Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Determination of Stress-Rupture Parameters for Four Heat-Resisting Alloys
Effects of temperature distribution and elastic properties of materials on gas-turbine-disk stresses
Investigation of pressure losses in several turbosupercharger nozzle hoses
Aerodynamic measurements made during Navy investigation of human tolerance to wind blasts
Theoretical investigation of thrust augmentation of turbojet engines by tail-pipe burning
Performance of a 20-inch steady-flow ram jet at high altitudes and ram-pressure ratios
High-speed wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of compressibility on a pitot-static tube
Investigation of carbon deposition in an I-16 jet-propulsion engine at static sea-level conditions
Cooling of gas-turbines 7: effectiveness of air cooling of hollow turbine blades with inserts
Investigation of wing characteristics at a Mach number of 1.53 1: triangular wings of aspect ratio 2
The calculation of drag for airfoil sections and bodies of revolution at subcritical speeds
Investigation of shock diffusers at Mach number 1.85 2: projecting double-shock cones
An approximate method for calculating the effect of surface roughness on the drag of an airplane
An Investigation of Convergent-Divergent Diffusers at Mach Number 1.85
Test-stand investigation of a rectangular ram-jet engine
A summary and analysis of data on dive-recovery flaps
Investigation of Rim Cracking in Turbine Wheels with Welded Blades
Cooling of Gas Turbines, 2, Effectiveness of Rim Cooling of Blades
High-altitude flight cooling investigation of a radial air-cooled engine
Interference method for obtaining the potential flow past an arbitrary cascade of airfoils
The interdependence of various types of autoignition and knock
Buffeting of External Fuel Tanks at High Speeds on a Grumman F7F-3 Airplane
Buffeting of External Fuel Tanks at High Speeds on a Gruman F7F-3 Airplane
Acceleration Characteristics of R-3350 Engine Equipped with NACA Injection Impeller
Determination of ram-jet combustion-chamber temperatures by means of total-pressure surveys