Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Safeguarding underground workmen from noxious gases resulting from blasting in strip mines
Investigation of tungsten occurrences in Darwin District, Inyo County, Calif.
Investigation of Suffern graphite depositsn Rockland County, N.Y.
Investigation of the Hogan tin mine Kern County, Calif.
Investigation of Sublette Ridge Vanadium Deposit, Lincoln County, Wyoming
Investigation of the Electric Point and Gladstone Lead-Zinc Mines, Stevens County, Washington
Investigation of the Huber-Rydalch Manganese Deposits, Tooele County, Utah
Investigation of the McCormick Chromite Mine, Tuolumne County, California
Investigation of the Sheep Creek Iron Deposits Meagher County, Montana
Investigation of the Yellow Pine Zinc-Lead Mine, Clark County, Nevada
Investigation of the Young American Lead-Zinc Deposit, Stevens County, Washington
Investigations of Salt River Vanadium Deposits, Lincoln County, Wyoming
Zinc-Lead Ore Reserves of the Tri-State District, Missouri-Kansas-Oklahoma
Titanium Minerals in Central and Northeastern Florida
Investigation of Big Ben Molybdenum Deposit, Neihart District, Cascade County, Montana
Investigation of Christy Titanium Deposit, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
Investigation of Casper Mountain Chromite Deposits, Natrona County, Wyoming
Investigation of Magnet Cove Rutile Deposit, Hot Spring County, Arkansas
The Leadville Drainage Tunnel, Lake County, Colorado
National Motor-Gasoline Survey: Summer 1949
Diamond Drilling at the Boston Consolidated Copper Mine, Salt Lake County, Utah
Diamond Drilling in the Metaline District, Pend Oreille County, Washington
Method of Assaying Oil Shale by a Modified Fischer Retort: Revision of R. I. 3977
Report of Petroleum and Natural-gas Division: Fiscal Year 1946
Investigation of Fire in the Kings Mine, Princeton Mining Company, Princeton, Indiana
German Low-Temperature Coal-Tar Industry
The Coal Industry of Brazil: Part 1. General Economy, Production, and Marketing
A Method of Resolving Oil-Field-Waste Emulsions
Preparation Characteristics of Illinois Coals
Water Pools in Pennsylvania Anthracite Mines
Petroleum-Engineering Study of the New Hope Oil Field, Franklin County, Texas
Petroleum-Engineering Study of Atlanta Oil Field, Columbia County, Arkansas
Petroleum-Engineering Study of Sheridan Field, Colorado County, Texas
The National Fuel Efficiency Program During the War Years, 1943-45
Safety and Performance Characteristics of Liquid-Oxygen Explosives
Petroleum Engineering Study of the West Red River Field, Tillman County, Oklahoma