Browse TRAIL Inventories

Application of the Analogy Between Water Flow With a Free Surface and Two-Dimensional Compressible Gas Flow

Investigations of Effects of Surface Temperature and Single Roughness Elements on Boundary-Layer Transition

Investigations on Laminar Boundary-Layer Stability and Transition on Curved Boundaries

Effect of Rotor-Tip Speed on Helicopter Hovering Performance and Maximum Forward Speed

Effects of Specific Types of Surface Roughness on Boundary-Layer Transition

Quantitative Treatment of the Creep of Metals by Dislocation and Rate-Process Theories

Air-Flow and Performance Characteristics of Engine-Stage Supercharger of a Double-Row Radial Aircraft Engine 2: Effect of Design Variables

Consideration of Dynamic Loads on the Vertical Tail by the Theory of Flat Yawing Maneuvers

Occurrence of Iron Oxides on Cast-Iron Engine Surfaces After Operation

JRM-1 Landing Impact Characteristics From Model Tests

The Effects of Aerodynamic Heating and Heat Transfer on the Surface Temperature of a Body of Revolution in Steady Supersonic Flight

A Thermodynamic Study of the Turbojet Engine

Approximate Formulas for the Computation of Turbulent Boundary-Layer Momentum Thicknesses in Compressible Flows

Charts for Critical Combinations of Longitudinal and Transverse Direct Stress for Flat Rectangular Plates

Knock-Limited Performance of N-Methylaniline and Xylidine Blends in an Air-Cooled Aircraft Cylinder

Determination of the Stability and Control Characteristics of a Straight-Wing, Tailless Fighter-Airplane Model in the Langley Free-Flight Tunnel

Comparison of Tail and Wing-Tip Spin-Recovery Parachutes as Determined by Tests in the Langley 20-Foot Free-Spinning Tunnel

The Effect of Lateral Area on the Lateral Stability and Control Characteristics of an Airplane as Determined by Tests of a Model in the Langley Free-Flight Tunnel

The Lagrangian Multiplier Method of Finding Upper and Lower Limits to Critical Stresses of Clamped Plates

Determination of Gas Temperatures from the Frequency of Knock-Induced Gas Vibrations in an Internal-Combustion Engine

Summary of Drag Characteristics of Practical-Construction Wing Sections

Cylinder-Temperature Correlation of a Single-Cylinder Liquid-Cooled Engine

Distribution of Structural Weight of Wing Along the Span

Effect of Compressibility on the Pressure and Forces Acting on a Modified NACA 65,3-019 Airfoil Having a 0.20-Chord Flap

Two-Dimensional Irrotational Mixed Subsonic and Supersonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid and the Upper Critical Mach Number

A Study of Combustion in a Flowing Gas

Application of the Method of Characteristics to Supersonic Rotational Flow

Lightning Discharges to Aircraft and Associated Meteorological Conditions

Effects of Specific Types of Surface Roughness on Boundary-Layer Transition

An Empirical Equation for the Coefficient of Heat Transfer to a Flat Surface From a Plane Heated-Air Jet Directed Tangentially to the Surface

Stress Analysis of Columns and Beam Columns by the Photoelastic Method

The Column Strength of Aluminum Alloy 75S-T Extruded Shapes

A Simplified Method for Determining From Flight Data the Rate of Change of Yawing-Moment Coefficient With Sideslip

Note on the Theorems of Bjerknes and Crocco

Standard Nomenclature for Airspeeds With Tables and Charts for Use in Calculation of Airspeed

The Synthesis and Purification of Aromatic Hydrocarbons 4: 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene

The Synthesis and Purification of Aromatic Hydrocarbons 1: Butylbenzene

Standard Procedures for Rating and Testing Multistage Axial-Flow Compressors

Methods for Determination and Computation of Flow Patterns of a Compressible Fluid

Application of the Method of Characteristics to Supersonic Rotational Flow

The Crystal Structure at Room Temperature of Eight Forged Heat-Resisting Alloys

A General Method of Selecting Foam Inhibitors

Experimental Determination of the Effects of Directional Stability and Rotary Damping in Yaw on Lateral Stability and Control Characteristics

Quantitative Treatment of the Creep of Metals by Dislocation and Rate-Process Theories

Pressure Distributions for Representative Airfoils and Related Profiles

Summary and Analysis of Data on Damping in Yaw and Pitch for a Numbers of Airplane Models

Consideration of Dynamic Loads on the Vertical Tail by the Theory of Flat Yawing Maneuvers

Turbosupercharger-Rotor Temperatures in Flight

A Condition on the Initial Shock

The Lagrangian Multiplier Method of Finding Upper and Lower Limits to Critical Stresses of Clamped Plates

Published Year



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