Browse TRAIL Inventories

Effect of elevator-profile modifications and trailing-edge strips on elevator hinge-moment and other aerodynamic characteristics of a full-scale horizontal tail surface

The effect of afterbody length of the hydrodynamic stability of a dynamic model of a flying boat: Langley tank model 134

The effect of concentrated loads on flexible rings in circular shells

Comparison of fixed-stabilizer, adjustable- stabilizer and all-movable horizontal tails

Comparison of Pitching Moments Produced by Plain Flaps and by Spoilers and Some Aerodynamic Characteristics of an NACA 23012 Airfoil with Various Types of Aileron

Ditching behavior of military airplanes as affected by ditching aids

The development and application of high-critical-speed nose inlets

An empirical formula for the critical shear stress of curved sheets

Summary of measurements in Langley full-scale tunnel of maximum lift coefficients and stalling characteristics of airplanes

Column and Plate Compressive Strengths of Aircraft Structural Materials: Extruded 24S-T Aluminum Alloy

Column and plate compressive strengths of aircraft structural materials: extruded 24S-T aluminum alloy

Comparison between calculated and measured loads on wing and horizontal tail in pull-up maneuvers

Comparison of wind-tunnel and flight measurements of stability and control characteristics of a Douglas A-26 airplane

The effect of high loading on landing technique and distance, with experimental data for the B-26 airplane

Effect of leakage past aileron nose on aerodynamic characteristics of plain and internally balanced ailerons on NACA 66(215)-216, a = 1.0 airfoil

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Stability of the Jettisonable Nose Section of the X-3 Airplane

An Estimation of the Flying Qualities of the Kaiser Fleetwing All-Wing Airplane from Tests of a 1/7-Scale Model, TED No. NACA 2340

An Analytical Investigation of the Heat Losses from a U.S. Navy K-Type Airship

Flight Investigation of the Knock-Limited Performance of a Triptane Blend, a Toluene Blend, and 28-R Fuel in an R-1830-75 Engine

Plane and Three-Dimensional Flow at High Subsonic Speeds

Paths of Target Seeking Missiles in Two Dimensions

Preliminary Tests of a Buffet Stall-Warning Device on a 1/5-Scale Model of the Republic XP-84 Airplane

Altitude-Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Performance of Several Propellers on YP-47M Airplane at High Blade Loading, 1, Aeroproducts H20C-162-X11M2 Four-Blade Propeller

Flight investigation at high speeds of profile drag of wing of a P-47D airplane having production surfaces covered with camouflage paint

Experimental and theoretical studies of surging in continuous-flow compressors

Knock-Limited Performance of Triptane and Xylidines Blended with 28-R Aviation Fuel at High Compression Ratios and Maximum-Economy Spark Setting

Investigation of Three Design Modifications of the NACA Injection Impeller in an R-3350 Engine

Effect of a low-loss air valve on performance of a 22-inch-diameter pulse-jet engine

Stability and control force tests of four- and six-unit wing designs of low aspect ratio and 20 degree triangular plan form

An analysis of the fatigue life of an airplane wing structure under overload conditions

Aerodynamics of the carburetor air scoop and the engine cowling of a single-engine torpedo-bomber-type airplane

The Knock-Limited Performance of Fuel Blends Containing Spiropentane, Methylenecyclobutane, Di-Tert-Butyl Ether, Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether, and Triptane

Knock-limited performance tests of 2, 2, 3, 4-tetramethylpentane, 2, 3, 3, 4-tetramethylpentane, 3, 4, 4-trimethyl-2-pentane, and 2, 3, 4-trimethyl-2-pentane in small-scale and full-scale cylinders

Tests of a 1/7-Scale Semispan Model of the XB-35 Airplane in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel

The Knock-Limited Performance of Fuel Blends Containing Aromatics 5: N-Propylbenzene, N-Butylbenzene, Isobutylbenzene, M-Xylene, and 1-Isopropyl-4-Methylbenzene

Some Effects of Compressibility on the Flow Through Fans and Turbines

An analysis of the skipping characteristics of some full-size flying boats

Investigation of Operating Characteristics of an Engine Equipped with Modifications to Eliminate Fuel-Evaporation Icing

Effects of external fuel tanks and bombs on critical speeds of aircraft

Characteristics of a Hot Jet Discharged from a Jet-Propulsion Engine

Altitude-wind-tunnel tests of power-plant installation in jet-propelled fighter

Relation between spark-ignition engine knock, detonation waves, and autoignition as shown by high-speed photography

Knock-limited performance of pure hydrocarbons blended with a base fuel in a full-scale aircraft-engine cylinder 3: four aromatics, six ethers

Analysis of cooling limitations and effect of engine-cooling improvements on level-flight cruising performance of four-engine heavy bomber

Measurement of the arithmetic mean velocity of a pulsating flow of high velocity by the hot-wire method

Altitude cooling investigation of the R-2800-21 engine in the P-47g airplane III : individual-cylinder temperature reduction by means of intake-pipe throttle and by coolant injection

Altitude cooling investigation of the R-2800-21 engine in the P-47G airplane II : investigation of the engine & airplane variables affecting the cylinder temperature distribution

Altitude-wind-tunnel investigations of thrust augmentation of a turbojet engine performance with tail-pipe burning

Investigation of the performance of a 20-inch ram jet using preheated fuel

Effect of Fuel Composition, Engine Operating Variables, and Spark-Plug Type and Condition on Preignition-Limited Performance of an R-2800 Cylinder

Published Year



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