Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Effect of steady rolling on longitudinal and directional stability
Strength of thin-web beams with transverse load applied at an intermediate upright
A meteorological measure of maximum gust velocities in clouds
An evaluation of some approximate methods of computing landing stresses in aircraft
A unified theory of plastic buckling of columns and plates
Note on similarity conditions for flows with heat transfer
Simulated-Altitude Investigations of Performance of Tubular Aircraft Oil Coolers
Effect of Hydrocarbon Type and Chain Length on Uniform Flame Movement in Quiescent Fuel-Air Mixtures
An Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Honeycomb Structures Made of Resin-Impregnated Paper
Stress Distribution in a Beam of Orthotropic Material Subjected to a Concentrated Load
Collection of Test Data for Lateral Control With Full-Span Flaps
Flight Characteristics at Low Speed of Delta-Wing Models
Preliminary Investigation of a Ceramic Lining for a Combustion Chamber for Gas-Turbine Use
Pressure Distributions Over a Wing-Fuselage Model at Mach Numbers of 0.4 to 0.99 and at 1.2
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Wing-Fuselage Combination With External Stores
Wind-Tunnel Investigation at a Mach Number of 1.53 of an Airplane With a Triangular Wing
A Wind-Tunnel Investigation at Low Speed of Various Lateral Controls on a 45 Degree Swept-Back Wing
Drag Measurements in Flight on the 10-Percent-Thick and 8-Percent-Thick Wing X-1 Airplanes
Cyclic Engine Test of Cast Vitallium Turbine Buckets - 1
Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flying-Boat Hulls Having Length-Beam Ratios of 20 and 30
High-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Model Pursuit Airplane and Correlation With Flight-Test Results