Browse TRAIL Inventories

An investigation of the lift, drag, and static-stability characteristics of a triangular-wing airplane configuration at Mach numbers from 3.00 to 6.28

An investigation of the loads on the vertical tail of a jet-bomber airplane resulting from flight through rough air

Investigation of boundary-layer transition on 10 degree cone in langley 4- by 4-foot supersonic pressure tunnel at Mach numbers of 1.41, 1.61, and 2.01

Coking of JP-4 fuels in electrically heated metal tubes

Effects of compressor interstage bleed and adjustable inlet guide vanes on compressor stall characteristics of a high-pressure-ratio turbojet engine at altitude

Effects of external stores on the static longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a model of a 45 degree swept-wing fighter airplane at Mach numbers of 1.61 and 2.01

The effect of leading-edge extensions on the longitudinal characteristics at Mach numbers up to 0.92 of a wing-fuselage-tail combination having a 40 degree sweptback wing with NACA 64A thickness distribution

Effect of large negative dihedral of the horizontal tail on longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics of a swept-wing configuration at transonic speeds

Effect of leading-edge droop on the aerodynamic and loading characteristics of a 4-percent-thick unswept-wing-fuselage combination at transonic speeds

Application of Tchebichef form of harmonic analysis to the calculation of zero-lift wave drag of wing-body-tail combinations

Application of area suction to leading-edge and trailing-edge flaps on a 44 degree swept-wing model

Spreading characteristics of a jet expanding from choked nozzles at Mach 1.91

Static longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics at low speed of unswept-midwing models having wings with an aspect ratio of 2, 4, or 6

Full-scale wind-tunnel tests of a 35 degree swept-wing fighter airplane with a spoiler-slot-deflector lateral control system

Comparison of experimental and theoretical normal-force distributions (including Reynolds number effects) on an ogive-cylinder body at Mach number 1.98

Comparison of the experimental and theoretical distributions of lift on a slender inclined body of revolution at M = 2

Wind-tunnel investigation of an external-flow jet-augmented slotted flap suitable for application to airplanes with pod-mounted jet engines

A study of a missile designed to fly at low speed with its longitudinal axis aligned with the flight path

Review of experimental investigations of liquid-metal heat transfer

A reevaluaion of data on atmospheric turbulence and airplane gust loads for application in spectral calculations

A relation between burning velocity and quenching distance

Analysis of cooling-air requirements of corrugated-insert-type turbine blades suitable for a supersonic turbojet engine

Wind-tunnel investigation at low speeds to determine the effect of aspect ratio and end plates on a rectangular wing with jet flaps deflected 85 degrees

Wear of typical carbon-base sliding seal materials at temperatures to 700 F

Weight-flow and thrust limitations due to use of rotating combustors in a turbojet engine

Calculation of the forces and moments on a slender fuselage and vertical fin penetrating lateral gusts

Calculation and compilation of the unsteady-lift functions for a rigid wing subjected to sinusoidal gusts and to sinusoidal sinking oscillations

Temperatures in a J47-25 turbojet-engine turbine section during steady-state and transient operation in an altitude test stand

Comparison between experimental and predicted downwash at a Mach number of 0.25 behind a wing-body combination having a triangular wing of aspect ratio of 2.0

Thermal stability of pentaborane in the range 329 to 419 F

A factor affecting transonic leading-edge flow separation

On slender-body theory and the area rule at transonic speeds

The effects upon body drag of jets exhausting from wing-mounted nacelles

An experimental investigation of a flat ram-jet engine on a helicopter rotor

Gas-turbine-engine performance when heat from liquid-cooled turbines is rejected ahead of, within, or behind main compressor

Gas-to-blade heat-transfer coefficients and turbine heat-rejection rates for a range of one-spool cooled-turbine engine designs

Performance characteristics of ring-cascade-type thrust reversers

Performance of a short combustor at high altitudes using hydrogen fuel

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of some effects of sideslip on the aerodynamic loads on finned and unfinned bodies mounted from the wing of a swept-wing-fuselage model

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of the static lateral and directional stability and tail-loads characteristics of a model having a highly tapered swept wing of aspect ratio 3 and two horizontal-tail positions

Investigation at high subsonic speeds of a body-contouring method for alleviating the adverse interference at the root of a sweptback wing

Effect of fuselage circumferential inlet location on diffuser-discharge total-pressure profiles at supersonic speeds

Effect of three design parameters on the operating characteristics of 75-millimeter-bore cylindrical roller bearings at high speeds

The effects at a Mach number of 6.86 of drag brakes on the lift, drag, and pitching moment of an ogive cylinder

Effects of a J34 turbojet engine on supersonic diffuser performance

Charts for estimating the hovering endurance of a helicopter

Discharge coefficients for combustor-liner air-entry holes

Distribution of losses behind a compressor rotor as measured by a rotating rake

Fatigue crack propagation in severely notched bars

Factors affecting flow distortions produced by supersonic inlets

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