Browse TRAIL Inventories

Aerodynamic Study of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Employing a Wing Swept Back 63 Degrees: Characteristics Throughout the Subsonic Speed Range With the Wing Cambered and Twisted for a Uniform Load at a Lift Coefficient of 0.25

Analysis of the Effects of Various Mass, Aerodynamic, and Dimensional Parameters on the Dynamic Lateral Stability of the Douglas D-558-2 Airplane

An Analysis of Airspeeds Attained by a Douglas DC-4 Airplane in Commercial Operations During the Early Months of 1947

Analytical and Experimental Investigation of 90 Degrees Supersonic Turning Passages Suitable for Supersonic Compressors or Turbines

Altitude-Chamber Performance of British Rolls-Royce Nene II Engine 2: 18.41-Inch-Diameter Jet Nozzle

Measurements of Aileron Effectiveness of Bell X-1 Airplane Up to a Mach Number of 0.82

Measurements of Aileron Effectiveness of the Bell X-1 Airplane at Mach Numbers Between 0.9 and 1.06

Low-Speed Investigation of Aileron and Spoiler Characteristics of a Wing Having 42 Degrees Sweepback of the Leading Edge and Circular-Arc Airfoil Sections at Reynolds Numbers of Approximately 6.0 X 10(Exp 6)

Low-Speed Investigation of Deflectable Wing-Tip Ailerons on an Untapered 45 Degrees Sweptback Semispan Wing With and Without an End Plate

Investigation of Low-Speed Aileron Control Characteristics at a Reynolds Number of 6,800,000 of a Wing With Leading Edge Swept Back 42 Degrees With and Without High-Lift Devices

Investigation of a Two-Step Nozzle in an 11-Inch Hypersonic Tunnel

Flight Investigation From High Subsonic to Supersonic Speeds to Determine the Zero-Lift Drag of a Transonic Research Vehicle Having Wings of 45 Degree Sweepback, Aspect Ratio 4, Taper Ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Sections

Flight Investigation of the Jettisonable-Nose Method of Pilot Escape Using Rocket-Propelled Models

Flight Investigation of Flutter Models With 1/10-Scale Douglas D-558-2 Wing Panels

Full-Scale Investigation of a Wing With the Leading Edge Swept Back 47.5 Degrees and Having Circular-Arc and Finite-Trailing-Edge-Thickness Ailerons

Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Aerodynamically Refined Planing-Tail Hulls

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Semispan Wind-Tunnel Model of a Tailless Airplane and a Comparison With Complete-Model Wind-Tunnel Tests and Semispan-Model Wing-Flow Tests

Investigation of Some Turbulent-Boundary-Layer Velocity Profiles at a Tunnel Wall with Mach Numbers up to 1.2

An Investigation of the Characteristics of an Unswept Wing of Aspect Ratio 4.01 in the Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

An Investigation of the Characteristics of Three NACA 1-Series Nose Inlets at Subcritical and Supercritical Mach Numbers

Aerodynamic Study of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Employing a Wing Swept Back 63 Degrees: Characteristics for Symmetrical Wing Sections at High Subsonic and Moderate Supersonic Mach Numbers

An Approximate Method for Estimating the Incompressible Laminar Boundary-Layer Characteristics on a Flat Plate in Slipping Flow

High Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a 1/16-Scale Model of the D-558-2 Research Airplane at High Subsonic Mach Number and at a Mach Number of 1.2

Free-Flight Investigation at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds of the Rolling Effectiveness of Several Aileron Configurations on a Tapered Wing Having 42.7 Degrees Sweepback

A Free-Flight Technique for Measuring Damping in Roll by Use of Rocket-Powered Models and Some Initial Results for Rectangular Wings

An Investigation at Low Speed of a Large-Scale Triangular Wing of Aspect Ratio Two 3: Characteristics of Wing With Body and Vertical Tail

Aerodynamic Characteristics of an 0.08-Scale Model of the Martin XB-51 Airplane at High Subsonic Speeds

Tests of a Full-Scale Model of the Republic XF-91 Airplane in the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel. - Force and Moment Data

Performance of Single-Stage Turbine of Mark 25 Torpedo Power Plant with Two Special Nozzles 2 - Efficiency with 20 Degrees-Inlet-Angle Rotor Blades

A Preliminary Analysis of the Flying Qualities of the Consolidated Vultee MX-813 Delta-Wing Airplane Configuration at Transonic and Low Supersonic Speeds as Determined from Flights of Rocket-Powered Models

Preliminary Results of a Free-Flight Investigation of the Static Stability and Aileron Control Characteristics of 1/6 Scale Models of the Bell MX-776

Spin Investigation of a 1/29-Scale Model of the Republic XF-91 Airplane with a Conventional Tail Installed

Rotation in Free Fall of Rectangular Wings of Elongated Shape

Supplementary Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Stability of the Jettisonable Nose Section of the X-2 Airplane

Pressure-Distribution Measurements on the Tail Surfaces of a Rotating Model of the Design BFW - M31

Some Effects of Stator Cone Angle and Blade-Tip Leakage on 40 Percent Reaction Turbine Having Rotor-Blade Caps

An Analysis of Supersonic Aerodynamic Heating With Continuous Fluid Injection

Frequency Response of Linear Systems From Transient Data

Take-Off Stability Characteristics of a 1/13-Scale Model of the Consolidated Vultee Skate 7 Seaplane (TED No. NACA DE 338)

The theory of plasticity in the case of simple loading accompanied by strain-hardening

Susceptibility to Welding Cracking, Welding Sensitivity, Susceptibility to Welding Seam Cracking, and Test Methods for These Failures

Systematic Investigations of the Effects of Plan Form and Gap between the Fixed Surface and Control Surface on Simple Flapped Wings

The Influence of the Application of Power during Spin Recovery of Multiengine Airplanes

Investigation of Conditions of Titanium Carbonization - 4

On Wind Tunnel Tests and Computations Concerning the Problem of Shrouded Propellers

On the Theory of the Laval Nozzle

Exact Calculation of Laminar Boundary Layer in Longitudinal Flow Over a Flat Plate With Homogeneous Suction

Experimental Flights for Testing of a Reactor as an Expedient for the Termination of Dangerous Spins

Summary of Information Relating to Gust Loads on Airplanes

Stability Results Obtained With Douglas D-558-1 Airplane (BuAero No. 37971) in Flight Up to a Mach Number of 0.89

Published Year



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