Browse TRAIL Inventories

The Effect of Wind Bending Deflection on the Rolling Moment Due to Sideslip

A Device for Measuring Sonic Velocity and Compressor Mach Number

Method for Calculation of Pressure Distributions on Thin Conical Bodies of Arbitrary Cross Section in Supersonic Stream

De-Icing Effectiveness of External Electric Heaters for Propeller Blades

Characteristics of Low-Aspect Ratio Wings at Supercritical Mach Numbers

Buckling Tests of Flat Rectangular Plates Under Combined Shear and Longitudinal Compression

Tensile and Compressive Properties of Laminated Plastics at High and Low Temperatures

Effect of Partial Wing Lift in Seaplane Landing Impact

Shear Flows in Multicell Sandwich Sections

Fracture Strength of 75S-T Aluminum Alloy Under Combined Stress

Analytical Method of Determining Transmission of Particles and Radiation Through Great Thickness of Matter

An Improved Photoelastic Method for Determining Plane Stresses

An Investigation of the Low-Speed Static Stability Characteristics of Complete Models Having Sweptback and Sweptforward Wings

Cyclic Engine Test of Cast Vitallium Turbine Buckets 2

Effect of Aerodynamic Hysteresis on Critical Flutter Speed at Stall

Effect of Centrifugal Force on Critical Flutter Speed on a Uniform Cantilever Beam

Efficiency of Radial-Flow Turbine of Turbo Engineering Corporation TTT13-18 Turbosupercharger

Results Obtained During Extension of U.S. Air Force Transonic-Flight Tests of XS-1 Airplane

Indirect Methods for Obtaining Ram-Jet Exhaust-Gas Temperature Applied to Fuel-Metering Control

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Horizontal Tails 1: Unswept and 35 Degrees Swept-Back Plan Forms of Aspect Ratio 3

High-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Model Tail Plane with Modified NACA 65-010 Sections and 0 Degree and 45 Degrees Sweepback

High-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Lateral-Control Model 1: NACA 0012-64 Section with 20-Percent-Chord Plain Aileron and 0 Degree and 45 Degrees Sweepback

The High-Speed Aerodynamic Effects of Modifications to the Wing and Wing-Fuselage Intersection of an Airplane Model with the Wing Swept Back 35 Degrees

High-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane Model with a Swept-Back Wing and Tail

Relation of Nozzle-Blade and Turbine-Bucket Temperatures to Gas Temperatures in a Turbojet Engine

Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Low-Drag Supersonic Inlets Having a Circular Cross Section and a Central Body at Mach Numbers of 3.30, 2.75, and 2.45

On the Theory of Oscillating Airfoils of Finite Span in Subsonic Compressible Flow

Investigation of Low-Speed, Power-Off Stability and Control Characteristics of a Model With a 35 Degree Sweptback Wing in the Langley Free-Flight Tunnel

Flight Investigation of Loads on a Bubble-Type Canopy

Full-Scale Investigation of an Equilateral Triangular Wing Having 10-Percent-Thick Biconvex Airfoil Sections

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics at Transonic Speeds of a Semispan Airplane Model Having a 45 Degree Sweptback Wing and Tail as Obtained by the Transonic-Bump Method

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Semispan Airplane Model With a Sweptback Wing and Tail From Tests at Transonic Speeds by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Measurement Through the Speed of Sound of Static Pressures on the Rear of Unswept and Sweptback Circular Cylinders and on the Rear and Sides of a Wedge by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Investigation of the I-40 Jet-Propulsion Engine in the Cleveland Altitude Wind Tunnel 1: Performance and Windmilling Drag Characteristics

An Investigation of the Downwash Behind a High-Aspect-Ratio Wing With Various Amounts of Sweep in the Langley 8-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/16-Scale Model of the D-558 Research Airplane: D-588-1 Speed-Reduction Brake and Symmetrical-Profile Wing Characteristics

Flight Tests to Determine the Drag of Fin-Stabilized Parabolic Bodies at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds

Free-Flight Investigation of the Rolling Effectiveness of a Wing-Spoiler Arrangement at High Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds

High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/16-Scale Model of the D-558 Research Airplane: Longitudinal Stability and Control of the D-558-1

Free-Flight Investigation of the Rolling Effectiveness of Several Delta Wing - Aileron Configurations at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds

Free-Spinning Characteristics of a 1/21-Scale Model of the Douglas AD-2W Airplane: TED No. NACA DE329

Free-Flight Investigation at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds of the Rolling Effectiveness of a 42.7 Degree Sweptback Wing Having Partial-Span Ailerons

Free-Flight Investigation at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds of a Wing-Aileron Configuration Simulating the D-558-2 Airplane

Flight Tests of a Two-Dimensional Wedge Diffuser at Transonic and Supersonic Speeds

Flight Test of NACA FR-1-B, a Low-Acceleration Rocket-Propelled Vehicle for Transonic Flutter Research

Force, Static Longitudinal Stability, and Control Characteristics of a 1/16-Scale Model of the Bell XS-1 Transonic Research Airplane at High Mach Numbers

Free-Flight-Tunnel Tests of a Target-Seeking Glide-Bomb Model With Flicker Lateral Control

Investigation of a Systematic Group of NACA 1-Series Cowling With and Without Spinners

Some Flight Measurements of Pressure-Distribution and Boundary-Layer Characteristics in the Presence of Shock

General handling-qualities results obtained during acceptance flight tests of the Bell XS-1 airplane

Published Year



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