Browse TRAIL Inventories

An Approximate Method of Calculation of Relative Humidity Required to Prevent Frosting on Inside of Aircraft Pressure Cabin Windows, Special Report

Estimation of critical speeds of airfoils and streamline bodies

The Effect of Initial Displacement of the Center Support on the Buckling of a Column Continuous Over Three Supports

The problem of cooling an air-cooled cylinder on an aircraft engine

Preliminary wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 23012 airfoil with various arrangements of venetian-blind flaps

Longitudinal stability and control with special reference to slipstream effects

Heat transfer tests of a steel cylinder barrel with aluminum fins with improved bonding between steel barrel and aluminum base

Heat-transfer tests of two steel cylinder barrels with aluminum fins manufactured by factory production method

Heat-transfer tests of a steel cylinder barrel with aluminum fins of optimum proportions

Drag analysis of single-engine military airplanes tested in the NACA full-scale wind tunnel

The design of cooling ducts with special reference to the boundary layer at the inlet

Effect of wing loading, aspect ratio, and span loading of flight performances

Wind-tunnel investigation of effect of interference on lateral-stability characteristics of four NACA 23012 wings, an elliptical and a circular fuselage and vertical fins

Free-spinning wind-tunnel tests of a low-wing monoplane with systematic changes in wings and tails V: effect of airplane relative density

Design charts relating to the stalling of tapered wings

Aerodynamic characteristics of horizontal tail surfaces

General Potential Theory of Arbitrary Wing Section

The unsteady lift of a wing of finite aspect ratio

A new method of studying the flow of the water along the bottom of a model of a flying-boat hull

Principles, practices, and progress of noise reduction in airplanes

Measurements and analysis of the motion of a Canard airplane model in gusts

Cyclic stress-strain studies of metals in torsion

Chart for critical compressive stress of flat rectangular plates

The frequencies of cantilever wings in beam and torsional vibrations

Spin tests of a low-lying monoplane in flight and in the free-spinning wind tunnel

A Method of Measuring Piston Temperatures

The Effects of Piston-Head Shape, Cylinder-Head Shape, and Exhaust Restriction, on the Performance of a Piston-Ported Two-Stroke Cylinder

Drag Determinations of the Forward Component of a Tricycle Landing Gear

Internal-Flow Systems for Aircraft

Correlation of knocking characteristics of fuels in an engine having a hemispherical combustion chamber

Damping formulas and experimental values of damping in flutter models

Transient effects of the wing wake on the horizontal tail

Tests of a gust-alleviating flap in the gust tunnel

Wind tunnel tests of an NACA 23021 airfoil equipped with a slotted extensible and a plain extensible flap

A Flight Investigation of Exhaust-Heat De-Icing

Flight investigation of control-stick vibration of the YG-1B autogiro

The effects of engine speed and mixture temperature on the knocking characteristics of several fuels

An Investigation of the Prevention of Ice on the Airplane Windshield

Pressure-distribution investigation on an NACA 0009 airfoil with a 30-percent-chord plain flap and three tabs

A study of unsymmetrical-loading conditions

A study of the air movement in two aircraft-engine cylinders

Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 23030 airfoil with various arrangements of slotted flaps

Notes on the stalling of vertical tail surfaces and on fin design

Pressure-distribution investigation of an NACA 0009 airfoil with an 80-percent-chord plain flap and three tabs

Wind tunnel investigation of fuselage stability in yaw with various arrangements of fins

Wind-tunnel investigation of two airfoils with 25-percent-chord Gwinn and plain flaps

On the Theory of Unsteady Planing and the Motion of a Wing With Vortex Separation

Preliminary Tests in the NACA Tank to Investigate the Fundamental Characteristics of Hydrofoils

Requirements for Unit Fuel-Injection Systems

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Rectangular Air-Duct Entrances in the Leading Edge of an NACA 23018 Wing, Special Report

Published Year



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