Browse TRAIL Inventories

Aerodynamic Heat-Power Engine Operating on a Closed Cycle

Stability of elastically supported columns

The effect of exhaust-stack shape on the design and performance of the individual cylinder exhaust-gas jet-propulsion system

A method for calculating heat transfer in the laminar flow region of bodies

A method for determining the rate of heat transfer from a wing or streamline body

The effect of propeller operation on the air flow in the region of the tail plane for a twin-engine tractor monoplane

Summary report on the induction of water to the inlet air as a means of internal cooling in aircraft-engine cylinders

The resistance coefficient of commercial round wire grids

A study by high-speed photography of combustion and knock in a spark-ignition engine

Statistical analysis of service stresses in aircraft wings

Some theoretical considerations of longitudinal stability in power-on flight with special reference to wind-tunnel testing

Thermal Theory of Combustion and Explosion

Effect of additions of aromatics on the knocking characteristics of several 100-octane fuels at two engine speeds

Aerodynamic problems in the design of efficient propellers

An analysis of the effect of core structure and performance on volume and shape of cross-flow tubular intercoolers

The fatigue strengths of some wrought aluminum alloys

The cross-flow plate-type intercooler

Effect of an aromatic mixture added to two 100-octane fuels on engine temperatures and fuel consumption

Maximum permissible engine performance of eight representative fuels of 100-octane number

Performance of two-stage turbosupercharger using mixed-flow impellers

An investigation of diffuser-resistance combinations in duct systems

Ground effect on downwash angles and wake location

Test of NACA 66,2-116, a = 0.6 airfoil section fitted with pressure balanced and slotted flaps for the wing of the XP-63 airplane

Contribution to the ideal efficiency of screw propellers

Normal-pressure tests of circular plates with clamped edges

Wind-tunnel tests of single- and dual-rotating pusher propellers having from three to eight blades

An investigation of aircraft heaters V : theory and use of heat meters for the measurement of rates of heat transfer which are independent of time

Investigation of extreme leading-edge roughness on thick low-drag airfoils to indicate those critical to separation

Investigation of flow through an intercooler set at various angles to the supply duct

Flight measurements of the lateral control characteristics of an airplane equipped with a combination aileron-spoiler control system

Flight measurements of the rudder control and sideslip characteristics of four vertical tail arrangements on the P-40 series airplanes

Investigation of means for extending the range of several bombers to 6000 miles

An investigation of aircraft heaters I : elementary heat transfer considerations in an airplane

An investigation of aircraft heaters IV : measured and predicted performance of longitudinally finned tubes

An investigation of aircraft heaters VII : thermal radiation from athermanous exhaust gases

An investigation of aircraft heaters III : measured and predicted performance of double tube heat exchangers

An investigation of aircraft heaters VI : heat transfer equations for the single pass longitudinal exchanger

An investigation of aircraft heaters II : properties of gases

Investigation of the variation of lift coefficient with Reynolds number at a moderate angle of attack on a low-drag airfoil

Measurements of the flying qualities of a Supermarine Spitfire VA airplane

A method for the design of cooling systems for aircraft power-plant installations

Measurements of the flying qualities of a Hawker Hurricane airplane

A method of calculating bending stresses due to torsion

Normal-pressure tests of rectangular plates

New method of extrapolation of the resistance of a model planing boat to full size

Investigation of Diving Moments of a Pursuit Airplane in the Ames 16-Foot High Speed Wind Tunnel

Preliminary investigation and design of an air-heated wing for Lockheed 12A airplane

The preparation of 2, 2, 4, 4-tetramethylpentane

Procedure used at Aluminum Research Laboratories for determining type of attack in some aluminum alloys

Principles and methods of rating and testing centrifugal superchargers

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