Browse TRAIL Inventories

A method for studying the hunting oscillations of and airplane with a simple type of automatic control

NACA Investigation of a Jet-Propulsion System Applicable to Flight

On the plane potential flow past a symmetrical lattice of arbitrary airfoils

Analysis of Circular Shell-Supported Frames

Wind-tunnel tests of hinge-moment characteristics of spring-tab ailerons

Wind-tunnel tests of the 1/8-scale powered model of the Curtiss XBTC-2 airplane 2: preliminary investigation of lateral stability and control

Effect of Helicopter Performance of Modifications in Profile-Drag Characteristics of Rotor-Blade Airfoil Sections

Effect of hinge-moment parameters on elevator stick forces in rapid maneuvers

Charts for estimation of the characteristics of a helicopter rotor in forward flight I: profile drag-lift ratio for untwisted rectangular blades

Charts for the determination of wing torsional stiffness required for specified rolling characteristics or aileron reversal speed

Flight investigation of boundary-layer control by suction slots on an NACA 35-215 low-drag airfoil at high Reynolds numbers

Experimental Verification of the Rudder-Free Stability Theory for an Airplane Model Equipped with Rudders Having Negative Floating Tendency and Negligible Friction

Effects of propeller operation and angle of yaw on the distribution of the load on the horizontal tail surface of a typical pursuit airplane

Experimental constriction effects in high-speed wind tunnels

The Effect of Piston-Head Temperature on Knock-Limited Power

A Theoretical Investigation of the Rolling Oscillations of an Airplane with Ailerons Free

Bending and Shear Stresses Developed by the Instantaneous Arrest of the Root of a Moving Cantilever Beam

Investigation of the NACA 4-(3)(8)-045 Two-Blade Propellers at Forward Mach Numbers to 0.725 to Determine the Effects of Compressibility and Solidity on Performance

Static-thrust and torque characteristics of single and dual rotating tractor propellers

A proposed method of measuring engine charge air flow in flight

A study of the effect of aftercooling on the power and the weight of a 2000-horsepower air-cooled engine installation

Profile-Drag Coefficients of Conventional and Low-Drag Airfoils as Obtained in Flight

A method for predicting the elevator deflection required to land

A method for studying the hunting oscillations of an airplane with a simple type of automatic control

Measurements of flying qualities of a Curtiss SB2C-1 airplane (number 00014)

A method for estimation of maximum stresses around a small rectangular cut-out in a sheet-stringer panel in shear

Preliminary tank tests of an outboard float having the form of a streamline body of revolution fitted with a hydrofoil

Wind-tunnel investigation of aileron effectiveness of 0.20-airfoil-chord plain ailerons of true airfoil contour on NACA 65(sub 2)-415, 65(sub 3)-418 and 65(sub 4)-421 airfoil sections

On the flow of a compressible fluid by the hodograph method 2: fundamental set of particular flow solutions of the Chaplygin differential equation

On the flow of a compressible fluid by the hodograph method 1: unification and extension of present-day results

Variation of peak pitching-moment coefficients for six airfoils as affected by compressibility

Notes on the propeller and slipstream in relation to stability

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics: [Part] 18 - A Linked Overhang Aerodynamic Balance

Wind-tunnel investigation of control-surface characteristics 19: a double flap with an overhang and an internal aerodynamic balance

Wind-tunnel investigation of control-surface characteristics 17: beveled-trailing-edge flaps of 0.20, 0.30, and 0.40 airfoil chord on an NACA 0009 airfoil

Researches on the Piston Ring

Tensile Tests of Round-Head, Flat-Head, and Brazier-Head Rivets

Torsion Tests of Stiffened Circular Cylinders

Wind-Tunnel Calibration and Correction Procedures for Three-Dimensional Models

Fatigue strength and related characteristics of joints in 24S-T Alclad sheet

Data on Material Properties and Panel Compressive Strength of a Plastic-Bonded Material of Glass Cloth and Canvas

Axial Fatigue Tests at Zero Mean Stress of 24S-T Aluminum-Alloy Sheet With and Without a Circular Hole

Heat Transfer in a Turbulent Liquid or Gas Stream

The Frictional Force with Respect to the Actual Contact Surface

Gas Jets

Bending and Shear Stresses Developed by the Instantaneous Arrest of the Root of a Cantilever Beam With a Mass at Its Tip

Cowling and Cooling Tests of a Fleetwings Model 33 Airplane in Flight

Effect of Lateral Shift of Center of Gravity on Rudder Deflection Required for Trim

The Effect of Angle of Bend Between Plate Elements on the Local Instability of Formed Z-Sections

Effect of Changes in Aileron Rigging on the Stick Forces of a High-Speed Fighter Airplane

Published Year



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