Browse TRAIL Inventories

The effects of scale and test technique on the validity of small-scale measurements of the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing with the leading edge swept back 63 degrees

Investigation of a thin straight wing of aspect ratio 4 by the NACA wing-flow method: Lift and pitching-moment characteristics of the wing alone

Investigations of an annular diffuser-fan combination handling rotating flow

Investigation of several clamshell variable-area exhaust nozzles for turbojet engines

Method of determining centrifugal-flow-compressor performance with water injection

Wing-tunnel investigation at low transonic speeds of the effects of number of wings on the lateral-control effectiveness of an RM-5 test vehicle

Analysis of measured pressures on airfoils at Mach numbers near 1

A preliminary experimental investigation of a submerged cascade inlet

Preliminary experimental investigation of effects of aerodynamic shape of concentrated weights on flutter of a straight cantilever wing

Preliminary investigation of a variable mass-flow supersonic nose inlet

Wind-tunnel investigation of transonic aileron flutter

Preliminary full-scale investigation of a 1/3-scale model of a convertible-type airplane

Pressure-distribution data for the NACA 64(sub 1)-012 and 64(sub 1) A012 airfoils at high subsonic Mach numbers

Preliminary Wind-Tunnel Tests of Triangular and Rectangular Wings in Steady Roll at Mach Numbers of 1.62 and 1.92

Lateral and directional stability and control characteristics of a C-54D airplane

Determination of rate, area, and distribution of impingement of water drops on various airfoils from trajectories obtained on the differential analyzer

Vibrational modes of several hollow turbine blades and of solid turbine blade of similar aerodynamic design

Downwash in vortex region behind trapezoidal-wing tip at Mach number 1.91

Analytical determination of effect of water injection on power output of turbine-propeller engine

Aerodynamic characteristics of a wing with quarter-chord line swept back 35 degrees, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 airfoil section : transonic-bumb method

Carbon deposition from AN-F-58 fuels in a J33 single combustor

Comparison of effectiveness of coordinated turns and level sideslips for correcting lateral displacement during landing approaches

Aerodynamic characteristics of a wing with quarter-chord line swept back 60 degrees, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 airfoil section: transonic-bump method

Aerodynamic characteristics of a wing with unswept quarter-chord line, aspect ratio 4, taper ratio 0.6, and NACA 65A006 airfoil section

The aerodynamic characteristics throughout the subsonic speed range of a thin, sharp-edged horizontal tail of aspect ratio 4 equipped with a constant-chord elevator

Analysis and experimental observation of pressure losses in ram-jet combustion chambers

An analysis of a highly compounded two-stroke-cycle compression-ignition engine

Evaluation of piston-type gas-generator engine for subsonic transport operation.

Effects of Mach number and sweep on the damping-in-roll characteristics of wings of aspect ratio 4

Effects of systematic changes of trailing-edge angle and leading-edge radius on the variation with Mach number of the aerodynamic characteristics of a 10-percent-chord-thick NACA airfoil section

Estimated transonic flying qualities of a tailless airplane based on a model investigation

Estimation of the forces and moments acting on inclined bodies of revolution of high fineness ratio

Experimental investigation of pressure fluctuations in 3.6 inch ram jet at Mach number 1.92

Experimental investigation of rim cracking in disks subjected to high temperature gradients

Aerodynamic characteristics of a flying-boat hull having a length-beam ratio of 15 and a warped forebody

Comparison of flight performance of AN-F-58 and AN-F-32 fuels in J35 turbojet engine

Experimental study of loop-scavenged compression-ignition cylinder for gas-generator use

Study of compressor systems for a gas-generator engine

Static longitudinal stability and control of a convertible-type airplane as affected by articulated- and rigid-propeller operation

Properties of certain intermetallics as related to elevated-temperature applications I : molybdenum disilicide

Survey of two-dimensional data on pitching-moment changes near maximum lift caused by deflection of high-lift devices

Tests of a model horizontal tail of aspect ratio 4.5 in the Ames 12-foot pressure wind tunnel I : quarter-chord line swept back 35 degrees

Investigation of Aerodynamic and Icing Characteristics of Recessed Fuel-Vent Configurations

Investigation of Icing Characteristics of Typical Light Airplane Engine Induction Systems

An Electric Thrust Meter Suitable for Flight Investigation of Propellers

Determination of Rate, Area, and Distribution of Impingement of Waterdrops on Various Airfoils From Trajectories Obtained on the Differential Analyzer

Investigation of the Kingfisher XAUM-2 Flying Torpedo in the Langley Full Scale Tunnel, TED No. NACA DE 327

A Simple Method of Estimating the Subsonic Lift and Damping in Roll of Sweptback Wings

Physical Properties at Elevated Temperature of Seven Hot-Pressed Ceramics

Experimental Investigation of Flutter of a Propeller With Clark Y Section Operating at Zero Forward Velocity at Positive and Negative Blade-Angle Settings

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