Submerged and Semisubmerged Dynamically Scaled Stores from a Simulated Bomb Bay of a Fighter-Bomber Airplane at Supersonic Speeds

Factors Controlling Air-Inlet Flow Distortions

Characteristics of Four Nose Inlets as Measured at Mach Numbers Between 1.4 and 2.0

Experimental Investigation of a Transonic Axial-Flow-Compressor Rotor Designed for Sonic Inlet Velocity with an Inlet Hub-Tip Radius of 0.35

Transonic-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Lip Bluntness and Shape on the Drag and Pressure Recovery of a Normal-Shock Nose Inlet in a Body of Revolution

Investigation of the Laminar Aerodynamic Heat-Transfer Characteristics of a Hemisphere-Cylinder in the Langley 11-inch Hypersonic Tunnel at a Mach Number of 6.8

Effect of a Fuselage on the Low-Speed Longitudinal Aerodynamic Characteristics of a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing with Double Slotted Flaps

Time-Vector Determined Lateral Derivatives of a Swept-Wing Fighter-Type Airplane with Three Different Vertical Tails at Mach Numbers Between 0.70 and 1.48

Study of Aluminum Deformation by Electron Microscopy

Analysis of Limitations Imposed on One-Spool Turboprop-Engine Designs by Compressors and Turbines at Flight Mach Numbers of 0.06, and 0.8

Preliminary Investigation of a Family of Diffusers Designed for Near Sonic Inlet Velocities

Effect of Mach Number on Boundary-Layer Transition in the Presence of Pressure Rise and Surface Roughness on an Ogive-Cylinder Body with Cold Wall Conditions

Performance and Operational Studies of a Full-Scale Jet-Engine Thrust Reverser

Experimental Investigation of a 0.4 Hub-Tip Diameter Ratio Axial-Flow Compressor Inlet Stage at Transonic Inlet Relative Mach Numbers 3: Effect of Tip Taper on Over-All and Blade-Element Performances

A Theoretical Estimate of the Effects of Compressibility on the Performance of a Helicopter Rotor in Various Flight Conditions

Mach Number Measurements and Calibrations During Flight at High Speeds and at High Altitudes Including Data for the D-558-II Research Airplane

An Investigation of the Release Characteristics of a 1/30 Dynamically Scaled AVCO Booster Vehicle from the Simulated Bomb Bay of the B-52 Airplane : COORD. No. AF-AM-59

Experimental Investigation of a Five-Stage Axial-Flow Research Compressor With Transonic Rotors in All Stages 3: Interstage Data and Individual Stage Performance Characteristics

Published Year



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