Browse TRAIL Inventories

High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Flying-Boat Hull With High Length-Beam Ratio

High-speed wind-tunnel tests of a 1/16-scale model of the D-558 research airplane-dynamic pressure and comparison of point and effective downwash at the tail of the D-558-1

Flight-Test Evaluation of the Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of 0.5-Scale Models of the Lark Pilotless-Aircraft Configuration

Flutter Investigation in the Transonic Range of Six Airfoils Attached to Three Freely Falling Bodies

Investigation of a Thin Wing of Aspect Ratio 4 in the Ames 12-Foot Pressure Wind Tunnel 3: The Effectiveness of a Constant-Chord Aileron

Effect of a pilot's canopy on the drag of an NACA RM-2 drag research model in flight at transonic and supersonic speeds

Correlation of wind-tunnel and flight determinations of the buffet speed of an airplane equipped with external stores

Performance of Experimental Turbojet-Engine Combustor 1: Performance of a One-Eighth Segment of an Experimental Turbojet-Engine Combustor

Static tests of a shrouded and an unshrouded propeller

Pressure distribution over a sharp-nose body of revolution at transonic speeds by the NACA wing-flow method

Measurements of the wing and tail loads during the acceptance tests of Bell XS-1 research airplane

The NACA 2000-horsepower propeller dynamometer and tests at high speed of an NACA 10-(3)(08)-03 two-blade propeller

Preliminary wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of area suction on the laminar boundary layer over an NACA 64A010 airfoil

Performance of Compressor of XJ-41-V Turbojet Engine V-Performance Analysis of Compressor With Revised Vaned Collector Over Range of Compressor Speeds From 3600 to 11,500 RPM

Preliminary Results of Nene II Engine Altitude-Chamber Performance Investigation 2 - Altitude Performance Using 18.41-Inch Diameter-Jet Nozzle

Experimental Pressure Distribution on Fuselage Nose and Pilot Canopy of Supersonic Airplane at Mach Number 1.90

A Simple Approximate Method for Obtaining Spanwise Lift Distributions Over Swept Wings

Preliminary Results of Altitude-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of X24C-4B Turbojet Engine 2 - Engine Performance

Supplementary Investigation in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel of the Spin and Recovery Characteristics of a 0.057-Scale Model of the Chance Vought XFU-1 Airplane, Ted No. NACA DE 311

Surface-Pressure Distributions on a Systematic Group of NACA 1-Series Cowlings With and Without Spinners

Transonic Drag Characteristics of a Wing-Body Combination Showing the Effect of a Large Wing Fillet

Supplementary Investigation to Determine the Effects of Center-of-Gravity Position on the Spin, Longitudinal-Trim, and Tumbling Characteristics of a 1/20-Scale Model of the Consolidated Vultee 7002 Airplane (Flying Mock-up of XF-92)

Vibration Survey of Blades in 19XB Axial-Flow Compressor 3: Preliminary Engine Investigation

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Opening Characteristics, Drag, and Stability of Several Hemispherical Parachutes

Theoretical Analysis of Stationary Potential Flows and Boundary Layers at High Speed

Rotating Disks in the Region of Permanent Deformation

Test Report on Three- and Six-Component Measurements on a Series of Tapered Wings of Small Aspect Ratio (Partial Report: Triangular Wing)

Nonstationary Gas Flow in Thin Pipes of Variable Cross Section

Planing of Watercraft

Pressure Recovery at Supersonic Speeds Through Annular Duct Inlets Situated in a Region of Appreciable Boundary Layer 2: Effect of an Oblique Shock Wave Immediately Ahead of the Inlet

Performance of a Ram-Jet-Type Combustor With Flame Holders Immersed in the Combustion Zone

Note on the Importance of Imperfect-Gas Effects and Variation of Heat Capacities on the Isentropic Flow of Gases

Results Obtained During Accelerated Transonic Tests of the Bell XS-1 Airplane in Flights to a Mach Number of 0.92

A Method for Calculating Flow Fields of Cowlings with Known Surface-Pressure Distributions

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Horizontal Tails 4: Unswept Plan Form of Aspect Ratio 2 and a Two-Dimensional Model

Effect of High-Lift Devices on the Low-Speed Static Lateral and Yawing Stability Characteristics of an Untapered 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Horizontal Tails 2: Unswept and 35 Degree Swept-Back Plan Forms of Aspect Ratio 4.5

Effect of High-Lift Devices on the Longitudinal and Lateral Characteristics of a 45 Degrees Sweptback Wing with Symmetrical Circular-Arc Sections

Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Low-Drag Supersonic Inlets Having a Circular Cross Section and a Central Body at Mach Numbers 3.30, 2.75, and 2.45

Lifting-Surface-Theory Aspect-Ratio Corrections to the Lift and Hinge-Moment Parameters for Full-Span Elevators on Horizontal Tail Surfaces

Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Heat-Transfer Characteristics of Bodies of Revolution at Supersonic Speeds

Prediction of the Effects of Propeller Operation on the Static Longitudinal Stability of Single-Engine Tractor Monoplanes with Flaps Retracted

Method of Estimating the Minimum Size of a Tail or Wing-Tip Parachute for Emergency Spin Recovery of an Airplane

Theoretical Stability Derivatives of Thin Sweptback Wings Tapered to a Point with Sweptback or Sweptforward Trailing Edges for a Limited Range of Supersonic Speeds

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of High-Lift and Stall-Control Devices on a 37 Degree Sweptback Wing of Aspect Ratio 6 at High Reynolds Numbers

Ditching Tests of a 1/18-Scale Model of the Lockheed Constellation Airplane

Ditching Tests of Two Models of the Army B-36 Airplane

Ditching Tests of a 1/24-Scale Model of the Lockheed XR60-1 Airplane, TED No. NACA 235

A Restricted List of Aircraft Materials Research Projects

The Method of Characteristics for the Determination of Supersonic Flow Over Bodies of Revolution at Small Angles of Attack

Published Year



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