Search U.S. government technical reports digitized or harvested by TRAIL.
Effect of Developed Width on Strength of Axially Loaded Curved Sheet Stringer Panels
Investigation of the Behavior of Parallel Two-Dimensional Air Jets
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of a 1/20-Scale Powered Model of a Four-Engine Transport Airplane
Performance of NACA Eight-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor at Simulated Altitudes
Performance Characteristics of Journal Bearings With Forced-Feed Lubrication
High Temperature Characteristics of 17 Alloys at 1200 and 1350 Degrees F
Effect of a Trailing-Edge Extension on the Characteristics of a Propeller Section
Simple Curves for Determining the Effects of Compressibility on Pressure Drop Through Radiators
High-Altitude Cooling 3: Radiators
Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Ailerons on a Low-Drag Airfoil 3: The Effect of Tabs
The Effect of Engine Conditions on the Lead Susceptibility of Paraffinic Fuels
Tests of NACA 65(216)-420 and 66(218)-420 Airfoils at High Speeds
Cylinder-Head Cooling by Means of a Shield in the Exhaust Passage
Air-Consumption Parameters for Automatic Mixture Control of Aircraft Engines
Determination of the Stresses Produced by the Landing Impact in the Bulkheads of a Seaplane Bottom
Comparative Results of Tests on Several Different Types of Nozzles
Compressibility Effects on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Smooth Cylindrical Tubes
Determination of the Actual Contact Surface of a Brush Contact
Simply Supported Long Rectangular Plate Under Combined Axial Load and Normal Pressure
On the General Theory of Thin Airfoils for Nonuniform Motion
The "Limiting Line" in Mixed Subsonic and Supersonic Flow of Compressible Fluids
Dynamics of the Inlet System of a Four-Stroke Engine
Investigation of the Behavior of Parallel Two-Dimensional Air Jets
Simplified Truss Stability Criteria
Torsion Test to Failure of a Monocoque Box
Tests of Airfoils Designed to Delay the Compressibility Burble
The Effect of Temperature on Sheet Metals for Airplane Firewalls
Plastic Mountings for Aircraft Windshields
Axial Fatigue of 10 Airplane Wing-Beam Specimens by the Resonance Method
Normal Pressure Tests on Unstiffened Flat Plates
An Interim Report on the Stability and Control of Tailless Airplanes
Protection of Nonmetallic Aircraft From Lightning 3: Electrical Effects in Glider Towlines
Design of power-plant installations pressure-loss characteristics of duct components
Tests of a Thermal Ice-Prevention System for a Wing Leading-Edge Landing-Light Installation