Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
NACA Investigation of a Jet-Propulsion System Applicable to Flight
On the plane potential flow past a symmetrical lattice of arbitrary airfoils
Analysis of Circular Shell-Supported Frames
Wind-tunnel tests of hinge-moment characteristics of spring-tab ailerons
Effect of hinge-moment parameters on elevator stick forces in rapid maneuvers
Experimental constriction effects in high-speed wind tunnels
The Effect of Piston-Head Temperature on Knock-Limited Power
A Theoretical Investigation of the Rolling Oscillations of an Airplane with Ailerons Free
Static-thrust and torque characteristics of single and dual rotating tractor propellers
A proposed method of measuring engine charge air flow in flight
Profile-Drag Coefficients of Conventional and Low-Drag Airfoils as Obtained in Flight
A method for predicting the elevator deflection required to land
Measurements of flying qualities of a Curtiss SB2C-1 airplane (number 00014)
Variation of peak pitching-moment coefficients for six airfoils as affected by compressibility
Notes on the propeller and slipstream in relation to stability
Tensile Tests of Round-Head, Flat-Head, and Brazier-Head Rivets
Torsion Tests of Stiffened Circular Cylinders
Wind-Tunnel Calibration and Correction Procedures for Three-Dimensional Models
Fatigue strength and related characteristics of joints in 24S-T Alclad sheet
Heat Transfer in a Turbulent Liquid or Gas Stream
The Frictional Force with Respect to the Actual Contact Surface
Cowling and Cooling Tests of a Fleetwings Model 33 Airplane in Flight
Effect of Lateral Shift of Center of Gravity on Rudder Deflection Required for Trim
The Effect of Angle of Bend Between Plate Elements on the Local Instability of Formed Z-Sections
Effect of Changes in Aileron Rigging on the Stick Forces of a High-Speed Fighter Airplane