Browse TRAIL Inventories

Proposed initiating system for crash-fire prevention systems

Relation of turbojet propulsion system development to the strategic bomber mission

Summary of Scale-model thrust-reverser investigation

Section characteristics of the NACA 0006 airfoil with leading-edge and trailing-edge flaps

Study of ram-air heat exchangers for reducing turbine cooling-air temperature of a supersonic aircraft turbojet engine

A study of several factors affecting the stability contributed by a horizontal tail at various vertical positions on a sweptback-wing airplane model

Study of size effect in sheet-stringer panels

A horizontal-tail arrangement for counteracting static longitudinal instability of sweptback wings

Lift and pitching-moment interference between a pointed cylindrical body and triangular wings of various aspect ratios at Mach numbers of 1.50 and 2.02

Ignition delays and fluid properties of several fuels and nitric acid oxidants in temperature range from 70 to -105 degrees Fahrenheit

Flight investigation of the effect of vertical-tail size on the rolling behavior of a swept-wing airplane having lateral-longitudinal coupling

Investigation at supersonic speeds of the effects of bomb-bay configuration upon the aerodynamic characteristics of fuselages with noncircular cross sections

Investigation by the transonic-bump method of a 35 degree sweptback semispan model equipped with a flap operated by a series of servovanes located ahead of and geared to the flap

An investigation at subsonic speeds of several modifications to the leading-edge region of the NACA 64A010 airfoil section designed to increase maximum lift

Investigation at zero forward speed of a leading-edge slat as a longitudinal control device for vertically rising airplanes that utilize the redirected-slipstream principle

An investigation at Mach numbers of 1.41 and 2.01 of the aerodynamic characteristics of a swept-wing supersonic bomber configuration

Theoretical calculation of the power spectra of the rolling and yawing moments on a wing in random turbulence

A theory for stability and buzz pulsation amplitude in ram jets and an experimental investigation including scale effects

Transonic wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of indentation on the wing loads of a 45 degree sweptback wing-body combination

Transonic wind-tunnel measurements of static lateral and directional stability and vertical-tail loads for a model with a 45 degree sweptback wing

Tank investigation of a series of related hydro-skis as load-alleviation devices for landing a seaplane in waves

Summary of derived gust velocities obtained from measurements within thunderstorms

Tank tests of a 1/8-size powered dynamic model of the Martin PBM-5 seaplane equipped with a single Edo hydro-ski : TED No. NACA AD3110

Thermal decomposition of ethylpentaborane in gas phase

Aerodynamic principles for the design of jet-engine induction systems

Aerodynamic loadings associated with swept and unswept spoilers on a flat-plate at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

A theoretical study of the lifting efficiency at supersonic speeds of wings utilizing indirect lift induced by vertical surfaces

Theoretical pressure distributions for some slender wing-body combinations at zero lift

Wind-tunnel investigation of jet-augmented flaps on a rectangular wing to high momentum coefficients

Altitude performance of J71-A-2(600-D1) turbojet engine

Altitude performance evaluation of J71-A-11 turbojet engine

Turbulent shear spectra and local isotropy in the low-speed boundary layer

Aerodynamic and hydrodynamic characteristics of a deck-inlet multijet water-based-aircraft configuration designed for supersonic flight

Additional results of an investigation at transonic speeds to determine the effects of a heated propulsive jet on the drag characteristics of a series of related afterbodies

Theoretical wave drag of shrouded airfoils and bodies

Two-dimensional low-speed cascade investigation of NACA compressor blade sections having a systematic variation in mean-line loading

Use of a diffuser Mach number as a supersonic-inlet control parameter

Low-speed measurements of static stability, damping in yaw, and damping in roll of a delta, a swept, and an unswept wing for angles of attack from 0 degrees to 90 degrees

Low-speed pressure-distribution investigation of a spoiler and a spoiler-slot-deflector on a 30 degree sweptback wing-fuselage model having an aspect ratio of 3, a taper ratio of 0.5, and NACA 65A004 airfoil section

Low-speed pressure-distribution investigation of a thin-delta-wing-fuselage model with double slotted flap, extended double slotted flap, and canard

Low-speed measurements of tail contribution to rolling stability derivatives and air-flow angularity at the tail for an x-tail model in steady roll including some effects of wing-tip stores

Low-speed investigation of the lateral-control characteristics of a flap-type spoiler and a spoiler-slot deflector on a 30 degree sweptback wing-fuselage model having an aspect ratio of 3, a taper ratio of 0.5, and NACA 65A004 airfoil section

Low-Speed Static Stability Characteristics of a Complete Model with an M-Wing in Mid and High Positions and with Three Horizontal-Tail Heights

Low-speed wind-tunnel results for a thin aspect-ratio-1.85 pointed-wing-fuselage model with double slotted flaps

Methods for measuring temperatures of thin-walled gas-turbine blades

Methods for calculating thrust augmentation and liquid consumption for various turbojet-afterburner fuels

Minimum-drag ducted and closed three-point body of revolution based on linearized supersonic theory

Minimum drag of the Chance Vought XF8U-1 airplane as determined from the flight test of a 0.11-scale rocket-boosted model at Mach numbers between 0.73 and 1.71 : TED No. NACA DE 392

Motion of a ballistic missile angularly misaligned with the flight path upon entering the atmosphere and its effect upon aerodynamic heating, aerodynamic loads, and miss distance

Instrumentation for measurements of free-space sound pressures in the immediate vicinity of a propeller in flight

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