Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
A Method for Determining Oil-Cooler Performance Requirements in Series Operation
Charts for Helicopter-Performance Estimation
Investigation of Boundary Layer Transition on Concave Walls
Blade Design Data for Axial-Flow Fans and Compressors
Computation of Hinge-Moment Characteristics of Horizontal Tails from Section Data
Engine Tests of Pressurized Shunt-Type Cooling Systems for a Liquid-Cooled Engine
An Electromagnetic-Analogy Method of Solving Lifting-Surface-Theory Problems
Effect of Wing Modifications on the Longitudinal Stability of a Tailless All-Wing Airplane Model
Preliminary Investigation of Supersonic Diffusers
Calculation of Turbulent Expansion Processes
Data for Design of Entrance Vanes from Two-Dimensional Tests of Airfoils in Cascade
On Two-Dimensional Flows of Compressible Fluids
Heat-Transfer Tests of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions in an Electrically Heated Tube
Effect of Aging Aircraft Structures on Magnesium Parts
The Strength of Semielliptical Cylinders Subjected to Combined Loadings
Strength of Wing Beams Under Axial and Transverse Loads
Column Strength of Extruded Magnesium Alloys AM-C58S and AM-C58S-T5
Net Heat of Combustion of AN-F-28 Aviation Gasolines
Effect of normal pressure on the critical compressive and shear stress of curved sheet
Bending-Torsion Flutter Calculations Modified by Subsonic Compressibility Corrections
Properties of low-aspect-ratio pointed wings at speeds below and above the speed of sound
The Use of Geared Spring Tabs for Elevator Control
Visual Studies of Cylinder Lubrication [Part] 1: The Lubrication of the Piston Skirt
An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 18: A Design Manual for Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchangers
The Knock-Limited Performance of S Reference Fuel Plus 2 Milliliters of Triethylthallium Per Gallon