Browse TRAIL Inventories

Determination of stress-strain relations from "offset" yield strength values

Development of detonation detector suitable for use in flight

The shear of aluminum alloy driven rivets as affected by increasing D/t ratios

A unit laboratory engine oil system providing for a remote indication of oil flow and oil consumption together with blow-by measurement

An automatic electrical analyzer for 45 degree strain-rosette data

Numerical procedures for the calculation of the stresses in Monocoques I : diffusion of tensile stringer loads in reinforced panels

Numerical procedures for the calculation of the stresses in monocoques II : diffusion of tensiles stringer loads in reinforced flat panels with cut-outs

Charts for rapid analysis of 45 degree strain-rosette data

Elastic properties of channels with unflanged lightening holes

Power-Off Tests of the Northrop N9M-2 Tailless Airplane in the 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel

High-Altitude Cooling 3: Radiators

Flight Tests of the High-Speed Performance of a P-51B Airplane (AAF No. 43-12105)

Ovalization of Tubes Under Bending and Compression

Applicability of Similarity Principles to Structural Models

A Least-Squares Procedure for the Solution of the Lifting-Line Integral Equation

Piloting of flying boats with special reference to porpoising and skipping

The Effect of Increased Cooling Surface on Performance of Aircraft-Engine Cylinders as Shown by Tests of the NACA Cylinder

A Comparison of the Effects of Four-Blade Dual- and Single-Rotation Propellers on the Stability and Control Characteristics of a High-Powered Single-Engine Airplane

Notes on Unusual V-G Records From Transport Airplanes

Performance of Blowdown Turbine Driven by Exhaust Gas of Nine-Cylinder Radial Engine

Preliminary Investigation of the Relation of the Compressive Strength of Sheet-Stiffener Panels to the Diameter of Rivet Used for Attaching Stiffeners to Sheet

Preliminary Tank Experiments With a Hydrofoil on a Planing-Tail Seaplane Hull

Flight and Test-Stand Investigation of High-Performance Fuels in Double-Row Radial Air-Cooled Engines 1: Determination of Cooling Characteristics of Flight Engine

Extended Tables of Stiffness and Carry-Over Factor for Structural Members Under Axial Load

F-3 and F-4 Engine Tests of Several High-Antiknock Components of Aviation Fuel

Flight and Test-Stand Investigation of High-Performance Fuels in Double-Row Radial Air-Cooled Engines 2: Flight Knock Data and Comparison of Fuel Knock Limits With Engine Cooling Limits in Flight

Flight Investigation at High Mach Numbers of Several Methods of Measuring Static Pressure on an Airplane Wing

Tank Tests on the Resistance and Porpoising Characteristics of Three Flying-Boat Hull Models Equipped With Planing Flaps

Some Effects of Propeller Operation on the Distribution of the Load on the Vertical Tail Surface of a Typical Pursuit Airplane

Stability of a Body Stabilized by Fins and Suspended From an Airplane

Shear-Lag Tests of Two Box Beams With Corrugated Covers Loaded to Failure

Significance of Alkylate-Replacement Values of Aviation Fuel Components

NACA Mach Number Warning Device for Use in Flight

Flight Studies of the Horizontal-Tail Loads Experienced by a Fighter Airplane in Abrupt Maneuvers

Trends in Surface-Ignition Temperatures

Relative Effects of Cylinder-Head and Inlet-Mixture Temperatures Upon Knock Limits of Fuels

A Study of Piston and Ring Friction

Résumé of NACA Stability and Control Tests of the Bell P-63 Series Airplane

Profile Measurements During Cavitation

Some Strength Tests of Stiffened Curved Sheets Loaded in Shear

Spinning of Large Airplanes

A Theoretical Investigation of Longitudinal Stability of Airplanes With Free Controls Including Effect of Friction in Control System

Use of Water Injection to Decrease Gasoline Consumption in an Aircraft Engine Cruising at High Power

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of an NACA 23021 Airfoil With a 0.32-Airfoil-Chord Double Slotted Flap

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Control-Surface Characteristics 16: Pressure Distribution Over an NACA 0009 Airfoil With 0.30-Airfoil-Chord Beveled-Trailing-Edge Flaps

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Rounded Horns and of Guards on a Horizontal Tail Surface

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Shielded Horn Balances and Tabs on a 0.7-Scale Model of XF6F Vertical Tail Surface

Vibration-Response Tests of a 1/5-Scale Model of the Grumman F6F Airplane in the Langley 16-Foot High-Speed Tunnel

Effect of Compressibility on Pressure Distribution Over an Airfoil With a Slotted Frise Aileron

The Effect of Oil Consumption and Piston Cooling on Knock-Limited Aircraft-Engine Performance

Published Year



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