Browse TRAIL Inventories

Hydrodynamic qualities of a hypothetical flying boat with a low-drag hull having a length-beam ratio of 15

Experimental investigation of the effects of concentrated weights on flutter characteristics of a straight cantilever wing

Flight measurements of the lateral and directional stability and control characteristics of an airplane having a 35 degree sweptback wing with 40-percent-span slots and a comparison with wind-tunnel data

Effect of steady rolling on longitudinal and directional stability

Strength of thin-web beams with transverse load applied at an intermediate upright

A meteorological measure of maximum gust velocities in clouds

Wind-Tunnel Tests and Analysis of Two 10-Foot-Diameter Six-Blade Dual-Rotating Tractor Propeller Differing in Pitch Distribution

A method for determining the aerodynamic characteristics of two-and three-dimensional shapes at hypersonic speeds

An evaluation of some approximate methods of computing landing stresses in aircraft

A unified theory of plastic buckling of columns and plates

Two-dimensional wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 64-009 airfoil equipped with two types of leading-edge flap

Note on similarity conditions for flows with heat transfer

Simulated-Altitude Investigations of Performance of Tubular Aircraft Oil Coolers

Effect of Hydrocarbon Type and Chain Length on Uniform Flame Movement in Quiescent Fuel-Air Mixtures

An Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Honeycomb Structures Made of Resin-Impregnated Paper

Stress Distribution in a Beam of Orthotropic Material Subjected to a Concentrated Load

Wind-tunnel investigation of seven thin NACA airfoil sections to determine optimum double-slotted-flap configurations

Wind-tunnel investigation of the boundary layer on an NACA 0009 airfoil having 0.25- and 0.50- airfoil chord plain sealed flaps

Effect of Variables in Welding Technique on the Strength of Direct-Current Metal-Arc-Welded Joints in Aircraft Steel 2 - Repeated-Stress Tests of Joints in SAE 4130 Seamless Steel Tubing

Collection of Test Data for Lateral Control With Full-Span Flaps

Preliminary Results of NACA Transonic Flights of the XS-1 Airplane With a 10-Percent-Thick Wing and 8-Percent-Thick Horizontal Tail

Flight and Wind-Tunnel Investigation to Determine the Aileron-Vibration Characteristics of 1/4-Scale Wing Panels of the Douglas D-558-2 Research Airplane

Flight Characteristics at Low Speed of Delta-Wing Models

Preliminary Investigation of a Ceramic Lining for a Combustion Chamber for Gas-Turbine Use

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation at High Reynolds Numbers of an NACA 65A006 Airfoil With High-Lift Devices

A Summary and Analysis of Wind-Tunnel Data on the Lift and Hinge-Moment Characteristics of Control Surfaces Up to a Mach Number of 0.90

Pressure Distributions Over a Wing-Fuselage Model at Mach Numbers of 0.4 to 0.99 and at 1.2

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Wing-Fuselage Combination With External Stores

Wind-Tunnel Investigation at a Mach Number of 1.53 of an Airplane With a Triangular Wing

A Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of Various Lateral Controls on a 45 Degree Swept-Back Wing

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Low-Speed Stability and Control Characteristics of a Model With a Sweptback Vee Tail and a Sweptback Wing

Yaw Characteristics of a 52 Degree Sweptback Wing of NACA 64(Sub 1)-112 Section With a Fuselage and With Leading-Edge and Split Flaps at Reynolds Numbers From 1.93 X 10(Exp 6) to 6.00 X 10(Exp 6)

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Stability of Jettisoned Nose Sections of the D-558 Airplane: Phases 1 and 2

Drag Measurements in Flight on the 10-Percent-Thick and 8-Percent-Thick Wing X-1 Airplanes

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Several NACA Airfoil Sections at Seven Reynolds Numbers From 0.7 X 10(Exp 6) to 9.0 X 10(Exp 6)

Comparison of Hovering Performance of Helicopters Powered by Jet-Propulsion and Reciprocating Engines

Cyclic Engine Test of Cast Vitallium Turbine Buckets - 1

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flying-Boat Hulls Having Length-Beam Ratios of 20 and 30

An Analysis of the Effects of Wing Aspect Ratio and Tail Location on Static Longitudinal Stability Below the Mach Number of Lift Divergence

Longitudinal-Stability Investigation of High-Lift and Stall-Control Devices on a 52 Degree Sweptback Wing With and Without Fuselage and Horizontal Tail at a Reynolds Number of 6.8 X 10 (Exp 6)

Investigation of Effects of Several Fuel-Injection Locations on Operational Performance of a 20-Inch Ram Jet

An Investigation of Aileron Oscillations at Transonic Speeds on NACA 23012 and NACA 65-212 Airfoils by the Wing-Flow Method

Helicopter Stability

Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics of a Semispan Model of a Supersonic Airplane Configuration at Transonic Speeds From Tests by the NACA Wing-Flow Method

Additional Results in a Free-Flight Investigation of Control Effectiveness of Full-Span, 0.2-Chord Plain Ailerons at High Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Speeds to Determine Some Effects of Wing Sweepback, Aspect Ratio, Taper, and Section Thickness Ratio

High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/16-Scale Model of the D-558 Research Airplane Basic Longitudinal Stability of the D-558-1

High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Model Pursuit Airplane and Correlation With Flight-Test Results

Flight Tests to Determine the Effect of Airfoil Section Profile and Thickness Ratio on the Zero-Lift Drag of Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings at Supersonic Speeds

Initial Flight Test of the NACA FR-1-A, a Low-Acceleration Rocket-Propelled Vehicle for Transonic Flutter Research

Initial Flight Tests of the NACA FR-2, a High-Velocity Rocket-Propelled Vehicle for Transonic Flutter Research

Published Year



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