Browse TRAIL Inventories

Kinetic Temperature of Wet Surfaces: A Method of Calculating the Amount of Alcohol Required to Prevent Ice, and the Derivation of the Psychometric Equation

A Method for Determining Oil-Cooler Performance Requirements in Series Operation

The Effect of Carburetor Throttle Settings on the Velocity Distribution at the Outlet of a Vaned and Vaneless Supercharger Inlet Elbow

Charts for Determining Jet-Boundary Corrections for Complete Models in 7- by 10-Foot Closed Rectangular Wind Tunnels

Charts of Pressure, Density, and Temperature Changes at an Abrupt Increase in Cross-Sectional Area of Flow of Compressible Air

Charts for Helicopter-Performance Estimation

Comparisons of Methods of Computing Bending Moments in Helicopter Rotor Blades in the Plane of Flapping

An Electron-Diffraction Examination of Cast-Iron Piston Rings From Single-Cylinder Aircraft Engine Tests

An Electron and X-Ray Diffraction Investigation of Surface Changes on Nitrided-Steel Piston Rings During Engine Operation in Nitrided-Steel Cylinders Barrels

Summary of Data Relating to the Effects of Wing Machine-Gun and Cannon Installations on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airplanes

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a High-Critical-Speed Fuselage Scoop Including the Effects of Boundary Layer

Investigation of Boundary Layer Transition on Concave Walls

Prediction of Motions of an Airplane Resulting from Abrupt Movement of Lateral or Directional Controls

Blade Design Data for Axial-Flow Fans and Compressors

Investigation of Effect of Sideslip on Lateral Stability Characteristics 2: Rectangular Midwing on Circular Fuselage With Variations in Vertical-Tail Area and Fuselage Length With and Without Horizontal Tail Surface

Computation of Hinge-Moment Characteristics of Horizontal Tails from Section Data

A Cooling Correlation of the Wright R-2600-8 Engine Showing the Effect of Water as an Internal Coolant

Engine Tests of Pressurized Shunt-Type Cooling Systems for a Liquid-Cooled Engine

An Electromagnetic-Analogy Method of Solving Lifting-Surface-Theory Problems

Effect of Wing Modifications on the Longitudinal Stability of a Tailless All-Wing Airplane Model

Investigation of Effect of Sideslip on Lateral Stability Characteristics 3: Rectangular Low Wing on Circular Fuselage With Variations in Vertical-Tail Area and Fuselage Length With and Without Horizontal Tail Surface

Preliminary Investigation of Supersonic Diffusers

Calculation of Turbulent Expansion Processes

Charts for the Minimum-Weight Design of 24S-T Aluminum-Alloy Flat Compression Panels With Longitudinal Z-Section Stiffeners

Data for Design of Entrance Vanes from Two-Dimensional Tests of Airfoils in Cascade

Correlation of Exhaust-Valve Temperatures With Engine Operating Conditions and Valve Design in an Air-Cooled Cylinder

Completed Tabulation in the United States of Tests of 24 Airfoils at High Mach Numbers (Derived From Interrupted Work at Guidonia, Italy in the 1.31- by 1.74-Foot High-Speed Tunnel)

On Two-Dimensional Flows of Compressible Fluids

Heat-Transfer Tests of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions in an Electrically Heated Tube

Heat-Transfer Coefficients for Air Flowing in Round Tubes, in Rectangular Ducts, and Around Finned Cylinders

Table of Interplanar Spacings for Crystal-Structure Determinations by X-Ray Diffraction With Molybdenum, Copper, Cobalt, Iron, and Chromium Radiations

Flight Investigation of Boundary-Layer Transition and Profile Drag of an Experimental Low-Drag Wing Installed on a Figher-Type Airplane

Shear Elastic Properties of Some High Strength Nonferrous Metals as Affected by Plastic Deformation and by Heat Treatment

Effect of Aging Aircraft Structures on Magnesium Parts

Force and Moment Coefficients for a Thin Airfoil With Flap and Tab in a Form Useful for Stability and Control Calculations

The Strength of Semielliptical Cylinders Subjected to Combined Loadings

A Photoelectric Hygrometer

Strength of Wing Beams Under Axial and Transverse Loads

Column Strength of Extruded Magnesium Alloys AM-C58S and AM-C58S-T5

Net Heat of Combustion of AN-F-28 Aviation Gasolines

Effect of normal pressure on the critical compressive and shear stress of curved sheet

Bending-Torsion Flutter Calculations Modified by Subsonic Compressibility Corrections

Properties of low-aspect-ratio pointed wings at speeds below and above the speed of sound

The Use of Geared Spring Tabs for Elevator Control

Visual Studies of Cylinder Lubrication [Part] 1: The Lubrication of the Piston Skirt

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of the Effects of Spoilers on the Characteristics of a Low-Drag Airfoil Equipped With a 0.25-Chord Slotted Flap

Effect of the Performance of a Turbosupercharged Engine of an Exhaust-Gas-to-Air Heat Exchanger for Thermal Ice Prevention

Calculations of Economy of 18-Cylinder Radial Aircraft Engine With Exhaust-Gas Turbine Geared to the Crankshaft at Cruising Speed

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 18: A Design Manual for Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchangers

The Knock-Limited Performance of S Reference Fuel Plus 2 Milliliters of Triethylthallium Per Gallon

Published Year



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