Browse TRAIL Inventories

Progress reports :metallurgical division.

Contributions to the art of smelting lead products

Progress reports - Metallurgical Division.

Progress reports :metallurgical division.

Progress reports :metallurgical division.

Progress reports :metallurgical division.

Froth flotation and agglomerate tabling of micas

Progress reports :metallurgical division.

Progress reports :metallurgical division.

Progress reports - metallurgical division.

Progress reports - metallurgical division.

Mining and benefication of Appalachian manganese ores

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations :metallurgical division.

Directions for laboratory mineral sizing

Manganese investigations -metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations -metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations -metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations -metallurgical division.

Progress reports -metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations -metallurgical division.

Beneficiation of alunite

Manganese investigations :ore-dressing studies of manganese ores.

Progress reports - metallurgical division.

Manganese investigations.

Manganese investigations.

Classification and tabling of Birmingham (Ala.) red iron ores, with recommendations for added recovery

Semi-pilot-plant investigations of nitrogen dioxide process for beneficiation of manganese ores

Beneficiation of iron ores by flotation.

Pilot-plant production of high-grade magnetite concentrates, Cranberry, N.C.

Concentration of bauxite for milling in the 50-ton Bureau of Mines Pilot Plant, Bauxite, Arkansas

Concentration of carbonate and oxide manganese ores from the vicinity of Tracy, Central California

Beneficiation of oxide and carbonate manganese ores from the Philipsburg District, Granite County, Mont.

Concentration of oxide manganese ores from the Havasu Lake District, California and Arizona

Concentration of oxide manganese ores from the vicinity of Long Valley, Coconino County, Ariz.

Pilot mill concentration of Las Vegas wash manganese ore, Boulder City, Nev.

Concentration of Colorado fluorite ores

Concentration of manganese ore from southeastern Juab County, Utah

Concentration of oxide manganese ores from the Artillery Peak deposit, Mohave County, Ariz.

Concentration of oxide manganese ore from Sheep Mountain property, Durkee district, Oreg.

Concentration of fluorite ores from Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Wyoming

Concentration of manganese ores from Grand and Emery Counties, Utah

Concentration of Utah fluorite ores

Concentration of oxide manganese ore from the Ophir Hill mine, Ophir, Tooele County, Utah

Concentration of gravity tailings from the Grasselli deposit, Park City, Utah

Beneficiation of New England beryllium ores

Beneficiation of western beryl ores

Concentration of manganese ores from Lincoln County, Nev.

Published Year



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