Browse TRAIL Inventories

Experimental determination of the effects of dihedral, vertical-tail area, and lift coefficient on lateral stability and control characteristics

General tank tests of a 1/10-size model of the hull of the Boeing XPBB-1 flying boat - Langley Tank Model 175

Jet-boundary and plan-form corrections for partial-span models with reflection plane, end plate, or no end plate in a closed circular wind tunnel

Pressure distribution over a plug-type spoiler-slot aileron on a tapered wing with full span slotted flaps

Structural hinge-moment increments caused by hinge-axis distortion

Two-dimensional wind-tunnel investigation of an approximately 14-percent-thick NACA 66-series-type airfoil section with a double slotted flap

Two-dimensional wind-tunnel investigation of sealed 0.22-airfoil-chord internally balanced ailerons of different contour on an NACA 65(112)- 213 airfoil

Resume of Wind-Tunnel Data on the Effect of External Stores on Stability of Models of Military Airplanes

An analysis of the indications of the University of Chicago airborne turbulence indicator in gusty air

A Preliminary Investigation of the Icing Characteristics of a Large Rectangular-Throat Pressure-Type Carburetor

An Experimental Investigation of Flow Conditions in the Vicinity of an NACA D(Sub S)-Type Cowling

Single-Cylinder Engine Tests of Porous Chrome-Plated Cylinder Barrels With Special Bore Coatings for Radial Air-Cooled Engines

Spray Characteristics of a Powered Dynamic Model of a Flying Boat Having a Hull With a Length-Beam Ratio of 9.0

Stalling of Helicopter Blades

A Preliminary Theoretical Study of Helicopter-Blade Flutter Involving Dependence Upon Coning Angle and Pitch Setting

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an NACA 66-Series 16-Percent-Thick Low-Drag Tapered Wing With Fowler and Split Flaps

Tank Investigation of a Powered Dynamic Model of a Large Long-Range Flying Boat

Two-Dimensional Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Two NACA Low-Drag Airfoil Sections Equipped With Slotted Flaps and a Plain NACA Low-Drag Airfoil Section for XF6U-L Airplane

Static-Pressure Error of an Airspeed Installation on an Airplane in High-Speed Dives and Pullouts

Static-Thrust Investigation of Full-Scale PV-2 Helicopter Rotors Having NACA 0012.6 and 23012.6 Airfoil Sections

Strength Investigations in Aircraft Construction Under Repeated Application of the Load

Progress Report on Strength and Creep of Special Ceramic Bodies in Tension at Elevated Temperatures

Some Notes on the Effects of Jet-Exit Design on Static Longitudinal Stability

Variation of Hydrodynamic Impact Loads With Flight-Path Angle for a Prismatic Float at 6 Degrees and 9 Degrees Trim and a 22-1/2 Degree Angle of Dead Rise

Variation of Hydrodynamic Impact Loads With Flight-Path Angle for a Prismatic Float at 12 Degree Trim and With a 22-1/2 Degree Angle of Dead Rise

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics of Plain and Balanced Flaps on an NACA 0009 Elliptical Semispan Wing

Wind-Tunnel Tests to Determine Aileron Characteristics of the McDonnell XFD-1 Airplane, TED No. NACA 23102

A Correlation of the Effects of Compression Ratio and Inlet-Air Temperature on the Knock Limits of Aviation Fuels in a CFR Engine 2

Kinetics of Chemical Reactions in Flames

Wind-Tunnel Tests and Analysis of Three 10-Foot-Diameter Three-Blade Tractor Propellers Differing in Pitch Distribution

Tests of the Jet-Motor Air-Intake Duct System on a 1/4-Scale Stub-Wing Model of a Pursuit-Type Airplane

Test-Stand Investigation of Cooling Characteristics and Factors Affecting Temperature Distribution of a Double-Row Aircraft Engine

Tests of a 1/7-Scale Powered Model of the Kaiser Tailless Airplane in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel

Tests of Cast Aluminum-Alloy Mixed-Flow Impellers

The Influence of the Jet of a Propulsion Unit on Nearby Wings

Investigation of Flow in a Centrifugal Pump

Investigation of Turbulent Mixing Processes

The Effect on the Sperry Directional Gyro in Turning

The Development of a Lateral-Control System for Use With Large-Span Flaps

An Empirical Equation for the Coefficient of Heat Transfer to a Flat Surface From a Plane Heated-Air Jet Directed Tangentially to the Surface

The Stability of the Laminar Boundary Layer in a Compressible Fluid

Charts of Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids Encountered in Calculations of Internal Combustion Engine Cycles

Thin Oblique Airfoils at Supersonic Speed

On Laminar and Turbulent Friction

Clamped Long Rectangular Plate Under Combined Axial Load and Normal Pressure

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Boundary-Layer Control by Suction on the NACA 653-418, a = 1.0 Airfoil Section with a 0.29-Airfoil-Chord Double Slotted Flap

A Fixture for Compressive Tests of Thin Sheet Metal Between Lubricated Steel Guides

Single-Cylinder Oil-Control Tests of Porous Chrome Plated Cylinder Barrels for Radial Air-Cooled Engines

Effect of Compressibility at High Subsonic Velocities on the Lifting Force Acting on an Elliptic Cylinder

Flight Investigation at High Speeds of the Drag of Three Airfoils and a Circular Cylinder Representing Full-Scale Propeller Shanks

Published Year



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