Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Residual Stress Analysis of Overspeeded Disk With Central Hole by X-Ray Diffraction
One-Dimensional Flows of an Imperfect Diatomic Gas
Experiments on Stability of Bunsen-Burner Flames for Turbulent Flow
The Effects of Fuel Sloshing on the Lateral Stability of a Free-Flying Airplane Model
Investigation of the Penetration of an Air Jet Directed Perpendicularly to an Air Stream
Sideslip Angles and Vertical-Tail Loads Developed by Periodic Control Deflections
Theoretical Wave Drag and Lift of Thin Supersonic Ring Airfoils
The Theoretical Lift of Flat Swept-Back Wings at Supersonic Speeds
A Theoretical Study of the Dynamic Properties of Helicopter-Blade Systems
On the Interpretation of Combined Torsion and Tension Tests of Thin-Wall Tubes
Buckling of a Long Square Tube in Torsion and Compression
Appreciation and Prediction of Flying Qualities
Standard Symbols for Helicopters
Symbols for Combustion Research
Minimum-Weight Design of Simply Supported Transversely Stiffened Plates Under Compression
Application of Statistical Methods to Study of Gas-Turbine Blade Failures
Effect of Screens in Wide-Angle Diffusers
Effect of Rotor-Blade Twist and Plan-Form Taper on Helicopter Hovering Performance
The Stability Derivatives of Low-Aspect-Ratio Triangular Wings at Subsonic and Supersonic SPeeds
Strength Tests of Shear Webs With Uprights Not Connected to the Flanges
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Systematic Series of Modifications to a Flying-Boat Hull
Theoretical and Experimental Wing-Tip Accelerations of a Small Flying Boat During Landing Impacts
Influence of Tail Length Upon the Spin-Recovery Characteristics of a Trainer-Type-Airplane Model
Plastic Buckling of a Rectangular Plate Under Edge Thrusts
Dislocation Theory of the Fatigue of Metals
Stress and Distortion Measurements in a 45 Degree Swept Box Beam Subjected to Bending and to Torsion
Tensile, Fatigue, and Creep Properties of Forged Aluminum Alloys at Temperatures Up to 800 F
On Similarity Rules for Transonic Flows
Mechanical Properties of Five Laminated Plastics
High-Temperature Attack of Various Compounds on Four Heat-Resisting Alloys
A Study of Ceramic Coatings for High-Temperature Protection of Molybdenum
Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Alclad Aluminum-Alloy 24S-T Sheet
Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Alclad Aluminum-Alloy 24S-T81 Sheet