Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Equations for the design of two-dimensional supersonic nozzles
Pressure-sensitive system for gas-temperature control
Analysis of variation of piston temperature with piston dimensions and undercrown cooling
Theoretical symmetric span loading at subsonic speeds for wings having arbitrary plan form
Application of Theodorsen's theory to propeller design
Theoretical and experimental data for a number of NACA 6A-series airfoil sections
Velocity distributions on two-dimensional wing-duct inlets by conformal mapping
Extension of Useful Operating Range of Axial-Flow Compressors by Use of Adjustable Stator Blades
Study of effects of sweep on the flutter of cantilever wings
A fuel-distribution control for gas-turbine engines
Investigation of a variable Mach number supersonic tunnel with nonintersecting characteristics
An investigation of submerged air inlets on a 1/4-scale model of a typical fighter-type airplane
Investigation of performance of single-stage axial-flow compressor using NACA 5509-34 blade section
Investigation of performance of Bumblebee 18-inch ram jet with a can-type flame holder
Method for stress analysis of a swept propeller
Performance of several air ejectors with conical mixing sections and small secondary flow rates
NACA Transonic Wing-Tunnel Test Sections
Preliminary investigation of combustion in flowing gas with various turbulence promoters
Preliminary results of natural icing of an axial-flow turbojet engine
Preliminary survey of the aircraft fire problem
Subsonic flight investigation of rectangular ram jet over range of altitudes
A theoretical lateral-stability analysis of XC-120 airplane
High-speed wind-tunnel tests of a 1/78-scale model of the Lockheed YP-80A airplane
Equations for the design of two-dimensional supersonic nozzles
Flight Investigation of a 20-Inch-Diameter Steady-Flow Ram Jet