Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Spin Tests of a 0.059-Scale Model of the Curtiss-Wright XP-55 Airplane
Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Dual-Rotating Propeller Having One Component Locked or Windmilling
Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/5-Scale Semispan Model of the Republic XF-12 Horizontal Tail Surface
Tests of Air Valves for Intermittent-Jet Engines at Speeds of 20 and 25 Cycles Per Second
Tests of an Adjustable-Area Exhaust Nozzle for Jet-Propulsion Engines
Thermodynamic Data for the Computation of the Performance of Exhaust-Gas Turbines
New Method of Determining the Polar Curve of an Airplane in Flight
Stresses at Cut-Outs in Shear Resistant Webs as Determined by the Photoelastic Method
On a Method of Constructing Two-Dimensional Subsonic Compressible Flows Around Closed Profiles
On the Circulatory Subsonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid Past a Circular Cylinder
The Chemical Action of Oils on Single Crystals of Metals
Protection of Nonmetallic Aircraft From Lightning 4: Electrocution Hazards From Inductive Voltages
An Additional Investigation of the High-Speed Lateral-Control Characteristics of Spoilers
An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 25: Use of the Thermopile Radiometer