Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Inlet Icing and Effectiveness of Hot-Gas Bleedback for Ice Protection of Turbojet Engine
Investigation of wing characteristics at a Mach number of 1.53 2: swept wings of taper ratio 0.5
Calculation of the aerodynamic loading of swept and unswept flexible wings of arbitrary stiffness
Ram-recovery characteristics of NACA submerged inlets at high subsonic speeds
Ditching tests of a 1/15-scale model of the Fairchild C-82 airplane
Gas-turbine-engine operation with variable-area fuel nozzles
Ice protection of turbojet engines by inertia separation of water I : alternate-duct system
Ice protection of turbojet engines by inertia separation of water III : annular submerged inlets
Ice protection of turbojet engines by inertia separation of water II : single-offset-duct system
A limit pressure coefficient and an estimation of limit forces on airfoils at supersonic speeds
Aerodynamic characteristics of a two-blade NACA 10-(3)(12)-03 propeller
Aerodynamic characteristics of a two-blade NACA 10-(3)(08)-03R propeller
Effect of a nacelle on the low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a swept-back wing
Tank spray tests of a jet-powered model fitted with NACA hydro-skis
Tests of the NACA 64(sub 1)-012 and 64(sub 1)A012 airfoils at high subsonic Mach numbers
Aerodynamic characteristics at high speeds of full-scale propellers having Clark Y blade sections
Shear lag in axially loaded panels
A study of skin temperatures of conical bodies in supersonic flight