Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
The effect of concentrated loads on flexible rings in circular shells
Comparison of fixed-stabilizer, adjustable- stabilizer and all-movable horizontal tails
Ditching behavior of military airplanes as affected by ditching aids
The development and application of high-critical-speed nose inlets
An empirical formula for the critical shear stress of curved sheets
Comparison between calculated and measured loads on wing and horizontal tail in pull-up maneuvers
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Stability of the Jettisonable Nose Section of the X-3 Airplane
An Analytical Investigation of the Heat Losses from a U.S. Navy K-Type Airship
Plane and Three-Dimensional Flow at High Subsonic Speeds
Paths of Target Seeking Missiles in Two Dimensions
Experimental and theoretical studies of surging in continuous-flow compressors
Investigation of Three Design Modifications of the NACA Injection Impeller in an R-3350 Engine
Effect of a low-loss air valve on performance of a 22-inch-diameter pulse-jet engine
An analysis of the fatigue life of an airplane wing structure under overload conditions
Tests of a 1/7-Scale Semispan Model of the XB-35 Airplane in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel
Some Effects of Compressibility on the Flow Through Fans and Turbines
An analysis of the skipping characteristics of some full-size flying boats
Effects of external fuel tanks and bombs on critical speeds of aircraft
Characteristics of a Hot Jet Discharged from a Jet-Propulsion Engine
Altitude-wind-tunnel tests of power-plant installation in jet-propelled fighter
Investigation of the performance of a 20-inch ram jet using preheated fuel