Browse TRAIL Inventories

Stagnation Temperature Recording

Contribution to the Aerodynamics of Rotating-Wing Aircraft: Part 2

Observations of the Effect of Wing Appendages and Flaps on the Spread of Separation of Flow Over the Wing

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Plain and a Slot-Lip Aileron on a Wing With a Full-Span Flap Consisting of an Inboard Fowler and an Outboard Slotted Flap

Effect of Threaded and Serrated Holes on the Limited Time and Fatigue Strength of Flat Light-Alloy Strips

On the Calculation of Flow Past an Infinite Screen of Thin Airfoils

The Efficiency of Combustion Turbines With Constant-Pressure Combustion

The Mechanical Properties of Wood of Different Moisture Content Within -200 Degrees to +200 Degrees C Temperature Range

Effect of Aging on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Alloy Rivets

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an NACA 23021 Airfoil With Two Sizes of Balanced Split Flaps

Boundary Layer Removal by Suction

Requirements for Satisfactory Flying Qualities of Airplanes

Factors Influencing the Fatigue Strength of Materials

Wind-Tunnel Development of a Plug-Type Spoiler-Slot Aileron for a Wing With a Full-Span Slotted Flap and a Discussion of Its Application

Tank Tests of a 1/5 Full-Size Dynamically Similar Model of the Army OA-9 Amphibian With Motor-Driven Propellers: NACA Model 117

Requirements for Satisfactory Flying Qualities of Airplanes

Characteristics of Naca 4400R Series Rectangular and Tapered Airfoils, Including the Effect of Split Flaps

Development of Cowling for Long-Nose Air-Cooled Engine in the NACA Full-Scale Wind Tunnel

Tests of Round and Flat Spoilers on a Tapered Wing in the NACA 19-Foot Pressure Wind Tunnel

Tests on Stiffened Circular Cylinders

Effect of Aging on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Alloy Rivets

Relief of Residual Stress in Streamline Tie Rods by Heat Treatment

Shear Lag in Corrugated Sheets Used for the Chord Member of a Box Beam

Two-Stage Supercharging

Ultimate Stresses Developed by 24S-T Sheet in Incomplete Diagonal Tension

Minimum Induced Drag in Wing-Fuselage Interference

Cooling and Performance Tests of a Continental A-75 Engine

Stresses and Deflections in Thin Shells and Curved Plates Due to Concentrated and Variously Distributed Loading

The Tensile Elastic Properties at Low Temperatures of 18:8 Cr-Ni Steel as Affected by Heat Treatment and Slight Plastic Deformation

Variation of Properties Throughout Cross Section of Two Extruded Shapes

Tests of Bell XP-63 Low-Drag Wing Model With Split Flap

New Method of Calculating the Power at Altitude of Aircraft Engines Equipped With Superchargers on the Basis of Tests Made Under Sea-Level Conditions

The Oscillating Wing With Aerodynamically Balanced Elevator

On the Use of Residue Theory for Treating the Subsonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid

Researches on Direct Injection in Internal-Combustion Engines

The aerodynamics of a wind-tunnel fan

A simplified theoretical method of determining the characteristics of a lifting rotor in forward flight

Flutter calculations in three degrees of freedom

Determination of control-surface characteristics from NACA plain-flap and tab data

Correction of the Lifting-Line Theory for the Effect of the Chord

Plate method of ground representation for wind-tunnel determination of elevator effectiveness in landing

Wind-tunnel investigation of an NACA 23012 airfoil with several arrangements of slotted flaps with extended lips

Wind-tunnel investigation of the effect of vertical position of the wing on the side flow in the region of the vertical tail

The Calculation of Span Load Distributions of Swept-Back Wings

Methods of Analyzing Wind-Tunnel Data for Dynamic Flight Conditions

Wind-Tunnel Tests of Eight-Blade Single and Dual-Rotating Propellers in the Tractor Position

Wind-Tunnel Tests of Four Curtiss Propellers Embodying Different Blade Sections

Wind-tunnel tests of two Hamilton Standard propellers embodying Clark Y and NACA 16 series blade sections

A flight investigation of the boundary-layer characteristics and profile drag of the NACA 35-215 laminar-flow airfoil at high Reynolds numbers

A study of the effects of vertical tail area and dihedral on the lateral maneuverability of an airplane

Published Year



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