Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effect of increase in angle of dead rise on the hydrodynamic qualities of a seaplane configuration incorporating high wing loading

The influence of surface injection on heat-transfer and skin friction associated with the high-speed turbulent boundary layer

Design of two transpiration-cooled strut-supported turbine rotor blades

Aerodynamics of bodies, wings, and wing-body combinations at high angles of attack and supersonic speeds

Afterburner performance with combustion-chamber lengths from 10 to 62 inches at several afterburner-inlet temperatures

An analog study of the relative importance of various factors affecting roll coupling

Experimental investigation of an overriding control to effect recovery from surge and stall in a turbojet engine

Jet effects on base and afterbody pressures of a cylindrical afterbody at transonic speeds

Investigation of the effects of body camber and body indentation on the longitudinal characteristics of a 60 degree delta-wing-body combination at a Mach number of 1.61

A method for calculation of free-space sound pressures near a propeller in flight including considerations of the chordwise blade loading

Method for calculating the aerodynamic loading on an oscillating finite wing in subsonic and sonic flow

Method for calculating the aerodynamic loading on an oscillating finite wing in subsonic and sonic flow

Low-speed longitudinal stability and lateral-control characteristics of a model of a 40 degree swept-wing fighter-type airplane at a Reynolds number of 9 x 10(exp 6)

Preliminary investigation of short two-dimensional subsonic diffusers

Preliminary investigation of the effects of external wing fuel tanks on ditching behavior of a sweptback-wing airplane

Observation of laminar flow on a blunted 15 degree cone-cylinder in free flight at high reynolds numbers and free-stream mach numbers to 8.17

Some effects of joint conductivity on the temperatures and thermal stresses in aerodynamically heated skin-stiffener combinations

Temperature-control study of turbine region of turbojet engine, including turbine-blade time constants and starting characteristics

Some effects of bluntness on boundary-layer transition and heat transfer at supersonic speeds

Preliminary report on a study of separated flows in supersonic and subsonic streams

Some effects of guide-vane turning and stators on the rotating stall characteristics of a high hub-tip ratio single-stage compressor

Some effects of small-scale flow disturbance on nozzle-burner flames

Thermodynamic study of air-cycle and mercury-vapor-cycle systems for refrigerating cooling air for turbines or other components

Three-dimensional transonic flow theory applied to slender wings and bodies

Thermodynamic properties of products of combustion of hydrogen with air fo r temperatures of 600 to 4400 R

Analytic evaluation of effect of inlet-air temperature and combustion pressure on combustion performance of boron slurries and blends of pentaborane in octene-1 : supplement I- influence of new boric-oxide vapor-pressure data on calculated performanc

Analysis of turbomachine viscous losses affected by changes in blade geometry

Analysis of turbojet-engine controls for afterburning starting

Analysis of the vertical-tail loads measured during a flight investigation of the Douglas X-3 research airplane

The appearance of a boric oxide exhaust cloud from a turbojet engine operating on trimethylborate fuel

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of aspect ratio and chordwise location on effectiveness of plain spoilers on thin untapered wings at transonic speeds

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of clipping the tips of triangular wings of different thickness, camber, and aspect ratio - transonic bump method

Wind-tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch of wing-fuselage combinations at high subsonic speeds: taper-ratio series

Theoretical lift due to wing incidence of slender wing-body-tail combinations at zero angle of attack

Visualization of rotor tip secondary flows with blade tip air discharge and suction in a low-speed turbine

Wind-tunnel investigation of two vertical-takeoff-and-landing jet bomber airplane configurations at Mach numbers of 1.94 and 2.40

Wind-tunnel investigation to determine the horizontal- and vertical-tail contributions to the static lateral stability characteristics of a complete-model swept-wing configuration at high subsonic speeds

Experimental investigation at high subsonic speed of the rolling stability derivatives of a complete model having a clipped-delta wing and a high horizontal tail

An experimental investigation at Mach numbers from 2.1 to 3.0 of circular-internal-contraction inlets with translating centerbodies

Flight investigation of the stability and control characteristics of vertically rising airplane research model with swept or unswept wings and x- or +-tails

Experimental investigation of a high subsonic Mach number turbine having high rotor blade suction-surface diffusion

Experimental investigation of air-flow uniformity and pressure level on wire cloth for transpiration-cooling applications

Experimental investigation of air-side performance of liquid-metal to air heat exhangers

Experimental investigation of a high subsonic Mach number turbine having low rotor suction-surface diffusion

Experimental investigation of a transonic compressor rotor with a 1.5-inch chord length and an aspect ratio of 3.0 III : blade-element and over-all performance at three solidity levels

Free-flight tests of 1/10-scale Republic F-105 airplane wings in the subsonic to low supersonic speed range to investigate the possibility of flutter : COORD. No. AF-224

Flight measurements of horizontal-tail loads on the Douglas X-3 research airplane

Static strength of aluminum-alloy specimens containing fatigue cracks

An evaluation of four experimental methods for measuring mean properties of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer

Effect of several design variables on internal performance of convergent-plug exhaust nozzles

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