Browse TRAIL Inventories

Ultraviolet spectrochemical analysis for aromatics in aircraft fuels

A general representation for axial-flow fans and turbines

Flight investigation of boundary-layer and profile-drag characteristics of smooth wing sections of a P-47D airplane

An experimental investigation of rectangular exhaust-gas ejectors applicable for engine cooling

Aerodynamic characteristics of a 1/8-scale powered model of a high-speed bomber with a dual pusher propeller aft of the empennage

Tables and charts for the evaluation of profile drag from wake surveys at high subsonic speeds

Supersonic-tunnel tests of projectiles in Germany and Italy

Propellers in yaw

Summary report on the high-speed characteristics of six model wings having NACA 65(sub1)-series sections

A systematic investigation of pressure distributions at high speeds over five representative NACA low-drag and conventional airfoil sections

Some Basic Laws of Isotropic Turbulent Flow

An Experimental Investigation of Several Low-Drag Wing-Nacelle Combinations with Internal Air Flow

Cooling of Gas Turbines, 2, Effectiveness of Rim Cooling of Blades

Economy of internally cooling only the overheated cylinders of aircraft engines

Flight investigation of boundary-layer transition and profile drag of an experimental low-drag wing installed on a fighter-type airplane

General theory of airfoil sections having arbitrary shape or pressure distribution

In-line aircraft-engine bearing loads 2: blade-bearing loads

An investigation of aircraft heaters XX : measured and predicted performance of a finned-type cast-aluminum crossflow exhaust gas and air heat exchanger

An investigation of aircraft heaters XXIII : measured and predicted performance of a flat-plate type exhaust gas and air heat exchanger

An investigation of aircraft heaters XXII : measured and predicted performance of a fluted-type exhaust gas and air heat exchanger

Improving engine cooling with special baffles

Suitability of ethers as aviation fuel components the knock-limited performance of several ethers blended with AN-F-28 fuel

Method of Matching Performance of Compressor Systems with that of Aircraft Power Sections

Performance effect of fully shrouding a centrifugal supercharger impeller

Performance comparison of two deep inducers as separate components and in combination with an impeller

Calculations of the Performance of a Compression-Ignition Engine-Compressor Turbine Combination I : Performance of a Highly Supercharged Compression-Ignition Engine

The Effect of Inlet Temperature and Pressure on the Efficiency of Single-Stage Impulse Turbine Having a 13.2-Inch Pitch-Line Diameter Wheel

Air-flow and performance characteristics of the engine-stage supercharger of a double-row radial aircraft engine I: effect of operating variables

The knock-limited performance of fuel blends containing aromatics 4: data for m-diethylbenzene, 1-ethyl-4-methylbenzene and sec-butylbenzene together with a summarization of data for 12 aromatic hydrocarbons

The knock-limited performance of fuel blends containing aromatics Part II : isopropylbenzene, benzene, and o-xylene

A method for determining the rate of heat transfer from a wing or streamline body

The knock-limited performance of fuel blends containing aromatics Part 3: 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, tert-butylbenzene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene

A visual photographic study of cylinder lubrication

An investigation of backflow phenomenon in centrifugal compressors

A comparison of two flight-test procedures for the determination of aileron control capabilities of an airplane

Comparison of several methods of predicting the pressure loss at altitude across a baffled aircraft-engine cylinder

Application of a numerical procedure to stress analysis of stringer-reinforced panels

The application of data on strength under repeated stresses to the design of aircraft

A theoretical analysis of the performance of a diesel engine-compressor-turbine combination for aircraft

Efficiency tests of a single-stage impulse turbine having an 11.0-inch pitch-line diameter wheel with air as the driving fluid

An Experimental Investigation of NACA Submerged-Duct Entrances

The Performance of a Single-Stage Impulse Turbine Having an 11.0-Inch Pitch-Line Diameter Wheel with Cast Airfoil-Shaped and Bent Sheet-Metal Nozzle Blades

The effects of an increase in the concentration of ethylene dibromide in a leaded fuel on lead deposition, corrosion of exhaust valves, and knock-limited power

Test of 0.14-scale models of the control surfaces of Army Project MX-511 in attitudes simulating spins

A general representation for axial-flow fans and turbines

The effect of two inlet-duct designs on turbine efficiency

Measurements of recovery factors and coefficients of heat transfer in a tube for subsonic flow of air

An Experimental Investigation of NACA Submerged-Duct Entrances

Flight and test-stand investigation of high-performance fuels in double-row radial air-cooled engines III : comparison of cooling characteristics of flight and test-stand engines

Flight and Test-Stand Investigation of High-Performance Fuels in Modified Double-Row Radial Air-Cooled Engines III: Knock-Limited Performance of 33-R as Compared with a Triptane Blend and 28-R in Flight

Published Year



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