Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Coking of JP-4 fuels in electrically heated metal tubes
Application of area suction to leading-edge and trailing-edge flaps on a 44 degree swept-wing model
Spreading characteristics of a jet expanding from choked nozzles at Mach 1.91
Review of experimental investigations of liquid-metal heat transfer
A relation between burning velocity and quenching distance
Wear of typical carbon-base sliding seal materials at temperatures to 700 F
Weight-flow and thrust limitations due to use of rotating combustors in a turbojet engine
Thermal stability of pentaborane in the range 329 to 419 F
A factor affecting transonic leading-edge flow separation
On slender-body theory and the area rule at transonic speeds
The effects upon body drag of jets exhausting from wing-mounted nacelles
An experimental investigation of a flat ram-jet engine on a helicopter rotor
Performance characteristics of ring-cascade-type thrust reversers
Performance of a short combustor at high altitudes using hydrogen fuel
Effects of a J34 turbojet engine on supersonic diffuser performance
Charts for estimating the hovering endurance of a helicopter
Discharge coefficients for combustor-liner air-entry holes
Distribution of losses behind a compressor rotor as measured by a rotating rake
Fatigue crack propagation in severely notched bars
Factors affecting flow distortions produced by supersonic inlets