Browse TRAIL Inventories

Deformation Analysis of Wing Structures

A Flight Investigation of the Meteorological Conditions Conducive to the Formation of Ice on Airplanes

A Flight Investigation of the Thermal Performance of an Air-Heated Propeller

Flight Measurements of Helicopter Blade Motion With a Comparison Between Theoretical and Experimental Results

Flight Investigation on a Fighter-Type Airplane of Factors Which Affect the Loads and Load Distributions on the Vertical Tail Surfaces During Rudder Kicks and Fishtails

Empirical Method for Frequency Compensation of the Hot-Wire Anemometer

The Formation and Stability of Normal Shock Waves in Channel Flows

Pressure Distributions and Force Tests of an NACA 65-210 Airfoil Section With a 50-Percent-Chord Flap

A Theoretical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Impact Loads on Scalloped-Bottom Seaplanes and Comparisons With Experiment

Some Considerations of the Lateral Stability of High-Speed Aircraft

Meteorological Conditions Associated With Flight Measurements of Atmospheric Turbulence

A Method for Calculating the Heat Required for the Prevention of Fog Formations on the Inside Surfaces of Single-Panel Bullet-Resisting Windshields During Diving Flight

The Effects of Aerodynamic Heating and Heat Transfer on the Surface Temperature of a Body of Revolution in Steady Supersonic Flight

Foaming Volume and Foam Stability

Investigation of Effect of Span, Spanwise Location, and Chordwise Location of Spoilers on Lateral Control Characteristics of a Tapered Wing

Performance of a Radial-Inlet Impeller Designed on the Basis of Two-Dimensional-Flow Theory for an Infinite Number of Blades

A Review of Boundary-Layer Literature

Experimental Investigation of the Stress Distribution Around Reinforced Circular Cut-Outs in Skin Stringer Panels Under Axial Loads

Marine Exposure Tests on Stainless Steel Sheet

Correlation of Two Experimental Methods of Determining the Rolling Characteristics of Unswept Wings

Effect of Slipstream Rotation in Producing Asymmetric Forces on a Fuselage

A Lifting-Surface-Theory Solution and Tests of an Elliptic Tail Surface of Aspect Ratio 3 with a 0.5-Chord 0.85-Span Elevator

An Investigation of the Effect of Blade Curvature on Centrifugal-Impeller Performance

The Preparation and Physical Properties of Several Aliphatic Hydrocarbons and Intermediates

Bending Stresses Due to Torsion in a Tapered Box Beam

Effect of Aerodynamic Refinement on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Flying-Boat Hull

Effects on Performance of Changing the Division of Work Between Increase of Angular Velocity and Increase of Radius of Rotation in an Impeller

Device for Measuring Principal Curvature and Principal Strains on a Nearly Plane Surface

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Icing of an Engine Cooling-Fan Installation

Preliminary Analysis of NACA Measurements of Atmospheric Turbulence Within a Thunderstorm - U.S. Weather Bureau Thunderstorm Project

Drag Tests of an NACA 65(215)-114, a = 1.0 Practical-Construction Airfoil Section Equipped with a 0.295-Airfoil-Chord Slotted Flap

Stress-Strain and Elongation Graphs for Alclad Aluminum-Alloy 75S-T Sheet

Lifting-Surface-Theory Aspect-Ratio Corrections to the Lift and Hinge-Moment Parameters for Full-Span Elevators on Horizontal Tail Surfaces

A Metallurgical Investigation of Large Forged Discs of Low-Carbon N-155 Alloy

A Study of Piston-Ring Friction

Performance Tests of Wire Strain Gages 5: Error in Indicated Bending Strains in Thin Sheet Metal Due to Thickness and Rigidity of Gage

Experimental Studies of the Knock-Limited Blending Characteristics of Aviation Fuels 2: Investigation of Leaded Paraffinic Fuels in an Air-Cooled Cylinder

Effect of Geometric Dihedral on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Isolated Vee-Tail Surfaces

The Spot Welding of Dissimilar Aluminum Alloys in the 0.040-Inch Thickness

The Spot Welding of Alclad 24S-T in Thicknesses of 0.064, 0.081, and 0.102 Inch

A Study of Several Parameters Controlling the Trajectories of a Supersonic Antiaircraft Missile Powered With Solid- or Liquid-Fuel Rockets

The Linear Perturbation Theory of Axially Symmetric Compressible Flow With Application to the Effect of Compressibility on the Pressure Coefficient at the Surface of a Body of Revolution

General Treatment of Compressible Flow in Ejectors and Example of Its Application to Problem of Effect of Ejector Addition on Thrust of Jet-Propulsion Units

Flight Investigation of Thrust Augmentation of a Turbojet Engine by Water-Alcohol Injection

Preliminary Investigation of Effects of Gamma Radiation on Age-Hardening Rate of an Aluminum-Copper Alloy

The Subsonic Aerodynamic Characteristics of Two Double-Wedge Airfoil Sections Suitable for Supersonic Flight

Estimation of Range of Stability Derivatives for Current and Future Pilotless Aircraft

A Device for Measuring Sonic Velocity and Compressor Mach Number

Tests of Submerged Duct Installation on a Modified Airplane in the Ames 40- by 80-foot Wind Tunnel

Estimate of Hull-Weight Change with Varying Length-Beam Ratio for Flying Boats

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