Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Design of two transpiration-cooled strut-supported turbine rotor blades
An analog study of the relative importance of various factors affecting roll coupling
Jet effects on base and afterbody pressures of a cylindrical afterbody at transonic speeds
Preliminary investigation of short two-dimensional subsonic diffusers
Some effects of bluntness on boundary-layer transition and heat transfer at supersonic speeds
Preliminary report on a study of separated flows in supersonic and subsonic streams
Some effects of small-scale flow disturbance on nozzle-burner flames
Three-dimensional transonic flow theory applied to slender wings and bodies
Analysis of turbomachine viscous losses affected by changes in blade geometry
Analysis of turbojet-engine controls for afterburning starting
Experimental investigation of air-side performance of liquid-metal to air heat exhangers
Flight measurements of horizontal-tail loads on the Douglas X-3 research airplane
Static strength of aluminum-alloy specimens containing fatigue cracks
Effect of several design variables on internal performance of convergent-plug exhaust nozzles