Browse TRAIL Inventories

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a Rectangular NACA 2212 Airfoil with Semispan Ailerons and with Nonperforated, Balanced Double Split Flaps for Use as Aerodynamic Brakes

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Alternative Propellers Operating Behind Deflected Wing Flaps for the XB-36 Airplane

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics 21: Medium and Large Aerodynamic Balances of Two Nose Shapes and a Plain Overhang Used With a 0.40-Airfoil-Chord Flap on an NACA 0009 Airfoil

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics 22: Medium and Large Aerodynamic Balances of Two Nose Shapes and a Plain Overhang Used With a 0.20-Airfoil-Chord Flap on an NACA 0009 Airfoil

Spin Tests of a 0.059-Scale Model of the Curtiss-Wright XP-55 Airplane

XC-35 Gust Research Project Characteristics of Vertical Drafts and Associated Vertical Gust Velocities Within Convective Type Clouds

Numerical Evaluation of the Wake-Survey Equations for Subsonic Flow Including the Effect of Energy Addition

A Cooling Correlation Equation for a Double-Row Radial Engine Based on the Temperature of the Exhaust-Valve Seat

The Effect of Inlet Pressure and Temperature on the Efficiency of a Single Stage Impulse Turbine Having an 11.0-Inch Pitch-Line Diameter Wheel

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a Dual-Rotating Propeller Having One Component Locked or Windmilling

Wind-Tunnel Tests of the 0.15-Scale Powered Model of the Fleetwings XBTK-1 Airplane: Longitudinal Stability and Control

Wind-Tunnel Tests of the 0.15-Scale Powered Model of the Fleetwing XBTK-1 Airplane: Lateral Stability and Control

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Effects of a Pusher Propeller on Lift, Profile Drag, Pressure Distribution, and Boundary-Layer Transition of a Flapped Wing

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/5-Scale Semispan Model of the Republic XF-12 Horizontal Tail Surface

Wind-Tunnel Tests of a 1/6-Scale Model of Republic XF-12 Vertical Tail Incorporating a De-Icing Air Duct

Tests of a 1/14-Scale Powered Model of the XB-36 Airplane in the Langley 19-Foot Pressure Tunnel 1: Stalling Characteristics and Aileron Effectiveness of Several Wing and Flap Arrangements

Tests of Four Full-Scale Propellers to Determine the Effect of Trailing-Edge Extensions on Propeller Aerodynamic Characteristics

Tests of Improvements in Exhaust-Valve Performance Resulting From Changes in Exhaust-Valve and Port Design

Tests of a Linked Differential Flap System Designed to Minimize the Reduction in Effective Dihedral Caused by Power

Tests of Air Valves for Intermittent-Jet Engines at Speeds of 20 and 25 Cycles Per Second

Tests of an Adjustable-Area Exhaust Nozzle for Jet-Propulsion Engines

Tests of an Attack-Type Airplane in the Ames 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel to Improve the High-Speed Maneuvering Control-Force Characteristics

Thermodynamic Data for the Computation of the Performance of Exhaust-Gas Turbines

Numerical Evaluation by Harmonic Analysis of the (Epsilon)-Function of the Theodorsen Arbitrary-Airfoil Potential Theory

New Method of Determining the Polar Curve of an Airplane in Flight

Stresses at Cut-Outs in Shear Resistant Webs as Determined by the Photoelastic Method

On a Method of Constructing Two-Dimensional Subsonic Compressible Flows Around Closed Profiles

On the Circulatory Subsonic Flow of a Compressible Fluid Past a Circular Cylinder

The Chemical Action of Oils on Single Crystals of Metals

Tests on Thin-Walled Celluloid Cylinders to Determine the Interaction Curves Under Combined Bending, Torsion, and Compression or Tension Loads

Graphical and Analytical Methods for the Determination of a Flow of a Compressible Fluid Around an Obstacle

Effect of Propeller-Axis Angle of Attack on Thrust Distribution Over the Propeller Disk in Relation to Wake-Survey Measurement of Thrust

Protection of Nonmetallic Aircraft From Lightning 4: Electrocution Hazards From Inductive Voltages

The Friction of Piston Rings

An Additional Investigation of the High-Speed Lateral-Control Characteristics of Spoilers

Column and Plate Compressive Strengths of Aircraft Structural Materials: Extruded R303-T Aluminum Alloy

Comparison of the Energy Method With the Accelerometer Method of Computing Drag Coefficients From Flight Data

Lifting-Surface-Theory Values of the Damping in Roll and of the Parameter Used in Estimating Aileron Stick Forces

Cylinder Temperatures of Two Liquid-Cooled Aircraft Cylinders for Various Engine and Coolant Conditions

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 21: Measured and Predicted Performance of a Flattened-Tube Type Crossflow Exhaust Gas and Air Heat Exchanger

An Investigation of Aircraft Heaters 25: Use of the Thermopile Radiometer

Effect of Blade Loading of the Climb and High-Speed Performance of a Three-Blade Hamilton Standard No. 6507A-2 Propeller on a Republic P-47D Airplane

Effects on Low-Speed Spray Characteristics of Various Modifications to a Powered Model of the Boeing XPBB-1 Flying Boat

Effects of Reynolds Number and Leading-Edge Roughness on Lift and Drag Characteristics of the NACA 653-418, a=1.0 Airfoil Section

Hinge Moments of Sealed-Internal-Balance Arrangements for Control Surfaces 1: Theoretical Investigation

Hinge Moments of Sealed-Internal-Balance Arrangements for Control Surfaces 2: Experimental Investigation of Fabric Seals in the Presence of a Thin-Plate Overhang

The Effect of High Temperature of the Cylinder Head on the Knocking Tendency of an Air-Cooled Engine Cylinder

Wind Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics 23: A 0.25-Airfoil-Chord Flap With Tab Having a Chord Twice the Flap Chord on an NACA 0009 Airfoil

Rubber Conductors for Aircraft Ignition Cables

Piston Heat-Transfer Coefficients Across an Oil Film in a Smooth-Walled Piston Reciprocating-Sleeve Apparatus

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