Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Estimated lift-drag ratios at supersonic speed
Experimental and theoretical studies of surging in continuous-flow compressors
Sideslip angles and vertical-tail loads in rolling pull-out maneuvers
An improved method for calculating the dynamic response of flexible airplanes to gusts
In-line aircraft-engine bearing loads 3: main-bearing loads
Strength analysis of stiffened beam webs
Reactions with steel of compounds containing chemical groups used in lubricant additives
An Improved Continuous-Indicating Dew-Point Meter
An investigation of the high-temperature properties of chromium-base alloys at 1350 F
Critical stress of thin-walled cylinders in torsion
Effect of simulated service conditions on plastics
A collection of the collapsed results of general tank tests of miscellaneous flying-boat-hull models
Appreciation and determination of the hydrodynamic qualities of seaplanes
An electrical computer for the solution of shear-lag and bolted-joint problems
Distribution of bearing reactions on a rotating shaft supported on multiple journal bearings
Comparisons of theoretical and experimental lift and pressure distributions on airfoils in cascade
Theoretical aerodynamic coefficients of two-dimensional supersonic biplanes
Tentative tables for the properties of the upper atmosphere
High-speed aerodynamic characteristics of four thin NACA 63-series airfoils
Comparison between flight-measured and calculated span load distribution at high Mach numbers
Measurements of the damping in roll of large-scale swept-forward and swept-back wings
Fuel investigation in a tubular-type combustor of a turbojet engine
Preliminary investigation of effects of alpha-particle bombardment on the creep rate of aluminum
Fuel tests on an I-16 jet-propulsion engine at static sea-level conditions
A fuel-distribution control for continuous-flow manifold injection on reciprocating engines
The use of perforated inlets for efficient supersonic diffusion