Browse TRAIL Inventories

A radar method of calibrating airspeed installations on airplanes in maneuvers at high altitudes and at transonic and supersonic speeds

Lecture Series "Boundary Layer Theory". Part I - Laminar Flows, Part 1, Laminar Flows

Boundary Layer Theory, Part 2, Turbulent Flows

An Approximate Method for Calculation of the Laminar Boundary Layer with Suction for Bodies of Arbitrary Shape

Performance of J33 turbojet engine with shaft-power extraction 3: turbine performance

Investigations at supersonic speeds of 22 triangular wings representing two airfoil sections for each of 11 apex angles

Present status of research on boundary-layer control

Hydrodynamic characteristics of a swept planing-tail hull

Effect of airfoil section and tip tanks on the aerodynamic characteristics at high subsonic speeds of an unswept wing of aspect ratio 5.16 and taper ratio 0.61

Effects of high-lift and stall-control devices, fuselage, and horizontal tail on a wing swept back 42 degrees at the leading edge and having symmetrical circular-arc airfoils sections at a Reynolds number of 6.9 x 10(exp 6)

Experimental performance of chlorine trifluoride-hydrazine propellant combination in 100-pound-thrust rocket engine

Flight investigation of the effect of boundary-layer suction on profile-drag coefficient at supercritical Mach numbers

Turbine-rotor-blade designs based on one-dimensional-flow theory I : performance of single-stage turbine having 40-percent reaction

Altitude-chamber performance of British Rolls-Royce Nene II engine I : standard 18.75-inch-diameter jet nozzle

Wing-tunnel investigation at high subsonic speeds of the lateral-control characteristics of an aileron and a stepped spoiler on a wing with leading edge swept back 51.3 degrees

Wind-Tunnel investigation of NACA 65,3-418 airfoil section with boundary-layer control through a single suction slot applied to a plain flap

Altitude performance of AN-F-58 fuels in J33-A-21 single combustor

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of compressor performance on J47 turbojet engine

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigation of AN-F-58 fuel in experimental version of J47 turbojet engine

Two-dimensional aerodynamic characteristics of 34 miscellaneous airfoil sections

Two-dimensional wind-tunnel investigation of a 6-percent-thick symmetrical circular-arc airfoil section with leading-edge and trailing-edge high-lift devices deflected in combination

Two-dimensional wind tunnel investigation of a symmetrical airfoil section with a sealed internally balanced control surface and a leading tab

Low-speed pressure-distribution and flow investigation for a large pitch and yaw range of three low-aspect-ratio pointed wings having leading edge swept back 60 degrees and biconvex sections

Low-speed static longitudinal stability characteristics of a canard model having a 60 degrees triangular wing and horizontal tail

Low-speed static-stability and rolling characteristics of low-aspect-ratio wings of triangular and modified triangular plan forms

Low-speed wind-tunnel investigation of the longitudinal stability characteristics of a model equipped with a variable-sweep wing

Stability and Control Data Obtained from Fourth and Fifth Flights of the Northrop X-4 Airplane (A.F. No. 46-676)

High-subsonic damping-in-roll characteristics of a wing with the quarter-chord line swept back 35 degrees and with aspect ratio 3 and taper ratio 0.6

Effect of hot-gas bleedback ice prevention on performance of a turbojet engine with fixed-area tail-pipe nozzle

An empirical criterion for fin stabilizing jettisonable nose sections of airplanes

Experimental determination of the subsonic performance of a ram-jet unit containing thin-plate burners

Aerodynamic study of a wing-fuselage combination employing a wing swept back 63 degrees : investigation at a Mach number of 1.53 to determine the effects of cambering and twisting the wing for uniform load at a lift coefficient of 0.25

Effect of temperature on performance of several ejector configurations

Experimental investigation of liquid diborane - liquid oxygen propellant combination in 100-pound-thrust rocket engine

Analysis of the dynamic lateral stability characteristics of the Bell X-2 airplane as affected by variations in mass, aerodynamic, and dimensional parameters

Experimental investigation of hot-gas bleedback for ice protection of turbojet engines 2: nacelle with long straight air inlet

Experimental investigation of hot-gas bleedback for ice protection of turbojet engines 3: nacelle with short straight air inlet

Experimental investigation at supersonic speeds of side scoops employing boundary-layer suction

Experimental investigation at supersonic speeds of twin-scoop duct inlets of equal area IV : some effects of internal duct shape upon an inlet enclosing 37.2 percent of the forebody circumference

Effects of wing-tip turrets on the aerodynamic characteristics of a typical bomber-wing model

Experimental pressure distribution on a asymmetrical nonconical body at Mach number 1.90

Investigation of the NACA 4-(5)(08)-03 Two-Blade Propeller at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.925

Comparison of performance of AN-F-58 and AN-F-32 fuels in J33-A-23 turbojet engine

A comparison of the experimental subsonic pressure distributions about several bodies of revolution with pressure distributions computed by means of the linearized theory

Cyclic engine operation of cast vitallium turbine blades at an exhaust-cone gas temperature of 1440 plus or minus 20 F

Reynolds number effect on axial-flow compressor performance

Investigation of downwash and wake characteristics at a Mach number of 1.53 2: triangular wing

Investigation of downwash and wake characteristics at a Mach number of 1.53 1: rectangular wing

Wind-tunnel investigation of a tailless triangular-wing fighter aircraft at Mach numbers from 0.5 to 1.5

Wind-tunnel investigation of horizontal tails. 5: 45 degree swept-back plan form of aspect ratio 2

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