Browse TRAIL Inventories

The Application of Green's Theorem to the Solution of Boundary-Value Problems in Linearized Supersonic Wing Theory

Strength and Creep Characteristics of Ceramic Bodies at Elevated Temperatures

Stability of Alclad Plates

Theoretical Stability Derivatives of Thin Sweptback Wings Tapered to a Point With Sweptback or Sweptforward Trailing Edges for a Limited Range of Supersonic Speeds

An Analysis of the Transition of a Helicopter From Hovering to Steady Autorotative Vertical Descent

An Analytical Study of the Steady Vertical Descent in Autorotation of Single-Rotor Helicopters

Effects of Several Design Variables on Turbine-Wheel Weight

Comparison of Pitching Moments Obtained During Seaplane Landings With Values Predicted by Hydrodynamic Impact Theory

The Longitudinal Stability of Elastic Swept Wings at Supersonic Speed

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 30: Nocturnal Irradiation as a Function of Altitude and Its Use in Determination of Heat Requirements of Aircraft

An Investigation of the Section Characteristics of Plain Unsealed Ailerons on an NACA 66,1-115 Airfoil Section in the Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

Investigation of Meteorological Conditions Associated with Aircraft Icing in Layer-Type Clouds for 1947-48 Winter

Free-Space Oscillating Pressures Near the Tips of Rotating Propellers

Effects of Partial Admission on Performance of a Gas Turbine

Effect of Longitudinal Steps on Skipping Characteristics of PB2Y-6 Flying Boat

Planing Characteristics of Three Surfaces Representative of Hydro-Ski Forms

Preliminary Tank Investigation of the Use of Single Monoplane Hydrofoils for High-Speed Airplanes

Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Sweepback on the Flutter of a Uniform Cantilever Wing With a Variably Located Concentrated Mass

Flight Investigation at High-Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds to Determine Zero-Lift Drag of Bodies of Revolution Having Fineness Ratio of 6.04 and Varying Positions of Maximum Diameter

An Experimental Investigation at Large Scale of Single and Twin Naca Submerged Side Intakes at Several Angles of Sideslip

Experimental Pressure Distributions Over Wing Tips at Mach Number 1.9 1 - Wing Tip With Subsonic Leading Edge

Preliminary Theoretical and Flight Investigation of the Lateral Oscillation of the X-1 Airplane

Preliminary Measurements of the Dynamic Lateral Stability Characteristics of the Douglas D-588-II (BuAero No. 37974) Airplane

A Preliminary Investigation of the Usefulness of Camber in Obtaining Favorable Airfoil-Section Drag Characteristics at Supercritical Speeds

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Two NACA 7-Series Type Airfoils Equipped With a Slot-Lip Aileron, Trailing-Edge Frise Aileron, and a Double Slotted Flap

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Two NACA 6-Series Airfoils With Leading-Edge Slats

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speeds of Various Plug-Aileron and Lift-Flap Configurations on a 42 Degree Sweptback Semispan Wing

Preliminary Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High-Subsonic Speeds of Planing-Tail, Blended, and Airfoil-Forebody Swept Hulls

Analysis and Preliminary Investigation of Eddy-Current Heating for Icing Protection of Axial-Flow-Compressor Blades

Theoretical Investigation of the Dynamic Lateral Stability Characteristics of Douglas Design No. 39C, an Early Version of the X-3 Research Airplane

Tests of Lifting Surfaces on Conical and Cylindrical Portions of a Body at Subsonic Mach Numbers and at a Mach Number of 1.2

The Effect of Span and Deflection of Split Flaps and Leading-Edge Roughness on the Longitudinal Stability and Gliding Characteristics of a 42 Degree Sweptback Wing Equipped With Leading-Edge Flaps

Effect of Sweepback on the Low-Speed Static and Rolling Stability Derivatives of Thin Tapered Wings of Aspect Ratio 4

Estimation of Lift and Drag of Airfoils at Near Sonic Speeds and in the Presence of Detached Shock Waves

Effects of Some Airfoil-Section Variations on Wing-Aileron Rolling Effectiveness and Drag as Determined in Free Flight at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds

The Effect of Rear Chine Strips on the Take-Off Characteristics of a High-Speed Airplane Fitted With NACA Hydro-Skis

The Effect of Blade-Section Thickness Ratios on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Related Full-Scale Propellers at Mach Numbers Up to 0.65

Effect of an Increase in Hull Length-Beam Ratio From 15 to 20 on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Flying Boats

Chordwise and Spanwise Loadings Measured at Low Speed on Large Triangular Wings

Comparative Tests of the Rolling Effectiveness of Constant-Chord, Full-Delta, and Half-Delta Ailerons on Delta Wings at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds

Comparison of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of the NACA 0010 and 0010-64 Airfoil Sections at High Subsonic Mach Numbers

Design Factors for 4- by 8-Inch Ram-Jet Combustor

Control Effectiveness Load and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Tip Control Surface on a Delta Wing at a Mach Number of 1.9

Control Effectiveness and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of a Tip Control Surface on a Low-Aspect-Ratio Pointed Wing at a Mach Number of 1.9

Damping-in-Roll Characteristics of a 42.7 Degree Sweptback Wing as Determined From a Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Twisted Semispan Wing

Calculation of Aerodynamic Forces on a Propeller in Pitch or Yaw

Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Airfoil-Forebody Swept Flying-Boat Hull With a Wing and Tail Swept Back 51.3 Degrees at the Leading Edge

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing With Quarter-Chord Line Swept Back 45 Degrees, Aspect Ratio 6, Taper Ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Section

Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing With Quarter-Chord Line Swept Back 45 Degrees, Aspect Ratio 4, Taper Ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 Airfoil Section: Transonic-Bump Method

Aerodynamic Study of a Wing-Fuselage Combination Employing a Wing Swept Back 63 Degrees: Effects at Subsonic Speeds of a Constant-Chord Elevon on a Wing Cambered and Twisted for a Uniform Load at a Lift Coefficient of 0.25

Published Year



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