Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Full-Scale Evaluation of Some Flameholder Design Concepts for High-Inlet-Velocity Afterburners
Transonic Aerodynamic and Trim Characteristics of a Multi-Engine Delta-Wing Airplane Model
Compilation and Analysis of U.S. Turbojet and Ram-Jet Engine Characteristics
Wing-Body Combinations With Wings of Very Low Aspect Ratio at Supersonic Speeds
Some Interference Effects That Influence Vertical-Tail Loads at Supersonic Speeds
Summary of Subsonic-Diffuser Data
Flight Test of a Solid-Fuel Ramjet With the Internal Surface of the Combustor Air Cooled
Aerodynamic Principles for the Design of Jet-Engine Induction Systems
Aerodynamics of Missiles Employing Wings of Very Low Aspect Ratio
Turbine Failure Investigation of J65-W-4 Turbojet Engine in an Altitude Test Chamber
Chemical and Physical Properties of a Boron-Carbon-Hydrogen Fuel Z-244 (NACA 55Z8)
A Second-Order Shock-Expansion Method Applicable to Bodies of Revolution Near Zero Lift
Spontaneous Ignition Studies Relating to Lubricants of Reduced Flammability
Design Criteria for Axisymmetric and Two-Dimensional Supersonic Inlets and Exits
Correlation of Crippling Strength of Plate Structures With Material Properties
Boundary-Layer Growth and Shock Attenuation in a Shock Tube With Roughness
Investigation of Suction Slot Shapes for Controlling a Turbulent Boundary Layer
Investigation of Far Noise Field of Jets 2: Comparison of Air Jets and Jet Engines