Browse TRAIL Inventories

Flight Investigation of the Variation of Drag Coefficient With Mach Number for the Bell P-39N-1 Airplane

A Flight Investigation of the Ice-Prevention Requirements of the United States Naval K-Type Airship

Flight Investigation of Boundary-Layer and Profile-Drag Characteristics of Smooth Wing Sections of a P-47D Airplane

Flight Investigation of Modifications to Improve the Elevator Control-Force Characteristics of the Curtiss SB2C-1C Airplane in Maneuvers

High-Speed Photographs of a YR-4B Production Rotor Blade for Simulated Flight Conditions in the Langley Full-Scale Tunnel

An Investigation of the Ranger V-770-8 Engine Installation for the Edo XOSE-1 Airplane 2: Aerodynamics

Knock-Limited Blending Characteristics of Benzene, Toluene, Mixed Xylenes, and Cumene in an Air-Cooled Cylinder

Knock-Limited Performance of Blends of AN-F-28 Fuel Containing 4 Percent Aliphatic Amines

The Low-Temperature Solubility of 42 Aromatic Amines in Aviation Gasoline

Measurement of Flying Qualities of a DeHavilland Mosquito F-8 Airplane (AAF No. 43-334960) 1: Lateral and Directional Stability and Control Characteristics

Measurement of Flying Qualities of a Douglas A-26B Airplane (AAF No. 41-39120) 2: Lateral and Directional Stability and Control Characteristics

Measurement of Flying Qualities of a DeHavilland Mosquito F-8 Airplane (AAF No. 43-334960) 2: Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics

Measurement of Flying Qualities of a Douglas A-26B Airplane (AAF No. 41-39120) 3: Stalling Characteristics

Investigation of Methods of Supporting Single-Thickness Specimens in a Fixture for Determination of Compressive Stress-Strain Curves

Knock-Limited Performance of Blends of AN-F-28 Fuel Containing 2 Percent Aromatic Amines 5

Lift Tests of a 0.1536c Thick Douglas Airfoil Section of NACA 7-Series Type Equipped With a Lateral-Control Device for Use With a Full-Span Double-Slotted Flap on the C-74 Airplane

Laboratory Investigation of Icing in the Carburetor and Supercharger Inlet Elbow of an Aircraft Engine 1: Description of Setup and Testing Technique

Knock-Limited Performance of Six Aromatic Amines Blended With a Base Fuel in a Full-Scale Aircraft-Engine Cylinder

Laboratory Investigation of Icing in the Carburetor and Supercharger Inlet Elbow of an Aircraft Engine 3: Heated Air as a Means of De-Icing the Carburetor and Supercharger Inlet Elbow

Laboratory Investigation of Icing in the Carburetor and Supercharger Inlet Elbow of an Aircraft Engine 5: Effect of Injection of Water-Fuel Mixtures and Water-Ethanol-Fuel Mixtures on the Icing Characteristics

Laboratory Investigation of Icing in the Carburetor and Supercharger Inlet Elbow of an Aircraft Engine 2: Determination of the Limiting-Icing Conditions

A New Apparatus for Measuring the Temperature at Machine Parts Rotating at High Speeds

The Minimum Energy Loss Propeller

Micromechanical Study of Metals

Airspeed Fluctuations as a Measure of Atmospheric Turbulence

Effects of Compressibility on the Maximum Lift Characteristics and Spanwise Load Distribution of a 12-Foot-Span Fighter-Type Wing of NACA 230-Series Airfoil Sections

In-Line Aircraft-Engine Bearing Loads 1: Crankpin-Bearing Loads

The Influence of Exhaust Pressure on Knock-Limited Performance

Flight Tests of the Sikorsky HNS-1 (Army YR-4B) Helicopter 2: Hovering and Vertical-Flight Performance With the Original and an Alternate Set of Main-Rotor Blades, Including a Comparison With Hovering Performance Theory

Full-scale-tunnel performance tests of the PV-2 helicopter rotor

"General" Main-Spray Tests of Flying-Boat Models in the Displacement Range

Flight Measurements of the Flying Qualities of an F6F-3 Airplane (BuAer No. 04776) 2: Lateral and Directional Stability and Control

Flight Measurements of the Flying Qualities of an F6F-3 Airplane (BuAer No. 04776) 3: Stalling Characteristics

Flight Measurements of the Flying Qualities of an F6F-3 Airplane (BuAer No. 04776) 1: Longitudinal Stability and Control

Flight Measurements of the Effect on Elevator Stick Forces of Stabilizer Incidence and Elevator Rib Spacing on the P-63A-1-BE Series Airplane

Flight Tests of a Rudder With a Spring Tab on an F6F-3 Airplane (BuAer No.04776)

Flight Tests of an SB2C-3 Airplane With a Production and Tilted Propeller Axis

Flight Tests of the Sikorsky HNS-1 (Army YR-4B) Helicopter 1: Experimental Data on Level-Flight Performance With Original Rotor Blades

Performance Characteristics of a Junkers Jumo 211F Engine Supercharger With a DVL Fully Shrouded Impeller and Scroll Diffuser

Comparative Fatigue Tests of Riveted Joints of Alclad 24S-T, Alclad 24S-T81, Alclad 24S-RT, Alclad 24S-T86 and Alclad 75S-T Sheet

Fatigue Strength of Flush-Riveted Joints for Aircraft Manufactured by Various Riveting Methods

Impact Properties at Different Temperatures of Flush-Riveted Joints for Aircraft Manufactured by Various Riveting Methods

A Metallurgical Investigation of a Large Forged Disc of Low-Carbon N-155 Alloy

Investigation of the NACA 4-(5)(08)-03 and NACA 4-(10)(08)-03 two-blade propellers at forward Mach numbers to 0.725 to determine the effects of camber and compressibility on performance

An Investigation of the Ranger V-770-8 Engine Installation for the Edo XOSE-1 Airplane 1: Cooling

A simple method for estimating terminal velocity including effect of compressibility on drag

Calculation of Centrally Loaded Thin-Walled Columns Above the Buckling Limit

Effect of fabric deflection at high speeds on the aerodynamic characteristics of the horizontal tail surface of an SB2D-1 airplane

Flight tests of two airplanes having moderately high effective dihedral and different directional stability and control characteristics

Ditching tests with a 1/16-size dynamic model of the Army B-24 airplane in Langley tank number 2 and on an outdoor catapult

Published Year



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