Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Experimental investigation of the vibrations of a built-up rectangular box beam
Particular solutions for flows at Mach number 1
Flow studies on drooped-leading-edge delta wings at supersonic speed
Effect of shallow water on the hydrodynamic characteristics of a flat-bottom planing surface
Aerodynamic design of axial-flow compressors: Volume 3
Friction, wear, and surface damage of metals as affected by solid surface films
Intensity, scale, and spectra of turbulence in mixing region of free subsonic jet
The near noise field of static jets and some model studies of devices for noise reduction
Effect of chord size on weight and cooling characteristics of air-cooled turbine blades
Poisson's ratios and volume changes for plastically orthotropic material
Seat design for crash worthiness
Perforated sheets as a porous material for distributed suction and injection
Performance characteristics of cylindrical target-type thrust reversers
Rapid determination of core dimensions of crossflow gas-to-gas heat exchangers
Some effects of ailerons on the variation of aerodynamic characteristics with sideslip at low speed
Some aspects of supersonic inlet stability
Preliminary flight survey of aerodynamic noise on an airplane wing
Preliminary investigation of self-excited vibrations of single planing surfaces
Stability of supersonic inlets at Mach 1.91 with air injection and suction
Calculations of the flow over an inclined flat plate at free-stream Mach number 1
Effect of inlet-air-flow-distortions on steady-state performance of J65-B-3 turbojet engine
Effect of inlet-duct length in uniform-flow field on turbojet-engine operation