Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Damping in pitch and roll of triangular wings at supersonic speeds
Theoretical motions of hydrofoil systems
Development of Inboard Nacelle for the XB-36 Airplane
Development of Outboard Nacelle for the XB-36 Airplane
Tests of the AN/SPS-1 Radar Antenna in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel
Lateral Stability Characteristics of a 1/8.33-Scale Powered Model of the Republic XF-12 Airplane
Simulated Altitude Performance of Combustors for the 24C Jet Engine: 2: 24C-4 Combustor
An experimental investigation of the design variables for NACA submerged duct entrances
Air-flow surveys in the vicinity of representative NACA 1-series cowlings
Theoretical Comparison of Several Methods of Thrust Augmentation for Turbojet Engines
Performance of J-33-A-21 and J-33-A-23 Compressors with and without Water Injection
Tank Tests of a Powered Model of a Compression Plane, NACA Model 171A-2
Calculations of the Dynamic Stress of Several Airplane Wings in Various Gusts
Comparison of Drop and Wind-Tunnel Experiments on Bomb Drag at High Subsonic Speeds
The Influence of the Diameter Ratio on the Characteristics Diagram of the Axial Compressor
Measurements on Compressor-Blade Lattices
Simulated Altitude Performance of Combustor of Westinghouse 19XB-1 Jet-Propulsion Engine
Simulated Altitude Performance of Combustors for the Westinghouse 24C Jet Engine I-24C-2 Combustor
Free-flight investigation of 16-inch diameter supersonic ram-jet unit
De-Icing Effectiveness of External Electric Heaters for Propeller Blades
Preliminary Results of Natural Icing of an Axial-Flow Turbojet Engine
Natural icing of an axial-flow turbojet engine in flight for a single icing condition