Browse TRAIL Inventories

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters XXVIII : Equations for Steady-State Temperature Distribution Caused by Thermal Sources in Flat Plates Applied to Calculation of Thermocouple Errors, Heat-meter Corrections, and Heat Transfer by Pin-fin Plates

Theoretical basic span loading characteristics of wings with arbitrary sweep, aspect ratio, and taper ratio

Take-off performance of light twin-float sea- planes

Theoretical evaluation of the ducted-fan turbojet engine

A theoretical investigation of the effect of yawing moment due to rolling on lateral oscillatory stability

Two-dimensional compressible flow in conical mixed-flow compressors

Two-dimensional unsteady lift problems in supersonic flight

Ultimate stresses developed by 24S-T and Alclad 75S-T aluminum-alloy sheet in incomplete diagonal tension

The inward bulge type buckling of monocoque cylinders IV : experimental investigation of cylinders subjected to pure bending

The inward bulge type buckling of monocoque cylinders V : revised strain energy theory which assumes a more general deflected shape at buckling

Low-speed wind-tunnel investigation of various plain-spoiler configurations for lateral control on a 42 degree sweptback wing

Methods of constructing charts for adjusting test results for the compressive strength of plates for differences in material properties

Mollier diagrams for air saturated with water vapor at low temperatures

Notes on the Lagrangian multiplier method in elastic-stability analysis

The rupture-test characteristics of heat-resistant sheet alloys at 1700 F and 1800 F

Quantitative analysis of ternary mixtures of naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene, and 2-methylnaphthalene by ultraviolet spectrophotometry

Stability derivatives of triangular wings at supersonic speeds

Stability derivatives of thin rectangular wings at supersonic speeds : wing diagonal ahead of tip mach lines

An analysis of the airspeeds and normal accelerations of Sikorsky S-42A airplanes in commercial transport operation

High-speed wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 65-210 semispan wing equipped with plug and retractable ailerons and a full-span slotted flap

The Development of Cambered Airfoil Sections Having Favorable Lift Characteristics at Supercritical Mach Numbers

Development of cast aluminum alloys for elevated-temperature service

An analysis of the airspeeds and normal accelerations of Martin M-130 airplanes in commercial transport operation

Control considerations for optimum power proportionment in turbine-propeller engines

Effect of taper ratio on low-speed static and yawing stability derivatives of 45 degree sweptback wings with aspect ratio of 2.61

Influence of leading-edge suction on lift-drag ratios of wings at supersonic speeds

An analysis of the airspeed and normal accelerations of Douglas DC-2 airplanes in commercial transport operation

An analysis of the airspeeds and normal accelerations of Boeing B-247 and B-247D airplanes in commercial transport operation

Fatigue strength and related characteristics of aircraft joints 2: fatigue characteristics of sheet and riveted joints of 0.040-inch 24S-T, 75S-T, and R303-T275 aluminum alloys

An experimental investigation of an NACA 631-012 airfoil section with leading-edge suction slots

Jet diffuser for simulating ram-pressure and altitude conditions on a turbojet-engine static test stand

A metallurgical investigation of a contour-forged disc of EME alloy

A metallurgical investigation of two contour forged gas-turbine discs of 19-9DL alloy

A metallurgical investigation of five forged gas-turbine discs of Timken alloy

A metallurgical investigation of two large discs of CSA alloy

A metallurgical investigation of two turbosupercharger discs of 19-9DL alloy

A method for determination of aromatics in 150 degree to 300 degree C fractions of crude petroleum by measurement of aniline-point rise

Investigation of boundary-layer Reynolds number for transition on an NACA 65(215)-114 airfoil in the Langley two-dimensional low-turbulence pressure tunnel

Experimental and calculated characteristics of several high-aspect-ratio tapered wings incorporating NACA 44-series, 230-series, and low-drag 64- series airfoil sections

Jet-boundary-induced-upwash velocities for swept reflection-plane models mounted vertically in 7- by 10-foot, closed, rectangular wind tunnels

Stresses in and general instability of monocoque cylinders with cutouts V : calculation of the stresses in cylinders with side cutout

Structural evaluation of an extruded magnesium-alloy T-stiffened panel

Stresses in and general instability of monocoque cylinders with cutouts IV : pure bending tests of cylinders with side cutout

Stresses in and general instability of monocoque cylinders with cutouts VI : calculation of the buckling load of cylinders with side cutout subjected to pure bending

Analytical and experimental performance of an explosion-cycle combustion chamber for a jet-propulsion engine

The use of source-sink and doublet distributions extended to the solution of boundary value problems in supersonic flow

Approximate relations for hinge-moment parameters of control surfaces on swept wings at low Mach numbers

An approximate determination of the lift of slender cylindrical bodies and wing-body combinations at very high supersonic speeds

Flight tests of an apparatus for varying dihedral effect in flight

Investigation of the penetration on an air jet directed perpendicularly to an air stream

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